10/22/20 09:17PM
Hypnovember 2020!!!
It’s almost that time of year again!

Who’s excited? Who’s planning on participating? And does anyone have a prompt list? (If so would you mind sharing it here?)

Last year I tried to write short stories in advance, and tried to make drawings to accompany them, but life got unexpected and confusing and that + general art block meant I couldn’t keep up. But I think I’m gonna try to give it another go!
10/22/20 09:44PM
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Not to be that one noob, because I totally know what Hypnovember is, but how would one go about explaining it to a friend...?

Also, preeeeeeetty sure you mean 2020.
10/22/20 10:02PM
sleeperhit said:
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Not to be that one noob, because I totally know what Hypnovember is, but how would one go about explaining it to a friend...?

It’s pretty much one of those art-month prompt challenges, except it’s themed after hypnosis/hypnokink. There’s usually a prompt for each day of the month, for what to draw/write to. Though there’s no pressure to follow a specific particular prompt list if there’s too much pressure. It’s pretty much just a yearly art exercise that you can participate in for the month if you want!

sleeperhit said: Also, preeeeeeetty sure you mean 2020.

Whoops! Fixing that now.
10/22/20 10:44PM
Sabwhy said:
It’s pretty much one of those art-month prompt challenges, except it’s themed after hypnosis/hypnokink. There’s usually a prompt for each day of the month, for what to draw/write to. Though there’s no pressure to follow a specific particular prompt list if there’s too much pressure. It’s pretty much just a yearly art exercise that you can participate in for the month if you want!

So there's writing prompts, too...?

10/29/20 07:30PM
sleeperhit said:
So there's writing prompts, too...?


Yup! Here’s a prompt list I found on twitter for this year!~

10/29/20 08:32PM
Sabwhy said:
Yup! Here’s a prompt list I found on twitter for this year!~

How about I write one every day, starting tomorrow, so you have two days to make a piece of art?
10/31/20 05:06PM
sleeperhit said:
How about I write one every day, starting tomorrow, so you have two days to make a piece of art?

It sounds like a fun idea! But I haven’t actually drawn anything in a while and I’m not sure I can keep up with the prompts with my current schedule. (Also my art looks nothing like what I have in my profile pic)

This year I’ve been more looking forward to seeing what other artists create.

That being said, I’m very much interested to see what you write up!
11/03/20 09:26PM
Aaaaaaaaaaand my first entries are done! There's something interesting about them, though. Don't know if it's against the rules, but I felt inspired.

[spoiler=Day One: Instant]-Chapter 1: Instantaneous Action-


She laughed a big, hearty laugh. "You really think your control goes that deep? You're the best, Connor, but please. Hypnosis shit? Doesn't work. That show? I was faking it the whole time. Give me one good reason why you're still clinging to this. Right now!"

I just sat there, looking dead straight into Athena's eyes. My poker face was... holding up, I thought. Certanly couldn't check, but I think it'll do. It was best not to show my cards.

"Connor? Helloooooooooo? You haven't given a reason yet!"

Any second now...

"...okay, Connor, seriously. Come on. You're kinda starting to freak me out. Sorry for dogging on you about this, but seriously. What makes you think it's real?"

There it was. I cracked a smile. "See, I knew Alex before the show. I told you that, right?"

Her eyebrows quivered, almost as if they were unsure how to emote the uncertainty. "Yeah...?"

"I've seen him do shit. There are people who do this stuff for a living. You think that's bullshit?"

"Well, no..."

"And Alex is a cool guy. Seriously, he showed me some AWESOME stuff that hypnosis can do to a person." I wasn't exactly lying there.

"...what are you-"

"He showed me how to make someone SLEEP."

Athena's eyes glazed over as her head lolled back in her chair, arms dropping like lead. She looked almost like a gmod ragdoll as she flopped into the unconscious. I finally released the pressure valve, leaving the giggles and smiles and glee to catch up to me as I thanked Alex up and down for being the best wingman ever.


As I looked down at my tranced-out best friend, I slowly began to question what to do first. I decided to return my mind to my last conversation with Alex:

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's about your precious crushy-wushy, and some things I learned about her."

"Uh... what?"

"Athena, you dope. Don't think you're subtle; I think the only person who doesn't know is Athena."

Welp, my guard was thoroughly down. No point in hiding it. "God dammit... what do you want?"

"To help you land the most submissive and lonely girl I've met in a while. Seriously. You two are close, right? I could help you out."

"...I am tearing your pubes out, you cocky cuck."

Alex jumped back. "Wait, no no no! Seriously. Seriously! I mean it! At the show the other day, she was BY FAR the easiest drop I've ever had in all my time as a hypnotist. And the way she took to me when I did the temporary love shtick? That wasn't normal 'well, hellooooo gorgeous' love. I think she saw someONE, or some desire for companionship in me. Once that clicked, I gave her a covert drop trigger, took her aside after the show, checked her internet history on her phone, JESUS she's horny if she has to resort to her phone, have you ever heard of"[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Day Two: Coil]-Chapter 2: The Coiled Spring-

"Focus, Alex."

