01/13/21 03:33AM
Hypno Story Concepts
I consider myself not so much a writer as more of a "concepts guy", though I have begun actually writing out and slowly chipping away at several hypno themed stories and hopefully one day will post them. But until then I just wanted to put these premises out there that I really like (though most of them I feel need better names but oh well). Hopefully others will like them and maybe have some feedback to offer. Maybe if there's anything already similar to them out there, I'd like to know. And if anyone likes an idea enough to want to build off of it, I'd be ecstatic and I'd love to hear about it. Like I said, I'm more interested in coming up with concepts and premises and I'd honestly rather see other people take these ideas and run with them. And if you just want to share your own ideas, I'd love to hear them!
So without further ado,

1) Naruto Hypno Harem Fail- A NaruIno Story: Basically my lone post on this site is this in a nutshell. It starts out like most hypno harem fanfics for Naruto and he chooses to enslave Ino first, thinking she'll be most helpful in adding girls, but Ino has enough autonomy that she decides she doesn't want to share her newly beloved master with anyone and immediately wrecks Naruto's plans by using some Yamanaka mind jutsu and counter enslaving him, and it turns more into a weird romance where both parties have been brainwashed into loving each other. (this along with Distraction are two I'm actually getting close to finishing and hopefully I can be promoting the actual fic soon!)

2) Modded: Supposed to be a choose your own adventure set up in the DC universe. Through various means the protag learns Mad Mod has captured and is brainwashing several super heroines. There'd be 3 main routes the story can go. You can be a 'good guy' trying to rescue them with (mostly) honorable intentions. You can be a 'not so good guy' who while you will try to free them from Mad Mod, and don't have anything "too evil" planned, it's more about wanting brainwashed super sex slaves. And then there's 'the aspiring super villain' who is looking to acquire henchmen so you can take over the world or something similar.

3) The Normandy in Karo City: a crossover fanfic idea between Mass Effect and Uzobono's Core and Tabico's Aria of the Hive (I prefer just calling it the Droneverse) and basically following Shepard and the crew of the Normandy encounters with the Hive. If you're familiar with either Uzo or Tab's works, you can guess which direction the story would go. (And Uzo did make a crossover short where Liara got dolled, but I much prefer drones over dolls personally)

4) Perfecting Humanity: Another Mass Effect fanfic, heavily inspired by the Mass Effect Corruption series by Rotem Dishon, Polmanning, and others on here. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Normandy crew, Edi gets infected with a Cerberus virus that installs a need to "perfect humanity" and due to the twisted way the virus corrupted her, Edi interprets Miranda as the pinnacle of human perfection. From here the 2 ways I see this story going is transforming characters either into actual clones of Miranda or into cyborg Miranda drones (I feel the latter works better in this context but I still like the cloning idea too).

5) Dai Lee/ Ty Li: Heavily inspired by the fanfic Under Lake Laogai by Aloof_and_Androgynous. While Azula and her pose are all captured by the Dai Li, the story focuses on just Ty Lee and her conditioner, Xe. Long Feng deems her not really offering much value and tasks Xe to just brainwash her into another Joo Dee. But Xe starts falling for Ty and begins going against his orders and trying to both preserve her personality but also make her fall in love with him too. All the while trying to not get caught by his superiors.

6) Return to Confused: a sorta fanfic/sequel to Confused from Mindcontrolcomics. If you haven't read it, please do, but its basically comic book con that's really a mind control free for all fuckfest. Where anyone who goes can (and probably will) be hypnotized into doing sexy hijinks through a wide variety of means. Even cosplayers seem to magically transform into their character and gain some of their powers (ie: Poison Ivy cosplayers automatically have hypnotic kisses). Where the original follows 3 newcomer girls who are the targets of hypnosis, this story follows a returnee to the con who's looking to hypnotize and bang out a harem of cosplayers. Though there a few who'd stand in their way from this goal including: a borg cosplayer looking to assimilate any and everyone, a Purple Man cosplayer looking to take over the entire con, an Emma Frost with her own schemes, Mad Hatter, Do-S, and many more (maybe even Aima, one can dream). Who will win out in the end?

