10/03/20 04:55PM
Creating an App
would anyone be interested in helping me set up an app for browsing hypnohub? I find browsing this site on mobile to be cumbersome and would be very interested in donating time and money to create a site that could potentially make viewing more efficient, my initial thought would be to create an app like the Pixiv app which i find impressive.

10/03/20 05:54PM
fertgi said:
would anyone be interested in helping me set up an app for browsing hypnohub? I find browsing this site on mobile to be cumbersome and would be very interested in donating time and money to create a site that could potentially make viewing more efficient, my initial thought would be to create an app like the Pixiv app which i find impressive.

Two things:
1) Just looked at the Pixiv app. Are you mainly interested in infinite scrolling, side bar, and putting tags above/below pics?

2) Also looking at the Booru Nav app. It says that Hypnohub is compatible with it (though it asks for an API key, and I'm not entirely sure how to obtain one). Are you sure you want to build an app which someone is already doing?

EDIT: Turns out you don't need an API key. It works! The only issue is that it doesn't take into account the "hide" tag - but the app is in development anyways.
10/03/20 07:56PM
If you're creating an app for Hypnohub, make sure to get permission from the host first.
10/03/20 08:11PM
Do you have technical experience with creating solid apps, or is this mostly wishful thinking? Cause I tend to see the latter far too often here.
10/03/20 10:23PM
Hypnosis-guy said:
If you're creating an app for Hypnohub, make sure to get permission from the host first.

10/03/20 10:23PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Do you have technical experience with creating solid apps, or is this mostly wishful thinking? Cause I tend to see the latter far too often here.

Id probably just pay/contract out to a third party
10/03/20 10:25PM

anonlv000 said:
Two things:
1) Just looked at the Pixiv app. Are you mainly interested in infinite scrolling, side bar, and putting tags above/below pics?

2) Also looking at the Booru Nav app. It says that Hypnohub is compatible with it (though it asks for an API key, and I'm not entirely sure how to obtain one). Are you sure you want to build an app which someone is already doing?

EDIT: Turns out you don't need an API key. It works! The only issue is that it doesn't take into account the "hide" tag - but the app is in development anyways.

It’s not compatible with iPhones so that’s not useful
10/03/20 10:46PM
fertgi said:

It’s not compatible with iPhones so that’s not useful

You may wish to contact the dev then, to make sure they're not going to expand into the iPhone market.
10/11/21 08:20PM
fertgi said:

It’s not compatible with iPhones so that’s not useful

In the event someone where to make a hypnohub app, i can say with high certainty they aren't gonna pay 100$ a YEAR to publish it to the apple store.

Also, making an app just for hypnohub would be quite a bad idea since it runs on the MoeBooru engine (well in truth it runs on MyImouto but it's a pretty close port), and i think you're better off using a general booru browser, i remember <<play.google.com/store/app...d=onlymash.flexbooru.play|flexbooru>> (<<github.com/flexbooru/flexbooru|github link>>) and <<www.animebox.es/|animebox>> working nicely

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