01/22/21 02:49PM
Boring inductions
Hello everybody,

are there some form of inductions that are just plain boring to you? For example, this is more a problem in longer comics and stories or even movies and less with simple pictures, but an induction that's too quick is always a bummer for me. Some other stuff that just bores me:

- non interactive instant complete enslavement, say an app that instantly turns the target into a slave without them even having to look at a screen or anything like that. If the hypnosis is only gradual to weaken the target (say a drug in the air that makes it harder to concentrate) or not instant (gradually following the target from behind and weakening its will) that's fine, but if its just one click and anybody obeys, this sounds less like genuine mind control and more like a cheap trick for the author to have the cute girl fuck the ugly bastard.
Another variant of this is the instant slave drug slipped into the targets drink without them noticing. A mind weakening drug slipped into th3 drink? Sure! Forcefeeding the drug to a restrained struggling victim? Oh yes! One drink and the unaware victim becomes a slave instantly? Yawn

- the use of triggers on someone who isn't even properly triggered. It always bores me when someone with an intact mind and no form of former introduction falls to a snap. At least swing a pendulum before that. Makes me feel like watching a Primals video

- "you will now behave like yourself but you will consider everything normal behavior/have no morals etc." - that's a big ugh for me, because realistically speaking unless the victim was already heavily attracted to the controller and it was only its moral codex preventing it from doing all the depraved stuff in the first place, removing that moral codex won't change anything. If I'd ever been hypnotized in a situation like that, I'd probably just go "yeah of course it's normal to suck a guy you just met off in public, duh, but that doesn't mean that I want to right now, especially not with you". It's just so easy for the victim to say "I don't want to" if they like.

- body control only. I like body control as a way to humiliate the target, fuel her resistance and to make sure she can't escape her fate, but a controller using its victim to the fullest once the body obeys, and nothing more, that just feels unfinished to me

- unrealistic corruption. Yes talking about realism is kinda weird here, but corruption is a delicate matter, and something like "oh you touched this black matter of instant evilness, you're an evil and seductive general of the evil army now, also lots of sex" feels just cheap and boring. There should be a believable change in the targets mind, not boom you're evil now

- "turns out you were a hidden slut the entire time anyways". Bringing out a targets desires against them sure is powerful, but having the subject instantly turn submissive snd slutty once the desires are forcefully unlocked kinda undermines the entire resistance in the first place, and in a certain way the hypnosis itself too, because was it even necessary?

- unrealistic hypno powers. I mean it's generally a sign of bad stories, but if the controller just needs to clap his hands and literal divine beings submit instantly, that just seems more like the author having some issues. Not that hypno powers aren't great, but there still should be some interaction with the target.

What are things that just plain bore you?
01/22/21 05:07PM
Kaa. It's overdone and there usually isn't even the slightest resistance from the subject.
01/22/21 05:34PM
This is less in the category of "bore" and just plain old disappointment, but any movie, series or manga that goes to specific lengths to have a detailed mind-control plotline where any notable character falls under, and then refuses to show anything onscreen makes me want to pay a visit to the screenwriter and slap them for their incompetence (I'm only half joking). Worse is when it affects multiple characters, but the only one we don't see are the female characters. Looking at you, Starship Troopers 2!

If I had to talk plain boring stuff, though:

-I would agree with the instant induction thing, especially as done by fat and/or old dudes in hentai ;
-when the "mind-control" is barely more than just fucking the person into submission ;
(the following are undoubtedly more controversial, as I'm aware at least one of these has some outspoken fans)
-the use of good old pendulums or metronomes, I could never really get into that (apart from very specific exceptions) ;
-hypnosis that's played more realistically, like hypnotherapy - I'm honestly not too turned on by seeing some disturbed person get taken advantage of by their therapist or whatever (unless it's, like, a politician, whose "therapist" is actually an agent paid to convert them to the other side, then sure), and, if you're using mind-control, it's way more interesting to me if you're using it as some powerful weapon, superpower, or horrific plot device, rather than just as an alternative method of therapy ;
-or, when a badly CGI'ed "ghost" slips into someone's body and bam, they're possessed.
01/22/21 06:23PM
TheMadPrince said:
-or, when a badly CGI'ed "ghost" slips into someone's body and bam, they're possessed.

Oh yeah, possession is a thing that can be unfulfilling and boring very fast too. Possession can be great when it's used to corrupt and enslave the target from the inside, but a lot of time it feels no different from when the target would've been knocked out, hidden and the possessor would instead be a shapeshifter.

Oh, and also a thing that I feel can be boring very easily is "you hear voices in your head telling you to xy/all my commands will appear as voices in your head", because yeah, similar to the moral thing, voices in the targets head does not equal having to obey. If a voice in your head tells you to suck the bad guy off instead of defeating them you can just brush it off and still defeat them anyways. Like the morals thing, it would be extremely ineffective on a resisting target, and as such having a character fall to that is very unfulfilling.
01/22/21 07:43PM
I also find instant mind control rather underwhelming. I prefer there to be a period where the subject realises what is happening to them on some level, but is unable to stop it before the trance fully takes hold.

Hypnofan1212 said:
Kaa. It's overdone

If there are people who still want more, can you really say it's "overdone"?
01/22/21 10:09PM
I find Overly long inductions boring. There comes a point when i look at my watch and go "can we hurry up here?"

