09/18/20 01:47AM
Experiences with Hypnotherapy and/or Trichotillomania?
I have had the issue of "hair pulling" for a few years now. Overall its pretty time consuming and emotionally draining. I compulsively pull on my hairs from my mustache and my chin and its negatively impacting my life.

Tonight I took the first step by scheduling a consultation with a real hypnotherapist.

Obviously, before I spend the big $$$ if anyone has experience or access to files or has therapist recommendations for general hypnotherapy, I would great;y appreciate the assistance.

I just want to be better.
09/22/20 08:55AM
I'm afraid I don't have any experience with hypnotherapy, but I would like to let you know you're not alone. I mostly have dermatillomania, which is very similar to trichotillomania, though I do have some hair-pulling tendencies as well. Although I can't offer suggestions, I can offer sympathy. However you proceed, I hope you can find something that helps you.
09/22/20 06:26PM
Thanks :) I really appreciate the kind words.

I spoke with the one person and it would be $3400 over 10 months which isn't...the worst for weekly sessions? I am a little offput by the amount of work she would have me do as a patient though. Im not opposed to the work itself
but my ADHD makes it hard to keep up with the deadlines and assignments.

Im going to keep looking for now.

@Hypnorgasm you ever think about seeking any sort of help for this kinda thing? Its all a little daunting.
09/24/20 08:39AM
hypnoahegao said:
@Hypnorgasm you ever think about seeking any sort of help for this kinda thing? Its all a little daunting.

I've thought about it but never actually looked into it seriously. Maybe I will sometime in the future, especially if it gets worse.
Having looked into and attended therapy for other reasons, I sympathize with your search. I hope you have some options where you are. And if you ever want to talk, even just to vent to a person who can relate, feel free to PM me whenever.
09/24/20 04:35PM
Thank you friend. I may take you up on that
10/28/20 02:46PM
hypnoahegao said:
I have had the issue of "hair pulling" for a few years now. Overall its pretty time consuming and emotionally draining. I compulsively pull on my hairs from my mustache and my chin and its negatively impacting my life.

Tonight I took the first step by scheduling a consultation with a real hypnotherapist.

Obviously, before I spend the big $$$ if anyone has experience or access to files or has therapist recommendations for general hypnotherapy, I would great;y appreciate the assistance.

I just want to be better.

Hey man, are you still looking or want to know more about hypnosis?
10/28/20 03:38PM

Small update; I do have my first hypnotherapy session this weekend! But I am so happy you posted and would love to know more.

Did not expect to see this today :)
10/28/20 05:23PM
hypnoahegao said:

Small update; I do have my first hypnotherapy session this weekend! But I am so happy you posted and would love to know more.

Did not expect to see this today :)

Oh cool! What timing haha

Generally, if you are going for the package of 10 (at least 6 or more), those are using traditional hypnotherapy

They place emphasis on deep relaxation methods, and give instructions directly to the unconscious mind

Then there is the modern conversational hypnosis

This style works with lighter trances, and usually you see results within 3 sessions

Although of course, it is still a case by case basis, and depending on the therapist too, in terms of methodology, personal beliefs, experience etc

I'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have :)

This is just the snapshot version XD
10/29/20 04:58AM
h123ypnosis said:
Oh cool! What timing haha

Generally, if you are going for the package of 10 (at least 6 or more), those are using traditional hypnotherapy

They place emphasis on deep relaxation methods, and give instructions directly to the unconscious mind

Then there is the modern conversational hypnosis

This style works with lighter trances, and usually you see results within 3 sessions

Although of course, it is still a case by case basis, and depending on the therapist too, in terms of methodology, personal beliefs, experience etc

I'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have :)

This is just the snapshot version XD

Sending out a pm now with some of the details :)

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