12/31/20 08:55PM
The end of 2020
Well guys i gotta say, 2020 has been roller coaster of a year, but it is over [ or gonna be in a few hours for me]

L just wanna take this time give everyone a happy new year and hope that the new year will be better.

To 2021 and beyond guys.
12/31/20 09:16PM
it's been hell of a year, and I'm so done with it. But.. that's not to say that everything was terrible this year. I managed to achieve some personal goals of mine such as getting my driver's licence (a few years late), graduated with a degree from my local community college, and paid off my student loans, so I don't have that hanging over my head.

But with that said, I will declare with every fiber in my being...

"FUCK 2020!"

Let's hope the new year will be better than this shitshow of a year.
12/31/20 10:26PM
2020 didn't even have the courtesy to give me a reacharound as it fucked me in the ass.
12/31/20 11:01PM
While I'm not completely against getting violently fucked hard against my consent, there should be at least some form of hypnosis involved (and a safeword).

With that being said I still reached some personal goals of mine, and I had great times too. I met new friends (and not so friendly people) and even managed to delve into my hypno fetish even further. In fact it wasn't that bad, but that's mostly because I live in Europe and could adapt to the quarantine rules quite well. Others might not have been that happy though, so yeah fuck 2020.
01/01/21 12:00AM
This year was an aberration. A deadly disease, economic collapse, incompetent leaders, racial unrest, movie theaters shutting down, all of the shit we were looking forward to getting delayed, wild fires - May the rest of the 2020's be some kind of improvement for many.
01/01/21 01:12AM
01/01/21 02:25AM
As weird as this may sound, I actually really liked 2020.

As much as I complain, it may be one of the best years of my life. Where everyone else felt stressed and overworked, it felt like a much needed vacation from "daily life". I found myself doing better in, and getting more enjoyment from, my classes. I was being paid double what I usually earn to NOT work, and, frankly, less interaction with assholes in general. Going grocery shopping was significantly less obnoxious. Driving, at least for a while, was relaxing with less traffic.

Overall the year just felt like a nice staycation for me. As much as I do want things to go back to normal... I also wouldn't mind if it didn't go FULLY back to normal.
01/02/21 08:33PM
Let's hope this is just the start of a 2021 that will be like this a lot in what it offer.
01/04/21 04:18PM
Well, it was one hell of a weird year, not gonna lie.

The world went weird and my familly went weirder, which sucked big time and got me to a point where I don't really know what to think of anything. It also got harder to see friends and talk to them too, since hearing what people say of the world outside of family feels like traveling dimensions.

But at the same time, it's a year that got me out of studies and in work as 3d artist, a year where I discovered sooo many cool stories, comics, games, and art in general.
I got so much better at 3d and stumbled upon amazing ressources both regarding 3d and gamedev in general.

I even managed to finish some projects started a while ago, like the second chapter of "that went well" and some mods for left 4 dead 2

Maybe strangest of all, I'm actually considering making MC games, even tho I refused the idea until now because of the well known "what would people say ?". I'm still struggling with the idea, the right and wrong and whatnot, but just considering it, working on the idea, researching the visuals is so much fun. So it's a big first for me, since I've been refusing the idea for a couple of years. Maybe it won't lead to anything but maybe it will, what do I know.
Regardless of what happens, I feel like that's a rather big shift in my mentality, which I don't know what to think about : /
Happy new year folks ! To 2021 and beyond : D
01/04/21 05:44PM
You’re telling me 2020 ended and it is in fact not December 35th? :P
01/05/21 02:54AM
Better make sure that shit's dead for real reals:

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