12/04/20 10:54AM
The New Generation of Fetishists
Awhile back there was a post asking everyone what from their childhood they thought created the interest they had in hypnosis that evolved into a fetish.

But one of my friends sent me this video youtu.be/-MiKew0keSM with the text "Fetish fuel right here"

It got me thinking about what is going to be stuff that's going to give the next generation, what will they look back at and think "fuck yeah that's what made me love this stuff"
12/04/20 11:25AM
I mean considering how constant it is in the franchise, Yu gi oh will almost certainly have some girls get brainwashed at some point no matter what. Ladybug and Cat Noir too have mins control as an integral part. Coincidentally they also share some staff members with the producers of Totally Spies.

Speaking of which a Totally Spies reboot would open up a lot of new fetishes.
12/04/20 11:31AM
Euronet said:
Ladybug and Cat Noir too have mins control as an integral part.

I definitely think that Miraculous is the worthy successor to Totally Spies as a fetish awakener for kids. Especially true since it's mostly kindergarten/primary school kids watching it.

Also Wakfu had its moments, season 1 especially had an episode where the pretty girl protag got (almost) possessed. Its cute look and being part of morning cartoons made parents think it's a kids' show... It never has been.
12/04/20 03:10PM
Incredibles 2 is probably going to be one of the major sources of hypno kink for the upcoming generation and could possibly be their version of Jungle Book in terms of influence. That's one I can confidently say will have a noticable impact as Disney/Pixar stuff is pretty worldwide and popular.
12/04/20 03:57PM
Well, I would say there's already a notable difference nowadays, which is that the Internet has evolved a lot. Obviously it existed in the generation prior to mine's (I'm 25), and obviously it's had fetish stuff pretty much for as long as people could post things publicly like this, but the ever-increasing amount of people, and content, online, along with the (kind of) normalization of websites like this one, makes it less and less likely over time that someone would encounter the Internet and not recognize that other people have that fetish. Previously, you'd need to search quite a bit to find fetish content you like, and although this is still sort of the case, it's evolving in a much more widely available direction. In other words, typing "mind-control fetish" on Google will tend to bring up more and more sites and communities like this one over time.

Another way of looking at it is that someone born now will generally be online a lot earlier than someone from the previous generations, and so will have access much earlier than those to the stuff they want to find. So really, to answer the question posed here, my prediction is that mainstream entertainment media should be a much less necessary bridge to fetish content as time passes, and that "what make new people love this stuff" would be... well, this stuff itself.

Thank you for attending my TED talk.
12/04/20 05:00PM
TheMadPrince said:
A whole TED talk.

I have to agree here. I'm almost 28, and I remember not discovering that mind control/hypnosis was a *fetish* until I found actual content for it en-masse online. That was, of course, AFTER I got my own, private devices to browse the internet with in unrestricted fashion, in my teen years. But back then, it was a privilege, not assumed or a given concept.
I, and many friends, had to beg parents for even a cell phone of any kind, because "what do you *need* it for? It's not a necessity." But now it is, for many families, in the ever-connected world.

I suppose this is just my long-form way of saying, kids have access much sooner to content they otherwise would have to dig for like we did; same as we had easier access to content than our parents did in their youths (stashing magazines, cutting out photos, or recording something on VHS/DVD, depending on generation). Surely, they'll stumble across one thing, then fall down the rabbit hole into others.

What this says for future hypnosis participants is very different from just the content consumers, however.
12/05/20 01:34AM
This forums obsession with talking about media intended for children in terms of what children it can instill fetishes into or insinuating that content creators are intentionally inserting fetishes into childrens media is genuinely upsetting.
12/05/20 02:29AM
^To that I'm simply going to say "There are more things in Heaven & Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" and leave it there.
12/05/20 02:46AM
12/05/20 07:01AM
MingusKingus said:
This forums obsession with talking about media intended for children in terms of what children it can instill fetishes into or insinuating that content creators are intentionally inserting fetishes into childrens media is genuinely upsetting.

