01/05/21 07:56AM
I'm Blocked/Banned on the Discord
It's for a really silly reason. I said 'retard' a few times and was promptly banned without any warning from a mod. Yeah, I was warned by someone, but I had no idea who it was. And I'd not necessarily meant any offense or even understood what the problem was.

I mean, really? Permanently banned for saying 'retard?' Doesn't seem quite right.

Any chance I can get back in there?
01/05/21 10:04AM
I'm not a mod, but to me it sounds like you're saying that you're facing the consequences of your own actions and want to be completely absolved from punishment. Yeah, I think a permaban is a bit harsh but you were warned beforehand, and I don't know how many times you said it. I think this should act as a wake up call for you to put a better filter on your language.
01/05/21 10:49AM
Gwanrox said:
It's for a really silly reason. I said 'retard' a few times and was promptly banned without any warning from a mod. Yeah, I was warned by someone, but I had no idea who it was. And I'd not necessarily meant any offense or even understood what the problem was.

I mean, really? Permanently banned for saying 'retard?' Doesn't seem quite right.

Any chance I can get back in there?

And you are?

EDIT: Ah yes. No need for a reason, you knew what you did, you knew what you deserved. Case closed.
01/05/21 11:34AM
Furrwhore said:
I'm not a mod, but to me it sounds like you're saying that you're facing the consequences of your own actions and want to be completely absolved from punishment. Yeah, I think a permaban is a bit harsh but you were warned beforehand, and I don't know how many times you said it. I think this should act as a wake up call for you to put a better filter on your language.

I mean, I can't speak to what actually went down since I'm not on the discord, but if the mod issuing the warning didn't really make their position apparent, it IS a little shaky.

Like if a cop came up to me dressed in plain clothes and asked me not to do something... I wouldn't expect him to arrest me if I kept doing it.

And I do kind of agree a perma-ban is kind of harsh if that's truly all that happened. "Hey could you not say that anymore" to "You are now gone forever" feels like a pretty big leap.

I get the feeling more went down than just that. Because honestly that barely seems like a bannable offense. Even less so a permanent one.
01/05/21 12:17PM
Mindcollector13 said:
I mean, I can't speak to what actually went down since I'm not on the discord, but if the mod issuing the warning didn't really make their position apparent, it IS a little shaky.

Like if a cop came up to me dressed in plain clothes and asked me not to do something... I wouldn't expect him to arrest me if I kept doing it.

And I do kind of agree a perma-ban is kind of harsh if that's truly all that happened. "Hey could you not say that anymore" to "You are now gone forever" feels like a pretty big leap.

I get the feeling more went down than just that. Because honestly that barely seems like a bannable offense. Even less so a permanent one.

I get your point, it shouldn't be permanent. Maybe a week long ban at most, but it definitely shouldn't go unpunished. I just checked the HH Discord's rules, and saying "retard" over and over again falls under Being Uncivilized and Immature as well as possibly Trolling, so it's not unjustified by any means.
01/05/21 06:12PM
[spoiler=My thoughts on your particular issue]As someone who's not a mod (though a person of authority seems to have weighed in), I mostly agree with both Furrwhore and Mindcollector here.

Granted, a permaban may have been too harsh, but it is extremely difficult to make a judgement of the sort with the little context you gave (when you say you "said 'retard' a few times", do you mean two, three times? Or ten?).
It's also hard to sympathize when you claim you were "banned without any warning", and then in the same breath go "Yeah, I was warned by someone", regardless of whether you knew it was a mod (anyway, it's hard to believe a mod giving you any sort of warning with no indication at all of their role, especially since mods' names are generally always indicated somewhere on Discord servers).
Call me a cynic, but it sounds like you know exactly that what you were doing could get you in trouble, and are now trying to weasel out of it. At any rate, there's a strange self-contradiction here, which makes it hard to judge your story nicely from the get-go.

Either way, I'm more inclined to trust a Discord mod, even a random one I've never met, but especially one from the Hypnohub crowd that tend to be more reasonable, and have more patience, than most I know (and certainly more than me), than someone who, by their own admission, says "retard" as an insult, several times at that, when it is nowadays widely recognized as an offensive slur, despite what some may argue.
In any case, I would suggest avoiding making public threads about this sort of thing here, which are unlikely to resolve your issue (especially given that most users on here, I assume, have little connection with the Discord server), but on the other hand quite likely to cause drama and friction, depending on the issue.
Perhaps one of the mods here, which you can always DM, would be more apt to help, though from my understanding it's a different group of people as the Discord mods. Or, try to contact the Discord people directly.
01/05/21 07:17PM
The hub discord is separate from the site, mainly in terms of mods. If you want to sort this out with one of the mods, take it to DMs with them. Please do not continue to discuss this subject publicly or raise it anywhere else.

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