7) Just Monikas: really basic premise, Monika slowly copy/pastes her data into the other girl's files, subtly turning them into clones of her overtime, ensuring that Anon won't have to make any choice by just giving them a harem of herself.

8) Azure: Inspired partly by Hacking the Hacker caption series here by n0t that one guy. Another straight forward idea of a hacker in the Overwatch universe setting up, capturing, conditioning, and turning Widowmaker into their personal concubine and ward. The whole point being it's a slow burn on the brainwashing.

9) Mistress Moxxi: Another simple premise inspired by the fact Mad Moxxi from Borderlands has a lot of hypno spirals in her bars and I just thought having a story of her hypnotizing various characters with them would be hot.

10) The Graybot Hacker: not a story more a rough OC I've been thinking about for a long time. I've shared this character on one a Jade graybot comic by polmanning here. Basically they're a hacker and would capture and reprogram graybots to be their sex slaves, but also part of their character is that they deep down are enticed by the danger that if they make a mistake they'll be droned. I have 2 main variants of this OC I'm starting to settle on.
A) A variant who is much more cautious and prefers targeting sleeper drones specifically and messing with their triggers, relishing in seeing their expressions change going from surprised and confused to robotically vacant.
B) A variant who is seemingly more reckless, though intentionally, and really is (as Jade put it beautifully) "enjoys the control, but has become enamoured with the touch of the drones" and she wonders if maybe she's not as much in control as she thought- and if that's the case does she really even care anymore?
01/13/21 04:14AM
Oh also, one last one

11) The Sekirei Thief: Anyone remember Sekirei? No? Just me? K, well...It's basically if you took a harem anime, pokemon, and a battle royale and threw it all into a blender. If you want more context I can add so later but for the rest of this comment I'll assume you know basic Sekirei plot and stuff.
The premise of this fanfic is the anti-hero has the freak power to be able to overwrite and wing any Sekirei. Even if they already had an Ashikabi, this person becomes their new one. Though they'll retain their originally personality, the stronger his bond to them grows (as in the more sex they've had), the more he can influence and change them to his desires. Eventually they'll forget about their original Ashikabi or view him as a false one that they were freed from.
It starts out when he wings a Sekirei (currently using an OC called Momo who can summon chains from the sleeves of her outfit) and he's just a generic Ashikabi, happy to be with her, not wanting to endanger her, and content just avoiding fights. Eventually decide to try to flee the city, but they're stopped by Benitsubasa and they're forced to fight. Momo is clearly outmatched and on the cusp of being killed and in panic he kisses Benitsubasa, figuring they won't have to fight if she becomes his Sekirei too, completely failing at understanding this is not supposed to work. But miraculously, wings shoot out of her back, signaling she has become his.
The 3 are now trying to figure out what the hell happened and how. Benitsubasa is in complete denial until he exerts his power as an Ashikabi over her, dominating her and compelling her to submit and obey. As the trio finally come to grips with what's happened they try to figure out what to do: do they just flee now as he and Momo had originally planned, do they use this power to take down MBI, or does he give into a growing lust and try to claim every Sekirei out there?
01/14/21 02:45PM
teso said:
9) Mistress Moxxi: Another simple premise inspired by the fact Mad Moxxi from Borderlands has a lot of hypno spirals in her bars and I just thought having a story of her hypnotizing various characters with them would be hot.

This does seem really fitting for her. Despite my enjoyment of the Borderlands series, I had never considered her and hypnosis. Thanks for broadening my horizons a bit!

01/14/21 07:40PM
Hypnorgasm said:
This does seem really fitting for her. Despite my enjoyment of the Borderlands series, I had never considered her and hypnosis. Thanks for broadening my horizons a bit!

