09/25/20 08:35PM
Tropes you enjoy/hate seeing in stories
So, I've been toying with the idea of practicing writing and one of the forms I'd like this practice to take is erotic fiction. Being that hypnosis is a pretty big kink for me, that's what I'd like to zero in on first, in terms of erotic stories. I've read some pretty good stories on EMCSA and I've identified tropes that I always enjoy seeing, but I've read a few stories where the opposite is true.

While I know what tropes I enjoy seeing, I wanted to get input from others. Are there tropes or themes you especially enjoy seeing in stories? Maybe something you feel is underrated or underrepresented? Are the tropes you particularly dislike or that annoy you?

Story recommendations containing such examples are great (though I'd prefer examples of the good tropes, obviously).

09/25/20 08:58PM
HOOOOOO boy, this is a gold mine of a forum concept.

Firstly, just read <<|Mind Control University>> by sunt. There's a couple Hub manips about it, it's an ongoing story, and yes, it is a STORY- and a DAMN good one at that. The characters just happen to fuck like rabbits because of circumstance and the fact that they're college students granted access and training in mind control methods. I'm even creating a parallel quest about a different class, which is... admittedly a common thing, but eh. I think I'll stand out.

As for more traditional tropes? Please, please avoid just "you're brainless, spread your legs." Unless you can put a new spin on it, I beg of you to not just go that route. Now, some unawareness is really cool to see, as is the concept of trying to extend control as far as possible. When it comes to the MC itself, something interesting and rare is brainteaser MC gymnastics- my term for "I don't have the ability to immediately get whatever result I desire, but I do have some level of control, so I'll get creative and think outside the box to screw the girl." Typically works well in conjunction with more realistic applications of hypnosis.
09/25/20 09:23PM
For me personally I love the idea of abuse of power. Not in a physical sense of "abuse" but essentially when the hypnotist goes a little crazy with all the power they have. Making people do completely absurd things just because they can. You know; like if someone cut them off in traffic and they use some kind of mind control power to make them pull over and streak down the highway.

Going off of that, hypnosis for humiliation is a big kink for me. Sure, having sex with some random person isn't exactly something a normal person would do. But honestly I'd be willing to bet if you gave someone the choice of having sex with a random person, or running around the store naked clucking like a chicken they would probably pick sex.

As for what I don't like... The "trope" of "speed sex". Essentially I hate when, by page 2, the protagonist already has the person hypnotized and naked with a dick in them. It happens all the time and it feels so...weak.

Similarly I also hate "the reversal". It's typically a trope that comes in at the end where the hypnotized person somehow snaps out and hypnotizes the protagonist. I tend to want to see the hypnotist "win".
09/25/20 09:53PM
sleeperhit said:
HOOOOOO boy, this is a gold mine of a forum concept.

Firstly, just read <<|Mind Control University>> by sunt. There's a couple Hub manips about it, it's an ongoing story, and yes, it is a STORY- and a DAMN good one at that. The characters just happen to fuck like rabbits because of circumstance and the fact that they're college students granted access and training in mind control methods. I'm even creating a parallel quest about a different class, which is... admittedly a common thing, but eh. I think I'll stand out.

As for more traditional tropes? Please, please avoid just "you're brainless, spread your legs." Unless you can put a new spin on it, I beg of you to not just go that route. Now, some unawareness is really cool to see, as is the concept of trying to extend control as far as possible. When it comes to the MC itself, something interesting and rare is brainteaser MC gymnastics- my term for "I don't have the ability to immediately get whatever result I desire, but I do have some level of control, so I'll get creative and think outside the box to screw the girl." Typically works well in conjunction with more realistic applications of hypnosis.

I might give MC Univeristy a read. Truthfully, I don't typically care much for stories where hypnosis and mind-control things are commonplace. So a whole university of people training to control minds doesn't interest me much from an erotic hypnosis standpoint. But I may check it out just for the story/writing, so appreciate the story.

