12/14/20 06:59AM
Hypnosis is blocked on pornhub
So I heard that the tag "hypnosis" was blocked on pornhub a while ago for premium users but the thing is, I don't even have an account and it's blocked for me now. If I try to search for hypnosis content, it just says that nothing was found. Any ideas or suggestions?
12/14/20 07:04AM
Tamensire said:
So I heard that the tag "hypnosis" was blocked on pornhub a while ago for premium users but the thing is, I don't even have an account and it's blocked for me now. If I try to search for hypnosis content, it just says that nothing was found. Any ideas or suggestions?

Yeah that is really freaking lame...I don't know I guess just try other big porn sites until this blows over and they realize it doesn't matter.
12/15/20 06:30AM
Pornhub just did a purge of basically all its user submitted content
12/15/20 07:05AM
Same thing on Spankbang too...granted there are some loopholes...but who knows how long before they crack down on that too
12/16/20 12:04AM
DaHypnoman said:
Same thing on Spankbang too...granted there are some loopholes...but who knows how long before they crack down on that too

Spankbang purges all the time to get rid of copyright stuff.
01/04/21 04:54AM
I read on reddit that you can use “mind control” as an alternative. I think the stuff was purged because of the investigation ongoing with Visa and MasterCard. They don’t want to work with these sites if they have hypno stuff, which sucks.
02/24/21 01:52PM
All streaming porn sites I use banned a bunch of terms overnight, including hypnosis and chloroform and sleep. However, it looks like hypnosis was brought back as an allowed term.
02/24/21 02:01PM
Evilunicorn said:
All streaming porn sites I use banned a bunch of terms overnight, including hypnosis and chloroform and sleep. However, it looks like hypnosis was brought back as an allowed term.

Can confirm: hypnosis, mind control and the likes are online again, but everything correlated to sleep is gone from YouP, PornH e SpankB.

So... thanks, <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrq7KISyyd8|SJWS>>
02/24/21 03:06PM
LordVrane said:
Can confirm: hypnosis, mind control and the likes are online again, but everything correlated to sleep is gone from YouP, PornH e SpankB.

So... thanks, <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrq7KISyyd8|SJWS>>

It's not "SJW's", it's the credit card companies that have way too much power and influence over various websites, and the prude, out-of-touch conservatives that tend to be at their helm and/or fund them.

Reminder that porn, regardless of the kinks associated with it, is traditionally something that has historically been held as a sort of degenerate taboo in the conservative circles. <<www.theguardian.com/comme...e-warmest-colour-shocking|This article>>, although old, has some pretty decent (and still relevant) analysis of how sex in particular tends to be a real no-no for conservatives.
02/26/21 02:07AM
LordVrane said:
Can confirm: hypnosis, mind control and the likes are online again, but everything correlated to sleep is gone from YouP, PornH e SpankB.

So... thanks, <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrq7KISyyd8|SJWS>>

Do you have a source on SJWs pressuring Pornhub and the like to ban hypnosis content? This does not match at all with the <<news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25378155|sources>> <<www.reuters.com/article/u...ful-content-idUSKBN28K30C|I>> <<www.nytimes.com/2020/12/1...ercard-block-pornhub.html|have>>, or my understanding of the situation. If you do have a source, I would be extremely grateful if you could provide it so that I can remedy the blind spot in my sources of info.

If you instead have a abstract theory on why this must be the case, I'd also like to hear your reasoning, and I will judge it on its own merits (including but not limited to its verifiability).

TheMadPrince said:
It's not "SJW's", it's the credit card companies that have way too much power and influence over various websites, and the prude, out-of-touch conservatives that tend to be at their helm and/or fund them.

Reminder that porn, regardless of the kinks associated with it, is traditionally something that has historically been held as a sort of degenerate taboo in the conservative circles. <<www.theguardian.com/comme...e-warmest-colour-shocking|This article>>, although old, has some pretty decent (and still relevant) analysis of how sex in particular tends to be a real no-no for conservatives.

My understanding of the situation is that the credit card companies wanted to ban child porn and non-consensual sex, and hypnosis got swept up with that. This is separate from patreon banning hypno-content.

I have not yet verified who the CEOs of credit card companies usually donate to. I'm not sure I can verify who funds credit card companies.

Generally speaking, as far as I can tell, as long as there was informed consent from both parties involved in the sex, SJWs shouldn't have a problem with hypnosis. The general public may or may not agree hypnosis involves sober consent, but regardless, my experience joining the Hypnohub discord indicates to me the hypnokink community has put as best of a safeguard as they can in place. This fetish most definitely dances on the line of consensual non-consent, after all.

But yes, my general impression of "conservative American cultural values" is that that they shy away from any non-vanilla sex, or any other lifestyle other than a nuclear family involving a man, woman, and children.
02/26/21 02:49AM
Political contributions for:

Visa, CEO is <<investor.visa.com/corpora...agement-team/default.aspx|Alfred F Kelly Jr.>>:
- <<www.opensecrets.org/orgs/visa-inc/totals?id=D000029689|company donations>>: historically, donations appear to be somewhat evenly split, favoring Republicans, except in years when a Democrat is elected president
- <<www.campaignmoney.com/pol...alfred-kelly.asp?cycle=20|CEO donations>>: if it's the same guy, it appears to favor Republicans, including Trump

Mastercard, CEO is <<newsroom.mastercard.com/asia-pacific/people/michael-miebach/|Michael Miebach>>:
- <<www.opensecrets.org/orgs/mastercard-inc/totals?id=D000022099|company donations>>: historically has slightly favored republicans, except for 2016-2020, i.e. when Donald Trump was president
- CEO donations: I can't find anything

American Express, CEO is <<ir.americanexpress.com/go...rson-details/default.aspx|Stephen J. Squeri>>
- <<www.opensecrets.org/orgs/...ress/totals?id=D000000217|company contributions>>: appears to slightly favor Republicans, except when Democrats are elected president
- <<www.campaignmoney.com/fin...=Squeri&fname=stephen|CEO donations>>: if it's the same guy, appears to favor Democrats

Discover, CEO is <<www.discover.com/company/...team/executive-committee/|Roger C Hochschild>>
- <<www.opensecrets.org/orgs/...ices/totals?id=D000018253|company donations>>: appears to favor Republicans, except in 2020
- <<www.campaignmoney.com/pol...r-hochschild.asp?cycle=20|CEO donations>>: if it's the same guy, appears to favor Democrats, but there is some split

Take my 20 minutes of research with a grain of salt.

And remember, in the words of <<preview.redd.it/6bphsven9...05e542f3137011ffe7550f386|astrophysicist kaijuno>>:

Observation: I have never broken a bone
Hypothesis: I am boneless
Data: I appear to have broken at least two bones in my foot slipping on the ice
Conclusion: I have at least two bones. Strong evidence suggests the possibility of a third one.

Quick data can only tell you so much!

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