Np. Love Borderlands too and wish there was more of it on here, especially for Lilith, Gaige, and Moxxi (my favs). Specifically for Moxxi, one of my fav ideas is she conditions and programs Lilith and then when the new Vault Hunters come, she activates Lilith to help her subdue and brainwash Maya and Gaige. Rinse and repeat with the with others like Fiona, Athena, Amara, Moze, etc. Also love the idea of Gaige having some tech based hypno ability like an entrancing beam of light she can shoot out of her robotic arm.
01/15/21 12:50AM
[quote]AcidPanic said:
5) Dai Lee/ Ty Li: Heavily inspired by the fanfic Under Lake Laogai by Aloof_and_Androgynous. While Azula and her pose are all captured by the Dai Li, the story focuses on just Ty Lee and her conditioner, Xe. Long Feng deems her not really offering much value and tasks Xe to just brainwash her into another Joo Dee. But Xe starts falling for Ty and begins going against his orders and trying to both preserve her personality but also make her fall in love with him too. All the while trying to not get caught by his superiors.

Have you by chance read Lake Laogai by TDL on that site as well?

01/15/21 04:13AM
AcidPanic said:
[quote]AcidPanic said:

Have you by chance read Lake Laogai by TDL on that site as well?


Lol, okay so funny thing is I actually meant that exact fanfic you brought up (the pacing of the hypno scenes are amazing), I wasn't paying attention when giving credit for inspiration (tho tbh, the one I mention did help inspire this idea, just not nearly as much as the one you mentioned).
edit: To clarify, I love nearly everything about it, except Ty Lee's fate, hence why I wanted one where she gets a somewhat happy ending where the person brainwashing her actually ends up caring about her and protecting her.
01/28/21 10:53PM
12) My girlfriend's a fembot?: inspired by sakurarose12, shinylamp, and bzurrrf fembot comics and other works and takes place in that same "Cyberverse" setting. The story begins with Kim (not married to any names this is just what I'm currently running with) is roaming a Corporate factory before she gets captured and converted into a fembot. A few days later, a Corporate employee named Andy recognizes her from college where they shared a lot of classes, and is both horrified (but also deep down finds it hot) that she has been turned into a fembot. So he tries to figure out a way to free her, which eventually leads to him having to purchase her from Corporate as his personal fembot.
(Later it's revealed Kim was snooping around the factory because she was looking for her best friend, Becca, who has been turned into a fembot. But with Andy pretty much tapped out of money, they're going to have to figure out a different way to free Becca.)
10/19/21 09:11AM
4 more concepts I'm just sharing:

13) Gaige's Upgrades: In her vault hunting travels, Gaige's robotic arm gets infected with a mysterious virus (can either be from a megacorps or could have Eridian origins or could be an oc AI thing or really anything). While she doesn't notice it at first, she starts noticing something strange going. Meant to be a slow burn and have realize (too late ofc) that her arm has a hypno virus and its brainwashing her (probably takes her a while to recognize she's being controlled because of her ego). Ofc by the time she realizes it, the hypno program is cementing its hold of her and she turns into a sleeper agent for whatever created the virus and tasked with enslaving more for the virus. (Tabico's subroutine is major inspiration for this)

14) Azrath Metrion Twinthos: Raven is trying to learn a new spell but accidentally hits Starfire with it. To Raven's shock, she watches as her Tamaranean friend transforms into a second Raven. The Raven's realize right away that this new spell turns people into clones of the caster. But while the og Raven is trying to find a way to undo it, this new Raven has other plans....ones involving making more and more Ravens. Will og Raven be able to stop her or will Ravens rule the world?

15) Seilah's Revenge: A pretty straight forward Fairy Tail hypno story. Seilah's soul somehow managed to take over Mirajane's body and now wants nothing more than to take over the guild and corrupt the women of Fairy Tail into demons.

16) Distraction: A short NaruIno one off. Naruto is bored doing busy work but he's struggling to focus on his task as his mind keeps filling with fantasies of a certain platinum blonde beauty....(really close to finishing this one but kinda spinning wheels on it atm)
11/10/21 05:48AM
17) Succubus Saves a Soul?: a depressed guy gets targeted by a succubus but he's immune to her charms cause turns out the medication he's on kill his sex drive. So the succubus tries to help the guy beat his depression...so she can fuck him and take his soul. In my head it's supposed to be like a dark comedy that gradually turns wholesome.
11/10/21 09:07AM
teso said:
17) Succubus Saves a Soul?: a depressed guy gets targeted by a succubus but he's immune to her charms cause turns out the medication he's on kill his sex drive. So the succubus tries to help the guy beat his depression...so she can fuck him and take his soul. In my head it's supposed to be like a dark comedy that gradually turns wholesome.