Agreed on your other points though. I don't usually like stories that have the subject/victim hypnotized super quick and then fucked right away. Some creativity and working towards it is always fun to see.Appreciate your input.
09/25/20 09:58PM
Mindcollector13 said:
For me personally I love the idea of abuse of power. Not in a physical sense of "abuse" but essentially when the hypnotist goes a little crazy with all the power they have. Making people do completely absurd things just because they can. You know; like if someone cut them off in traffic and they use some kind of mind control power to make them pull over and streak down the highway.

Going off of that, hypnosis for humiliation is a big kink for me. Sure, having sex with some random person isn't exactly something a normal person would do. But honestly I'd be willing to bet if you gave someone the choice of having sex with a random person, or running around the store naked clucking like a chicken they would probably pick sex.

As for what I don't like... The "trope" of "speed sex". Essentially I hate when, by page 2, the protagonist already has the person hypnotized and naked with a dick in them. It happens all the time and it feels so...weak.

Similarly I also hate "the reversal". It's typically a trope that comes in at the end where the hypnotized person somehow snaps out and hypnotizes the protagonist. I tend to want to see the hypnotist "win".

I feel the same. When it comes to a story, and not just a manip or anything, it's fun to see buildup in one form or another. I also agree on reversals. Not saying it can't be executed well, but that concept doesn't usually do anything for me. I also want the hypnotist to "win."

I also enjoy an element of humiliation or abuse of power in stories. I feel like highlighting the power differential is part of the fun. It doesn't always have to take a humiliation route, but I think that's always a fun element to see, whether it's more subtle or explicit.
09/25/20 11:40PM
So... Is this thread about hypnosis stories, or stories in general? Just checking.
09/25/20 11:51PM
09/26/20 12:05AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:

Lurksy my dude...

09/26/20 01:20AM
Interesting...I’m gonna have to take some notes too.
09/26/20 01:39AM
ghost13 said:
So... Is this thread about hypnosis stories, or stories in general? Just checking.

Hypnosis stories, erotic stories, and erotic hypnosis stories.
09/26/20 01:41AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:

Can you elaborate on this? Is there a specific type of awkward you’re referring to?Awkward like a light-hearted scene featuring people not knowing what they’re doing? Uncomfortable awkward, clumsy awkward, nervous awkward, etc.?
09/26/20 03:52AM
Personally I am a big proponent of unoriginality in hypnoporn. The three million Kaa posts that are basically the same thing with mildly-different women should be enough to tell you that people don't actually want to see something wholly original. That just isn't how fetish porn works - for the most part, people have fairly specific fixations that they developed years ago, and they just want to see those same things from new angles, or in a new style, or by a technically better creator. Just make your characters relatable and believable, focus on the stuff you already like - pocketwatch inductions, hypnotic orgasms, brain drain or snakes or whatever - and don't trip over yourself trying to come up with a new way to make it happen. Just get your story right to that stuff as soon as you think you reasonably can. On a chess board, you're gonna reach an entirely new position after just a few moves, even though you're starting from the same place. You don't just accidentally or randomly write the exact same story twice, even if you're covering the same themes. That's how I look at it, at least.

Anyways, a few "unoriginal tropes" that I never actually get to read about because everyone that writes at a level I want to read is too busy trying to be original:

1. Stage hypnosis. Seriously. You probably think there's more of this already than there really is. Especially if the bulk of your wordcount is occupied by inductions and actions on-stage, and not "backstage after the show" or whatever.

2. Hypnotic competition. This is such a good setup that I hardly see people go for. Someone challenges someone else to resist some sort of hypnosis with some kind of prize or punishment on the line. There are so many directions you can take it, but as an originality hater, someone betting their friend five bucks that they'd totally get hypnotized by that weird magician is my style.

3. Hypnotic supervillains. Personally, I enjoy superhero stuff where they remain "in-character" for a lot of it. Most super-stuff I've read will maybe start with the superpowered people encountering as their superhero or villain personas, but it'll eventually become about them interacting like pretty normal people with weird abilities. I like it when they stay a bit more ridiculous.

