01/06/21 02:55AM
The Longest Running Hypno-Smut Creators?
Once upon a time... more than a decade ago, when I was *most definitely* of legal age to be viewing such things, I stumbled upon HypnoLust.Com. It was the first site I ever encountered that was formally dedicated to a fetish I was only kinda aware I even had.

Everything was parsed into ~10ish minute clips and sold separately, but the trailers were free and updated semi-regularly, and that was enough for a cash strapped pervert like me at the time.

I hadn't thought about that website in a *long* time, but it popped into my head recently, and following a brief visit it seems like it stopped updating around 2018. A bit disappointing, but a pretty long run all things considered, which got me thinking:

Who are some of the longest running contributors to this community?
01/06/21 03:02AM
AcidPanic said:
Once upon a time... more than a decade ago, when I was *most definitely* of legal age to be viewing such things, I stumbled upon HypnoLust.Com. It was the first site I ever encountered that was formally dedicated to a fetish I was only kinda aware I even had.

Everything was parsed into ~10ish minute clips and sold separately, but the trailers were free and updated semi-regularly, and that was enough for a cash strapped pervert like me at the time.

I hadn't thought about that website in a *long* time, but it popped into my head recently, and following a brief visit it seems like it stopped updating around 2018. A bit disappointing, but a pretty long run all things considered, which got me thinking:

Who are some of the longest running contributors to this community?

Rosvo and Jimryu have been around almost as long as I have, since I was barely in my teens when I first encountered them
01/06/21 04:29AM
Jukebox is still posting new stories.
01/06/21 04:32AM
Entrancement UK has been making videos since 2007 if I recall correctly. Meanwhile, MCT has been around since 2005.
01/06/21 05:04AM
I've been in and out of the game since about 2004, started back on DeviantArt and Yahoo Groups.
01/06/21 06:50AM
I know Sue-Chan was my first exposure to hypno releated stuff that lead me to hypnopics collective and Kaa roleplay sites.

I'm not sure she still does stuff...maybe she does. I know you can pull up her website and it just oozes early 2000's websites lol
01/06/21 09:25AM, being the dean of all hypnofetish sites, has some of the longest running creators.

Jukebox is one of the oldest creators still regularly posting, they first started writing in 2000. Daphne has been around a little bit longer, since 1998, although she focuses more on running MCT than writing these days.

If you want to count Simon bar Sinister, the owner/founder of mcstories, as a creator then he's been around since at least 1996, which is the date the earliest stories were uploaded to the archive. I've heard prior to that there was some sort of usenet group, but you'll need to go asking a real old timer for more on that.
01/06/21 09:57AM
There's some medieval-era stories about the Devil possessing young women. Probably doesn't count as 'smut' though.
01/06/21 01:29PM
TheMadPrince said:
There's some medieval-era stories about the Devil possessing young women. Probably doesn't count as 'smut' though.

I'm not sure they're still running though o:
And in that regard, ancient greek mythology is full of mind control, a lot of time even used for smut.
01/06/21 05:36PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
I'm not sure they're still running though o:
And in that regard, ancient greek mythology is full of mind control, a lot of time even used for smut.

Hmm, do we count modern adaptations of those kinds of stories as continuations of the characters and universes involved? 'Cause if so, then they're quite long-running, though obviously not in the usual sense of a storyline being continued :P

I have a theory about Greek mythology that the myth of Circe transforming Odysseus' crewmates into swine contributed to both furry and TF fetishes, but I've yet to find definitive proof. I think I'm on the cusp of proving that Homer liked Zootopia though.
01/06/21 06:31PM
CarlosFco and Nabs001 have been around for a long time. More than half a decade I think
01/06/21 06:58PM
Tabico has stories from as early as 2000, possibly earlier, and she's still active. Sometimes makes blog posts and collaborates with Uzobono on a webcomic series.
01/07/21 06:29PM
I think I first started putting stuff up on a few yahoo groups and started trying to find as many of these communities as possible and posting my drawings since 2002, so.....

There's that. I seem to recall at the time, there was hardly ANYTHING related to this fetish or adjacent fetishes on the internet at all that could be found. Only a few rare things here and there. Not like now.

In fact, I might have put something up around 2001, but I wish I could actually go back to those now deleted Yahoo groups to substantiate that it was that early.

I wish I did know for sure... because that would mean that i've been at this for 20 years.
01/07/21 09:03PM
I've always wondered how long Steve Steele has been around considering a lot of his videos look like they were captured on an early 2000s camcorder. He's a god awful hypno smut producer but he's been in the game for what feels like a long time. I've had the same thoughts about Hypnoticsworld and their superheroine videos but I don't feel like they're as old.
01/07/21 10:45PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
Steve Steele

Oh man, every time I forget he exists someone brings him up and just ruins my day.

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