11/19/20 04:09AM
You are bad guy, but this does not mean you are bad *guy*
Link to relevant clip:

Imagine for a moment that you are an ordinary citizen, and also maybe a hypnotist or mind controller. Whatever it is you've done, it makes you a bad guy.

What are the bad things you've done? What do you do that makes it so that you are not a bad guy?

Invent a character, share your (actually ordinary) real life experience, or talk about an existing character that fits this situation.

I may or may not pick this thread for ideas if I decide to commission something later.
11/24/20 05:30AM
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts..."
-William Shakespeare

From a personally standpoint on this topic, i feel that no one is truly a "good guy", people every day do horrible things, most often not thinking much of it in the grand scheme. When it comes to Hypnosis related media, i;ve always felt so long as the MC isn't an asshole, chooses his victims wisely, and is generally decent, it doesn't make them a "Bad Guy".
Like Daphne Miller in Mind Control University has a strict code of do's and do-not's when it comes to trancing and enslaving people and the treatment that entitles.

She suffers a mild Heroic BSoD when she first realizes she's going to be running a harem, and recalls a fantasy of enslaving Wonder Woman, recalling even if she ever had such a chance, she wouldn't because in the DCU, Wonder Woman is a major hero who saves the world weekly. That's where she separates herself from the other students and tries to keep morals well enslaving her way through the cast, she also helps those she enslaves as best she can to not only enjoy their time under her, but to help the places they come from* prosper.
*Its a multiverse harem.

I think that is the key, having a code, is what keeps you from being a bad guy, just another fat one dimensional Hentai protag drooling over his crush's panties with watch in hand.
Did i misunderstand the question?
11/24/20 11:30PM
Badgerguardsman said:
I think that is the key, having a code, is what keeps you from being a bad guy, just another fat one dimensional Hentai protag drooling over his crush's panties with watch in hand.
Did i misunderstand the question?

Lol no. Before I posted the question, I personally was thinking of Megamind (from his titular movie) and of James (Pokemon). It would probably be a cinch for Megamind to build some kind of hypno-gun, and James has an Inkay (it can evolve into Malamar, which canonically has the strongest hypnosis among Pokemon). Both have some motivation to be nice, but are "bad" just because it's fun and also, why shouldn't they?

I was thinking of commissioning something where James is debating whether or not to use hypnosis and make terrible puns about it with Jessie, or some other similar situation with other characters.

But, then that led to other questions and I figured this whole topic might be interesting in general.

It's good that you bring Daphne Miller up, I totally forgot about her, and that's a good point. And honestly, that kind of reminds of another character - Skitter, from Worm. She's not a hypnotist but she gets body control powers during the showdown with the Big Bad, and then goes and controls dozens of superheroes and supervillains. She feels a little bad that one of the villains dies of a stress-induced heart attack from being under her control too long, but... Anyways, she's morally grey in general for other plot related reasons.

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