4. This is like, a very pretty minor thing, and I actually do see it plenty. But if you have a character visually fixated on some hypnotic thingy, and the thingy moves, and they move to follow it - and you make a big deal of them being clumsy, or swaying and swinging around and trying to keep up with it with their lips apart and drooling - ooh, I will probably like your story a bit more, whatever else is going on.

5. If someone says "You are getting verrrrrry sleepy" (with any number of Rs) or something like that I will do the cartoon thing where hearts pop out of my eyes and steam shoots out of my ears. I mean, as long as they're the *type* of character that would be saying that thing, and it's not just shoehorned in. I like that type of hypnotist.
09/26/20 04:22AM
BlueGreenBeetle said:
Can you elaborate on this? Is there a specific type of awkward you’re referring to?Awkward like a light-hearted scene featuring people not knowing what they’re doing? Uncomfortable awkward, clumsy awkward, nervous awkward, etc.?

Any of them, really. Do you really think a "First time with a girl" dude is going to know how to have sex with the girl he just MC'd? Hell no. There's going to be complications, just like any other scene in any other story. Make them funny, make them weird, make them uncomfortable. Heck, these complications can even escalate to help increase the tension of both the scene and the audience's boner.
09/26/20 05:28AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Any of them, really. Do you really think a "First time with a girl" dude is going to know how to have sex with the girl he just MC'd? Hell no. There's going to be complications, just like any other scene in any other story. Make them funny, make them weird, make them uncomfortable. Heck, these complications can even escalate to help increase the tension of both the scene and the audience's boner.

I can see the appeal there. Normally, with hypnosis anyway, awkward type encounters like that don't usually interest me all that much. But I could see how they could be fun, so I might try to explore that route and see where it takes me. Maybe I'll end up liking them more than I currently do.
09/26/20 05:37AM
akaece said:
The three million Kaa posts that are basically the same thing with mildly-different women should be enough to tell you that people don't actually want to see something wholly original

I'm going to push back on this one a little. You can sort the Hub's posts by popular by typing in "order:score" into the search bar. While it's true that there are a lot of Kaa posts, I don't believe any are in, say, the first 10 pages of the most popular (if there are, then there should be maybe one or two).

Another way to look at it is this: what makes hypnoporn different from regular porn? Why bother with all the fancy setup and inductions and dialogue? Most porn has a threadbare plot, so why do good authors like, say, trilby else (of mcstories) bother to put so much effort into their word choice, phrasing, and plot? Why is zko the most popular poster here?

I think it's because hypnosis and mind control is, well, about the control, and all the things that sell that fantasy. And it's not your ordinary control, like the kind of influence your boss, friends, parents, teachers, peers, etc. might have over you. It's an extremely strong and fine-grained control - the power to not merely convince someone do what you want, but to control their every thought, every emotion, and by extension, every movement of their bodies.

Hypnosis is a very real phenomenon - it's just not as strong as we pretend it is. However, this is why like trances, watches, and inductions have popularity here - it lets you blur the line between what is plausible and what is fictional, and therefore pretend that the control you have over someone could be as strong as you like.

Aside from tags that fulfill physical fetishes, like feet or blonde hair, a lot of the tags draw attention to some form of control. For example:
* drool - control so strong the hypnotized no longer has the ability to regulate their own mouth
* maid - straightforward subservience
* policewoman - power over the powerful
* hypnotized hypnotist - extending your control to others through a minion
* unaware - control over their very senses

This is why I think a decent number of us find instant hypnosis apps rather lazy. It skips right over the control part to the sex part. And while sexy times are nice, mind control could only be a fetish if it emphasized, well, control. That's the main difference, I think between a PornHub user and a HypnoHub user.

As a side note, this is also why I think you'll also see a lot of overlap between BDSM-flavored works and hypnosis/mind control - a dom/sub is very similar to a hypnotist/hypnotized, in the sense that one party has most of the power.
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