12/13/20 08:11AM
Pornhub Hypnosis Content Purge
I havent seen it come up as its own thread. But due to the recent allegations that Pornhub has been hosting illegal content on its site for numerous years, Pornhub has systematically removed what it deems as problematic content from its website.

Of note;

1) this is mostly a good thing, considering that children were often exploited as a result.

2) Mastercard and Visa are the primary reasons Pornhub has begun to take action. Money talks. The credit card companies will no longer approve transactions through Pornhub's website.

3) Any and all videos linked to the hypno kink have been unceremoniously removed from the site, as they are viewed as "non consensual content" which is such unbelievable horseshit.

4) Pornhub has adjusted its settings so that only verified users may upload content www.washingtonpost.com/bu...-mastercard-ban-mindgeek/

I hope all of the victims of pornhub's negligence are able to get any services, help and compensation they so rightly deserve. It is still truly upsetting that all of the hypno content from the site has been unjustly purged.
12/13/20 09:22AM
Credit card companies be like

"Money through porn? No thanks! Money through exploitation and use of incredibly high and potentially life-ruining fees for someone having a bad month? Sign me up!"

If you're gonna be self-righteous, at least be consistent.
12/13/20 09:56AM
While I think that it’s good for some of these changes to be implemented to the site, especially in the interest of individuals who have been exploited, there’s still a fuck ton of issues that will continue to persist, like the site being insanely massive and the number of moderators overseeing content being nowhere near enough to handle it all. Even with stricter regulations, shit will take a while to sort out, and can become detrimental in the long run.
12/13/20 11:53AM
hypnoahegao said:
3) Any and all videos linked to the hypno kink have been unceremoniously removed from the site, as they are viewed as "non consensual content" which is such unbelievable horseshit.

And here we see, as always, the inability of moral guardians and the people financing them to comprehend the distinction between fantasy and reality, which is ironically one of the main arguments they use to attempt to control those fetishes they deem unsavory.
12/13/20 01:01PM
Good thing I saved a lot of hypnosis content before the purge happened.
12/13/20 04:40PM
Ok, there are somethings that I want to say:

1.- PornHub is not exactly the best example of a good content regulation.

2.- It means we don't need to "clean" HH? Not exactly. Let's see, there is some content that should not be here (like shota and other images that involve minors).

3.- Do we have to make our content only visible to verified users? Regarding this, I have my own internal dilemma about it, but for the moment, my opinion boils down to: No one ever really does or respects it.
12/13/20 04:47PM
Pornhub strikes down on hypno content again????
God, us hypno fans don't have it easy :pensive:
12/13/20 04:55PM
I should also add that while Pornhub isn't the only website to exploit people, Pornhub is the biggest porn site in the world and are essentially the public face of porn. Holding them to a higher standard is a good thing.

I really just understand how or why the hypno kink has to be torn down :(
12/13/20 05:00PM
hypnoahegao said:
I really just understand how or why the hypno kink has to be torn down :(

Most people see hypno stuff as rape, especially bc of how it appears in popular culture with bad guys using it to do bad stuff and no resistance possible on the sub side
The hypno kink probably wouldn't be considered that bad if people knew more about it
12/13/20 05:40PM
Mattlau04 said:
Most people see hypno stuff as rape, especially bc of how it appears in popular culture with bad guys using it to do bad stuff and no resistance possible on the sub side
The hypno kink probably wouldn't be considered that bad if people knew more about it

The worst part is that, they think that real hypnosis works like that, when its really far to reality.
12/13/20 06:13PM
I never found good hypno content on ph anyway (to my taste), i hope other pages don't follow this direction (speaking of spankbang).
12/13/20 07:23PM
Here's a retrospective on the tumblr ban (our kink gets name dropped which is nice)

12/13/20 08:30PM
Mattlau04 said:
Most people see hypno stuff as rape, especially bc of how it appears in popular culture with bad guys using it to do bad stuff and no resistance possible on the sub side
The hypno kink probably wouldn't be considered that bad if people knew more about it

UnayTheArtist said:
The worst part is that, they think that real hypnosis works like that, when its really far to reality.

It's complicated.

If you mean that with real hypnosis, you can't be hypnotized against your will, then I understand why you might think that. A decent number of sources, such as this <<www.psychologytoday.com/u...yes-and-kill-your-husband|PsychologyToday article>> (I don't care to list all the sources) seem to confirm that hypnosis can't make you do things against your will.

However, a <<www.washingtonpost.com/ne...ts-then-he-molested-them/|WaPo article>>* says a lawyer was convicted of criminal hypnosis, as he rightly should have been. Given the circumstances of the case, if that's not rape, I'm willing to say that it's too similar to rape. It seems to indicate the victims did things while under hypnosis that they wouldn't have consented to otherwise.

And of course, the existence of the hypno side of the BDSM community indicates that it's possible to have responsible erotic hypnosis. As I understand it, they don't take kindly to hypnosis unless both parties consented, so the erotic hypnosis they do practice is safe and fun for both parties.

What I'm trying to say is: real life hypnosis is not entirely safe, especially when there are malicious actors involved, but if you're competent and use the right precautions, it can be useful and/or fun for all involved.**

It sucks that PornHub and MasterCard don't like hypno stuff***, but it's unreasonable for MC-enthusiasts like us to expect that others - average laypeople or companies - to understand or appreciate the different shades of moral gray involved, when said laypeople want practical and actionable solutions.

*It also links to a Scientific American article, "The Truth and Hype behind Hypnosis", but the article link is dead and the actual article is behind a paywall.

**And of course, fictional stuff is a different beast entirely. See: thought-crimes.

***And I can see why - it's morally gray enough that teasing out which hypno/MC posts are consensual & acceptable and which are not is a costly endeavor - and that doesn't even get into the cost of legal & PR issues yet.

12/13/20 10:38PM
I'm sorry. I just can't get to the level of butthurt y'all are at, no matter how many times this happens. For one, credit card companies and financial transactions have laws and oversight in place mostly thanks to the 9/11 attacks. Pornhub is low hanging fruit to hit for trafficking and other human abuses because of its prominence, but by now should all have other places we look for.

Second of all, even if it's fiction, it's still people doing naughty things to each other, oftentimes without consent. Not only do I not know what you would think other peoples' reaction would be to this, but I think a good portion of you wouldn't get as excited about it if it was acceptable behavior, so the pearl-clutching about the pearl-clutching always falls flat.
12/13/20 11:18PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
I'm sorry. I just can't get to the level of butthurt y'all are at,

So zero butthurt is beyond your capabilities? We're discussing the topic, not crying about it.
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