11/21/20 12:03AM
Deletion reason
I learned something really recently that is fucking me up bad. I'm sorry if I seem cryptic, because it's not my secret to give away, but I fucking can't keep my shit up in good conscience - with all the mind control and vaguely rape-y undertones, even in my "consensual" pieces - and be able to live with myself. Maybe the mods will refuse to delete it, and that's at their discretion (even if I think it's peak scummy to not allow a creator to destroy their work), but I can't move forward and support this person without at least trying to permanently reject and get rid of what I've put up. This isn't about some moral grandstanding or pretending to be a good person. I'm an older sibling first and a shitty smut writer second or third. That's all it is, and I don't mean to demean any of you. The nice things that people told me over the years genuinely meant something to me and I'm thankful for it, but I just fucking can't keep making things like this knowing what I know now.
11/21/20 12:39AM
If you don't want your art on the hub, ask to be put on the DNP list (Do Not Post)
11/21/20 12:45AM
After my mind cleared a little I remembered that like half the shit I uploaded isn't even mine. I don't mean to claim ownership for that, even if I'd rather still delete them and let Smuthunter reupload them if he wants them here.

godzillahomer said:
If you don't want your art on the hub, ask to be put on the DNP list (Do Not Post)

Thank you.
11/21/20 02:26AM
You're gonna have to change your rason as its not a valid reason we except for flagging.
11/21/20 02:31AM
Does this mean the end of hunting for legendaries with rosa? ;-;
Your manips are what really got me into hypno, sad to see them go like that :/
11/21/20 04:21AM
Mattlau04 said:
Does this mean the end of hunting for legendaries with rosa? ;-;
Your manips are what really got me into hypno, sad to see them go like that :/

save them to your computer before they get deleted then, look through all their stuff and save what you want
11/21/20 08:27AM
Argonis said:
You're gonna have to change your rason as its not a valid reason we except for flagging.

If I understand this correctly, this person is a manipper who feels ashamed of what they made, and wants their work deleted. I've filed many "manipper wants this deleted" flags on my own posts and they went through fine. Unless they're asking to remove other people's work, in which case they aren't the manipper, I'd respect their wishes to take down their manips.

Or maybe you're asking them to change their reason for flagging to "manipper wants this deleted", and in that case, sorry for looking like a jackass.
11/21/20 08:53AM
Furrwhore said:
If I understand this correctly, this person is a manipper who feels ashamed of what they made, and wants their work deleted. I've filed many "manipper wants this deleted" flags on my own posts and they went through fine. Unless they're asking to remove other people's work, in which case they aren't the manipper, I'd respect their wishes to take down their manips.

Or maybe you're asking them to change their reason for flagging to "manipper wants this deleted", and in that case, sorry for looking like a jackass.

It’s the latter. The reason was, “You don’t need to know.” There’s no issue with us removing the manips, just need a reason that’s less vague and more straightforward.
11/21/20 11:12AM
If someone just want not to be tied to an upload anymore, could not there be some kind of transfer of ownership of the post to a generic account made for that or something?
If the work have their signature in the image though, I indeed see only deletion,but if that's possible only through the DNP list, it's getting more complicated, and I'm not sure how to balance the interests of everyone :/
11/21/20 01:37PM
godzillahomer said:
save them to your computer before they get deleted then, look through all their stuff and save what you want

Gallery-dl is my savior
11/21/20 04:25PM
Can't you delete your own uploads yourself? Why would you have to flag them?
11/21/20 05:06PM
Hawkeye said:
Can't you delete your own uploads yourself? Why would you have to flag them?

You can't (which yes, is very dumb and isn't an issue on most other site)
You just get a 403 forbidden error if you try
11/21/20 05:08PM
Mattlau04 said:
You can't (which yes, is very dumb and isn't an issue on most other site)
You just get a 403 forbidden error if you try

But I've deleted my own uploads all the time. I'm very confused right now.
11/21/20 06:08PM
Hawkeye said:
But I've deleted my own uploads all the time. I'm very confused right now.

I'm pretty sure it used to be possible, but it was removed for whatever reason
11/21/20 06:08PM
Hawkeye said:
But I've deleted my own uploads all the time. I'm very confused right now.

I'm pretty sure it used to be possible, but it was removed for whatever reason
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