10/31/20 12:29AM
Anyone know any MC writers who are open for commissions and have a decent knowledge of Evangelion?
See the title. I know of one writer who does both MC and Evangelion stuff, but they only do commissions through Patreon and only the 1.5k word slot is open anyways.
10/31/20 12:46AM
eldomtom2 said:
See the title. I know of one writer who does both MC and Evangelion stuff, but they only do commissions through Patreon and only the 1.5k word slot is open anyways.

Well, what exactly are you wanting commissioned? What kind of story Eldomtom2?
10/31/20 02:36PM
That would depend on the specifics of how long a story I can get in my budget, and how I work the story out with them. This is why I want a writer with specific knowledge of Evangelion - I have a basic idea of the story, but I need a writer to flesh out the outline so that it works with the characters.
11/04/20 04:11PM
Reboot or classic?
11/04/20 06:33PM
Classic, I wouldn't touch Rebuild with a barge pole.
11/04/20 07:40PM
eldomtom2 said:
Classic, I wouldn't touch Rebuild with a barge pole.

Man of refined taste.
12/05/20 03:12PM
I am bumping this just so that people have another chance to see it. I believe there's nothing in the rules about it.
12/05/20 03:36PM
eldomtom2 said:
I am bumping this just so that people have another chance to see it. I believe there's nothing in the rules about it.


The rules said:
Do not "bump" posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason. If you have new information or new insight, or something new to say, that's fine. But avoid bumping old threads when you have nothing new to add.

Well this thread isn't exactly old so and it's not for "no reason" so i'm sure it's fune
12/05/20 03:54PM
Er, where's that written?
12/07/20 04:58AM
Reboot was great in the first two movies...but then they went from 'fairly close' to 'way away' in the 3rd and while the action was good the story was I dunno...weird and dumb.

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