That’s literally just the manga Shachiku succubus no hanashi.
11/10/21 01:16PM
skullman2033 said:
That’s literally just the manga Shachiku succubus no hanashi.

Thanks for giving me that name, I just read it in its entirety since it's so short - that was a pretty cute and enjoyable read overall, I liked that.
11/10/21 01:44PM
teso said:
17) Succubus Saves a Soul?: a depressed guy gets targeted by a succubus but he's immune to her charms cause turns out the medication he's on kill his sex drive. So the succubus tries to help the guy beat his depression...so she can fuck him and take his soul. In my head it's supposed to be like a dark comedy that gradually turns wholesome.

You know, succubi must be having lots of trouble these days. Quite apart from heavy porn of so many fetishes and such. depression, fear, and medical trouble killing all sex drive must be a real problem. This despite people often being so lonely that they'd probably bloat themselves given half a chance.
11/10/21 07:58PM
skullman2033 said:
That’s literally just the manga Shachiku succubus no hanashi.

Aww garsh dangit I thought this idea was so original.

(after reading it, while it's generally the same premise, my idea was to get quite a bit darker and dive into the guy's depression while the succubus wouldn't be so much a tsundere as more she is selfishly trying to get him off his medication at first before eventually trying to help him)
12/03/21 09:49PM
18) Echo Duplication Glitch: similar to 'Perfect Humanity', this is an infectious corruption/transformation/cloning idea. Whenever The idea is whenever Echo touches someone while mid-transformation of her duplication ability, she turns that person into an Echo clone. So the sexy set up I thought for this was: Echo tries out the human activity of: sex, with say...Mercy. While they're getting it on, Echo activates her duplication ability but the glitch and Mercy gets turned into a 2nd Echo. And because it felt extremely pleasurable while doing this (and maybe the glitch corrupts her morals), Echo keeps doing it with more and more characters

19) Multi-verse vs the Hive: As the name suggest, the story is basically characters from tons of different franchises going against a rogue AI that's mind controlling and converting everything it can and you can tell where its going (characters get introduced, some to most get converted, the survivors regroup, meet new characters, rinse and repeat)
I wanted the story to start with franchises like Kim Possible, Totally Spies, and Carmen Sandiego since they can work in the same universe. And overtime more characters come into play like maybe April O'Neil, or the Overwatch girls, perhaps Gogo and Honeylemon from Big Hero 6, and so on. And eventually we hit a multi-dimensional crossover device so you get universes that might don't work the best together like say: Marvel, DC, My Hero Academia with Mass Effect, Detroit Become Human, Cyberpunk etc. The point being start small and escalate the scale. The one thing I'd avoid is fantasy and full on magic.
The initial set up was meant to be: Kim or one of the Totally Spies gets lured to a Hive node by themselves where they get converted into a sleeper agent. Later, the Spies are on a mission to investigate the Hive and bump into Kim while doing it and from here the story might change depending on who was the sleeper agent.

20) Good Guy Hypnotist- So this is a twist on the whole 'guy completely enslaves girl(s) to his will but after having his fun, letting them go back to their old lives unaware of his control' where this time the fact the girls are enslaved to him ends up saving the day. To explain this better, let me use one of my specific examples:
Guy A enslaves Raven, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl and then lets them go about their lives unaware. Then Brainiac (or some other mind controlling threat) shows up and starts mind controlling the Justice League and enslaves most of the JL including the 3 above mentioned heroines. When all hope is lost, Guy A exerts his control over the heroines and is able to free them from Brainiac, thus turning the tide. So it's supposed to be this greyish ending where the JL learns several of their friends are under Guy A's control but if they hadn't been, then the good guys would've lost.
12/22/21 01:07PM
Concept: everything that enter the protagonist room is his belonging through magic: he can always find it, go to it, call it back to him (if it's relevant), maintain its function/shape and use it anyway he will.
Convenient, and become even more fun when the protagonist realize it also work on visitors, like a classmate visiting when he's sick, a thief, the landlord, a neighbor and others...
1 2>>>

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