"Right, right, sorry. Anyway, I left a second party open in that drop trigger. I don't think she can believe that hypnosis is real, even after the show, yet her history was full of hypno porn. It was crazy weird! My best guess is that she fetishizes that kind of control, and CLEARLY being under that control. So, I figured, you know, might give Connor the space to do something, so long as he swears to be mature about it...?"

I was stunned. "Th... this is okay?"

Alex's smile hardly wavered. "Well, define 'okay.' This isn't going to fuck her up for life if you take my advice and maintain a level head. That okay?"


Not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, I took Alex's offering and advice graciously. So, bottled-up feelings of submission and sexual loneliness-slash-frustration were what she was feeling? It was time to put Creative Writing class to good use...

"Athena, can you hear me?"

"Yes... hear you..." she mumbled. It was an alien experience to hear such a headstrong person almost talk from a computer algorithm that wasn't at all like her normal brain. It was almost creepy...

Nevertheless, I persisted. "Athena, look inside yourself. Think of love. Think of sex. Of passion, of kink, of everything hot, romantic, and beautiful you can think of."

Immediately, her mouth started twitching. Her breathing started to quicken. She was definitely responding to the suggestion... "Athena, look at those feelings closely. Would you say that you're... alone at all? Lonely? Like you want someone there?"

"L-lonely... yes..." said the words. It hardly felt like her talking. The words were coming out of her, these were her feelings, yes, but it just doesn't seem like Athena- more like an AI explaining Athena.

Either way, I was getting somewhere. "Well, why haven't you done anything about it?"

The responses were becoming slightly more clear every time. "No one... knows... too weird... feelings... not big enough..."

Wait, what did tha- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I got it. She didn't put those feelings at a high-enough priority to make a move, and she felt ashamed anyway. Well, I knew how to fix that. "Athena, I want you to take all those thoughts, and amplify them. They're twice as big now."

Hm, it didn't give me that big of a reaction.. creative writing time. "Athena, I want you to imagine those feelings are a coiled spring. It's fairly tight, right?"

"Yeah... tight."

This is the moment of truth. "It's coiling tighter. It's becoming more dense. It's getting tighter and tighter, more extreme and it's driving you WILD."

That clearly sparked her libido. She began moaning. Softly at first, but it kept growing in volume. Her legs began to twitch. Her hand started slipping closer to her crotch. Her lip starting getting indents from how hard she was biting it. I knew to wait just a little bit longer, and...

"That coiled-up spring... explodes its tension. It releases."

I counted my blessings that she was still in a trance after she was done.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Day Three: Stage]-Chapter 3: The Stage-

"Now, Athena, I want you to tell me. Did that feel good?"

"Y-yyeah, g-good..." I did a MASSIVE number on her. Her speech was still jittery from the massive nether-region explosion.

Didn't mean I was going to stop. "So, Athena, you see how bad it is to keep those feelings coiled up? How you should let them release?"

"Yeah... must... release..." Bingo.

"So, you know to release those feelings. For your own sake, you know now not keep them bottled up. Now, how about appreciating those feelings coiled up?"

"Wh-what...?" Oops. Didn't click that just because she was in a trance, she wouldn't automatically catch my meanings. Hell, it was more akin to the opposite.

"I mean that you need to wear them with pride. I want you to imagine a fashion show. But not thousands of people are there. It's a... private show. The people you trust and care about are there. Can you imagine that?"

"Yeah... fashion show..."

Alright, alright. That checks out. "Now, imagine your feelings once again. They were coiled in a spring, that spring released its tension, now they're laying all over. I want you to take those feelings, and make them into clothes that you wear. They're your clothes. They're you. And you're about to show them off with pride to this fashion show. Are you with me?"

"With you... wear feelings with pride..."

This was going great, wow. I'm pretty good, I thought. Maybe Alex has some competition! "Now, see that runway. Strut it. You have the most beautiful outfit, the most beautiful clothes, and..." I couldn't believe I was able to say this... "the most beautiful face, the most beautiful body out of any model at the show. You're a star. You're an icon. Everyone in the audience, these people you know, these people you care about, that's what they see. They already know who you are. And now, they see even more of you: they see your beauty and your feelings, and they love it. They appreciate it, like they appreciate you. So you'll find you can wear those clothes with pride. How do you feel?"

Wow. I had hardly noticed, but her legs were kicking a bit during all of that. She was walking her own runway. "Wear my feelings... with pride."

I grinned earnestly. "We have passed the second gate."[/spoiler]
11/05/20 10:37PM
i wish i could do this but fuck man i gotta do college shit

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