Nobody's saying content is made to target kids with fetish material. It just happens to be in a lot of kids' content, and thus, it becomes a source of interest for them as they grow up.
But nobody is here to debate the psychological ramifications and morality of all this. We're just discussing possibilities of the *future*.
That being said, let's consider that a large portion of this site's content is based on content that once was content aimed at kids, but not with the intent of sending us to this inevitable nexus.
12/05/20 11:16AM
TheMadPrince said:
Thank you for attending my TED talk.

I'm not convinced things have changed to the degree you postulate. In other words, there probably still need to be inciting incidents in media (or some form of new media) before a person goes off to Google whatever awakened strange feelings in them. No doubt it has gotten easier to quickly jump from general interest to explicitly sexual content over the years, but yeah, people need to know what they got before they know to look for it.
12/05/20 11:53AM
lifmcs said:
I'm not convinced things have changed to the degree you postulate. In other words, there probably still need to be inciting incidents in media (or some form of new media) before a person goes off to Google whatever awakened strange feelings in them. No doubt it has gotten easier to quickly jump from general interest to explicitly sexual content over the years, but yeah, people need to know what they got before they know to look for it.

Agreed. For one, searching for "Mind Control Fetish" needs one to both know what a Fetish is (as well as the term itself), and that Mind Control in particular is one of theirs.

That generally means they'd have to see some pre-existing material of the subject to experience that awakening, and the most accessible source of such material (even if it is not intended as such) is always going to be the media we watch/read/play.
12/05/20 01:31PM
lifmcs said:
I'm not convinced things have changed to the degree you postulate. In other words, there probably still need to be inciting incidents in media (or some form of new media) before a person goes off to Google whatever awakened strange feelings in them. No doubt it has gotten easier to quickly jump from general interest to explicitly sexual content over the years, but yeah, people need to know what they got before they know to look for it.

Well, as I said, I feel it's a trend, more than anything. It's in progress. All I said is, over time, "mind control fetish" (or, to answer Corvid above, "cute girl/boy hypnotized", which foregoes the fetish definition aspect) will bring up more results. Indeed, we are not currently in a position where the media are a longer intermediate step, rather than a shortcut to one's fetish... but, as time passes, this might become the case. As it stands, we're sort of at a halfway point, where one can, by searching it up, find related content relatively easily, but where entertainment does still largely function as a sort of "gateway drug", so to speak.

But, even in terms of where to find said entertainment, there's been a notable evolution in the way I'm describing, since nowadays it's really, really much easier to find series you want to watch online, rather than buying a TV and a cable subscription. When I was a kid, most of the mind-control content I was exposed to came in the form of rapidly-spotted episodes that was blaring on whatever TV was on at the time. As more and more people gain easier access to online entertainment, this type of interaction with media will become less prevalent.
12/06/20 12:45AM
Maybe this is just me being an oldbus and not really having the brain for the VOD model, but I think one click on to AO3 will do much more to open the mind of someone than any other type of media dive.

Thf772 said:
I definitely think that Miraculous is the worthy successor to Totally Spies as a fetish awakener for kids. Especially true since it's mostly kindergarten/primary school kids watching it.

I can't say I 100% buy this because both are very different shows, but they both are getting their stuff from the pulp SF bin. TS was absolutely pulling from The Avengers and other Spy-Fi concepts which had a lot of MC tropes. Miraculous is definitely cribbing from 90's Sailor Moon which...you know, I'm hard pressed to find a season that didn't have at least one baddie using MC, possession, or some other form of manipulation. Of course, none of that is new to the tokusatsu tropes Toei used to fill time.

Also, I care to think that Miraculous is aimed for slightly older kids (like late primary/early middle school) if for no other reason that Toei can pair it with PreCure so we get a distaff Sentai/Rider dynamic :)
12/12/20 08:15AM
Well, my festish started when I was three years old (I blame Shanti) of course my parents discovered what I was doing and tried to distance me as much as they could from it, which throughout my life did not help much (here I am going to go around the bush a bit, and that is I don't know if I'm the only one, but it gives me the feeling (without any solid support) that there are people who make TV series or movies, who know this topic very well, and strive to recreate it in the most "satisfactory" way possible even in children's series; I would not be so surprised, we have Dan as an example).

A few years after I found out that I wasn't the only one who had a certain fetish for hypnosis, and a few years later I found this website. Now im eighteen years old, and I am currently working to stop feeling ashamed of this.

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