01/18/21 10:35AM
Your Favorite Symptoms of Hypnosis
Hi all! It's no secret that I've thought that simple old "I hypnotize you, you do what I want" tropes lacked creativity and 'challenge,' so to speak. So I was wondering, how do you turn an otherwise boring hypnotization into something a bit more interesting? Adding side effects of hypnosis, of course! That "You do what I want" part get's turned into "You do what I want, except..." Bam! Value, value, value! There's so many ways to play off of this: "except you don't remember my commands," "except it's incredibly obvious you're hypnotized," "except you're horny," etc!

So long story short, I love the side effects of hypnosis, and I'd like to hear your favorites! These can range anywhere from glassy eyes to drool to complete memory wipe, anything that's caused by the act of the hypnosis itself and not the commands/mind alterations that come after it.

(I'm pretty sure this is the first forum topic that discusses this specifically, but if not, please redirect me to the original topic and forgive my stupidity TwT)
01/18/21 02:07PM
I love obvious signs that the sub is feeling some sort of pleasure. A dopey smile, an erection, physically relaxing, etc. It's especially satisfying to me when it's also shown that the sub was unhappy in some way before the hypnosis, then slowly loses that to the bliss of trance.

For some reason I also really like when the sub has one eye partially closed, as if they're so deep in the hypnosis that they can't even spare the brainpower to keep both eyes open. Like post #88243 or post #79794.
01/18/21 02:48PM
Two words: glowing eyes
01/18/21 05:54PM
I love it when a subject has their speech or body movements messed with like having certain words or actions overwritten with others. A subject asking for help is overwritten with praise for their master and silly stuff like having them greet someone by flashing their panties. No matter how much they try and force themselves to say or do the right thing they just can't. Being aware of their commands but unable to fight them is just a hot concept in general.
01/18/21 06:11PM
I love the blank looks on their faces. That or they've been tranced to not notice things like they're nude and think they're wearing clothes, etc.
01/19/21 07:47PM
In general I like the concept of the person being triggered into a trance and have that brief instance of shock before going under.

I also like the idea of the entranced person reciting a mantra while getting more and more aroused but they're not allowed to orgasm until the hypnotist gives them a trigger.
I also like the variant in fanfics of the mantra is like the hypnotized declaring their servitude or love for the hypnotist and they orgasm whenever they recite it, but the power of the orgasm is based on how true the statement is to the hypnotized, so as they wear down and they start believing the mantra more and more, the pleasure ramps up (I really feel this idea compliments itself and snowballs nicely).

And finally, I love the idea of a hypnotized target aware they've been hypnotized when they're not under and enjoying it.
Also if they meet another hypnotized target they're able to recognize that person is like them if they have the same master.
01/19/21 10:15PM
malicious compliance or misinterpreting orders; the comedy of seeing orders twisted against a dom, especially if it results in a role reversal somehow

also, turning the tables
01/19/21 10:59PM
Drool is pretty high up there, either because the sub is dazed or simply doesn't care about it.
01/20/21 01:23AM
teso said:
I also like the variant in fanfics of the mantra is like the hypnotized declaring their servitude or love for the hypnotist and they orgasm whenever they recite it, but the power of the orgasm is based on how true the statement is to the hypnotized, so as they wear down and they start believing the mantra more and more, the pleasure ramps up (I really feel this idea compliments itself and snowballs nicely).

Ooh, that's a nice concept. Do you have any recommendations of works (art or stories) that use that?
01/20/21 02:09AM
I really enjoy seeing the subject resist being controlled. Conflicted internal dialogue and facial expressions are great, especially as part of a sequence of images or longer story, and add a lot of depth for me. More interesting for there to be some sort of battle (that the controller doesn't necessarily win) imo.
01/20/21 01:12PM
Absolutely love drool and resisting. I also love LOVE defiance and great epic speeches to the controller about never giving up... Especially when those get slurred until the subject eventually forgets what she was gonna say and drools. Eye effects are also great, being super defiant and then being a spiral eyed submissive slave is so hot.
Also internal battles, especially with a mind controlled self battling the uncorrupted self and the mind controlled self winning, turning the subjects true self into one of willing submission.
And of course, having the hypnotized subject awake and stay obedient and submissive in their heart despite the former resistance.
01/20/21 08:54PM
Subject not realizing they are under control, and them thinking everything happening to them is completely normal
01/20/21 09:45PM
+ Glassy eyes/no pupils. Subject has "no gaze".

+ Dreamy repetition of commands, with words getting dropped all over the place.

+ Unawareness, whether zombification, or the illusory, surgical change kind of unawareness.

+ Mouth hangs open.


kegmeg said:
Drool is pretty high up there, either because the sub is dazed or simply doesn't care about it.

+ drool.

The question parameters make me realize that more than half of what I like is not in the effect of the hypnosis but in the induction.
01/20/21 10:09PM
Lloyd said:

The question parameters make me realize that more than half of what I like is not in the effect of the hypnosis but in the induction.

Same here. Often when I do hypno roleplays I realize that I'm liking being put under control the most, and everything else just kinda tends to be an aftereffect of that o:
01/20/21 11:14PM
I'd have to go with people who are fully lucid, but also happily aware of the fact that they've been brainwashed. It's a pretty broad category, but it has all kinds of fun sub-tropes (pardon the pun), including:

1)Subs who actively enjoy watching or participating in the brainwashing of others. Participation can mean being trained as an expert hypnotist, holding someone down during their first induction, or anything in between, but bonus points are given based on how important their role is.

2)Subs who can maintain a personal life. No on/off triggers and no obvious changes for friends to pick up on. This sub is conditioned so thoroughly, yet so subtly, that they can stay in slave mode permanently without it impacting day-to-day life. It's just part of their routine. "Okay, what's on the to-do list today? Gotta turn in that history paper, pick up my prescriptions, meet up with Mistress to reinforce my total devotion... Yep, average Thursday."

3)Harem social dynamics. The relationships between a group of subs, both before and after the induction, is potentially much more interesting than the relationship with their dom. Are they lifelong friends who think of their master as just one more thing they share together? Former archenemies who have been trained to care for each other? Perfect strangers forming close bonds despite having absolutely nothing in common but the spirals in their eyes? You really don't see this sort of thing anywhere else.
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