12/12/20 04:00AM
The BIG Thread of Hypnotic and Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
Hey everyone,

This is a thread to post all of the suggestions for hypnosis that you've thought over the years. Anything you've wanted to suggest a person do while under hypnosis you just post here. They might be featured in future commissions for this site. Don't be embarrassed and post anything you want. I'll start with an oldie but a goodie.

-You believe you are a chicken.

Edit: So I've decided not to update the OP with with the suggestions posted in this thread. I feel like it's a bit redundant and it might be deterring people from posting on account of them feeling like they're making more work for me and the like. So I'll just let the thread speak for itself.

Happy posting!
12/12/20 04:24AM
Heh, well a classic (and the theme this site exists for) is to make the hypnotized a concubine of yours no? That sounds as good as anything to me.
12/12/20 06:04AM
Beside the obvious triggers to put them back under, other post hypnotic suggestions would be:
* host a slumber party for friends whenever is is natural for them to do so, and then turn on a movie which will actually hypnotize everyone in the room
* whenever I, and only I, mention their name, they will briefly drop into trance, stop what they are doing, and hand me a piece of their clothing. Then they will resume whatever they were doing and not notice they just undressed a little. If you were to say their name when they were nude, they would instead drop into trance and await further orders.
* Puppet mode: They'll continue acting normally, but whenever I tell them to do something, they'll do it. They won't acknowledge in any way that I've said it, and won't be aware that I said it though. They'll make up some reason why they did it. And, whenever I put my hand on their back or the back of their neck, they will repeat whatever I whisper into their ear verbatim, in a monotone voice.
* ignore any hypnosis happening to others, and ignore all signs of hypnosis of others have. These signs include but are not limited to blank stare, monotone voice, public nudity and other lewdness, falling into trance, and puppeting others in puppet mode.
12/12/20 07:26AM
anonlv000 said:
Beside the obvious triggers to put them back under, other post hypnotic suggestions would be:
* host a slumber party for friends whenever is is natural for them to do so, and then turn on a movie which will actually hypnotize everyone in the room
* whenever I, and only I, mention their name, they will briefly drop into trance, stop what they are doing, and hand me a piece of their clothing. Then they will resume whatever they were doing and not notice they just undressed a little. If you were to say their name when they were nude, they would instead drop into trance and await further orders.
* Puppet mode: They'll continue acting normally, but whenever I tell them to do something, they'll do it. They won't acknowledge in any way that I've said it, and won't be aware that I said it though. They'll make up some reason why they did it. And, whenever I put my hand on their back or the back of their neck, they will repeat whatever I whisper into their ear verbatim, in a monotone voice.
* ignore any hypnosis happening to others, and ignore all signs of hypnosis of others have. These signs include but are not limited to blank stare, monotone voice, public nudity and other lewdness, falling into trance, and puppeting others in puppet mode.

12/12/20 08:08AM
<<|Oooooh you want to stop ghosting me, you want to reply to my text soooo bad>>
12/12/20 09:00AM
When I was with my ex I suggested they couldn’t see text written in brackets [like this], and often used that to suggest things. On the wholesome side, I’d make it feel like I was holding their hand. On the lewd side, I had a trigger that would force them to refer to themselves using a degrading name.
12/12/20 05:48PM
This thread isn't ready for the list I have saved... It's really long...
But when you and your partner spend whole days sometimes just writing down ideas that either you've thought of or found... anyone's list would be long. But if you want a specific type of idea, I can reply with some and actually contribute.
12/13/20 03:20AM
bullet said:
This thread isn't ready for the list I have saved... It's really long...
But when you and your partner spend whole days sometimes just writing down ideas that either you've thought of or found... anyone's list would be long. But if you want a specific type of idea, I can reply with some and actually contribute.

Just pick a few and go then. Roll some dice and then pick some, if you have to.
12/21/20 10:19PM
I remember one story that had a guy who bimbofied women and talked a lot about the worldbuilding. One part that got mentioned was food and bakeries that are used for transformation and brainwashing. Like having a lady drink a milkshake and with every sip her boobs get bigger and bigger...

And I think that could be used for all manner of stuff. Hypnosis with triggers where certain food influences a person's mannerism. Doesn't actually need to have the food drugged or anything. Just hypnotize someone so if they eat a banana, they suddenly really REAAAALLLLY want to suck something else.

There was also the original Master PC story where a girl got all horny from watching chemical reactions during science classes. Honestly.. having someone get all hot and bothered or otherwise trigger effects from totally innocent things is one of my favorite things in general...
12/24/20 10:59PM
During a night of male dominant hypnosis fetish fun, the hypnotist gives his partner the suggestion that, the following morning, she will find that the kitchen "is broken", and that she knows the only way she can use the kitchen while "it is broken" is if something is moving inside her vagina.

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