11/19/20 01:18AM
Question about my post being removed
I don't mean to try and argue about the removal, but I would just like to know what was wrong with it. I'm referring to my last manip posted yesterday. I don't have the hyperlink saved, so I don't think I can see the reason. Is there a moderator log of sorts to see these kinds of things?
11/19/20 01:27AM
Your post was taken down cause of the solid color empty eyes rule we have here.
Your had solid color eyes whish is against the rules here.
11/19/20 01:28AM
Argonis said:
Your post was taken down cause of the solid color empty eyes rule we have here.
Your had solid color eyes whish is against the rules here.

Sorry, I didn't know about that rule. I thought I had already been on here long enough to know them.

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