I know some people like that but not me.
01/22/21 11:03PM
No issues with overly long inductions, biggest issues is when inductions are done off screen, and we can back to see the person controlled. As long as the induction is shown on screen then I'm good to go.
01/23/21 12:39AM
HypnoFinder said:
No issues with overly long inductions, biggest issues is when inductions are done off screen, and we can back to see the person controlled. As long as the induction is shown on screen then I'm good to go.

Wow calm down here satan, I was just talking about mildly disappointing stuff, not full on torture
01/23/21 01:41AM
Argonis said:
I find Overly long inductions boring. There comes a point when i look at my watch and go "can we hurry up here?"

I know some people like that but not me.

Heavily agreed. It's even worse when nothing is even DONE with the hypnosis after the fact.

Just an hour / 20 panels / a full goddamn novel of "Imagine yourself on a beach. Suddenly a door appears. You slowly walk into it" hypno induction tropes, only for the payoff to be "Aha! Person X is, indeed, now in a trance!"
01/23/21 02:08AM
So I think there's a difference between "long" inductions and "inconsequential." Like, I can understand if you it's a visual medium, and you're trying to visualize the induction and deepening from the sub's POV because that's interesting to present, but it still needs to be done in the service to the story. There are a couple pools here where the induction pretty much *is* the story and it works for that situation. I can also see where a longer induction might make sense because you want to slowly build the audience's, um, excitement so being deliberate in your pacing makes sense. However, if it doesn't help the narrative, then it doesn't work.

RL stuff I give more leeway to because humans are unreliable and you can't use narrative shortcuts in real time.
01/23/21 03:14AM
Parasites and Brain injections.

Always found those to be a turn off, and felt more like it fits in horror then anything sexy. But that's just me.

Hypnofan1212 said:
Kaa. It's overdone and there usually isn't even the slightest resistance from the subject.

The problem I've always had with Kaa any time he's used is this: Kaa isn't interested in anything but eating whoever he's hypnotizing. And that kills it for me.

Maybe that's because I'm not interested in vore...

Again, this is all just me.
01/23/21 06:04AM
ghost13 said:
Parasites and Brain injections.

Always found those to be a turn off, and felt more like it fits in horror then anything sexy. But that's just me.

The problem I've always had with Kaa any time he's used is this: Kaa isn't interested in anything but eating whoever he's hypnotizing. And that kills it for me.

Maybe that's because I'm not interested in vore...

Again, this is all just me.

Nah, I'll second that. Kaa, by nature, is a very one-dimensional, and one-track-minded character. Having a single goal, set of actions, and payoff for that goal is all well and good for those into it, but TBH it's one of the few hypno tropes that bores the shit out of me, too. Not because I'm not into vore (but even if I was, I gotta wonder if it would help even a little bit), but because you already know exactly what's gonna happen and how, and where things are going to even slightly deviate before getting back to the primary objective.

I hate to be overly critical of something so straightforward and simple by design, but I just don't vibe with Kaa.
01/23/21 07:13AM
ghost13 said:
Parasites and Brain injections.

Always found those to be a turn off, and felt more like it fits in horror then anything sexy. But that's just me.

The problem I've always had with Kaa any time he's used is this: Kaa isn't interested in anything but eating whoever he's hypnotizing. And that kills it for me.

Maybe that's because I'm not interested in vore...

Again, this is all just me.

bullet said:
Nah, I'll second that. Kaa, by nature, is a very one-dimensional, and one-track-minded character. Having a single goal, set of actions, and payoff for that goal is all well and good for those into it, but TBH it's one of the few hypno tropes that bores the shit out of me, too. Not because I'm not into vore (but even if I was, I gotta wonder if it would help even a little bit), but because you already know exactly what's gonna happen and how, and where things are going to even slightly deviate before getting back to the primary objective.

I hate to be overly critical of something so straightforward and simple by design, but I just don't vibe with Kaa.

I'll third the Kaa dislike. It's weird because I really like the Kaa eye effect. But the fact that all he does is coil people up and eat them... it's predictable. And I don't want to kink shame, but the vore thing is part of the issue for me.

"Let me hypnotize you so you can die a slow, painful death" Yeah no. No thanks.

And I also second parasites. This is mostly because, again, the context is really kind of dark and foreboding. Ultimately it all boils down to either being The Thing, or some kind of weird abduction technique where the end result is uh... that one bit in Mass Effect 2.

No thank you. I'll pass.
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
So I think there's a difference between "long" inductions and "inconsequential." Like, I can understand if you it's a visual medium, and you're trying to visualize the induction and deepening from the sub's POV because that's interesting to present, but it still needs to be done in the service to the story. There are a couple pools here where the induction pretty much *is* the story and it works for that situation. I can also see where a longer induction might make sense because you want to slowly build the audience's, um, excitement so being deliberate in your pacing makes sense. However, if it doesn't help the narrative, then it doesn't work.

RL stuff I give more leeway to because humans are unreliable and you can't use narrative shortcuts in real time.

I guess my thing is that I'm as much about the effects of the hypnosis as I am the induction. Maybe more so about the effects, honestly. I see the hypnosis element as sort of the catalyst for everything else that happens. There are times where just the induction is hot, but there still needs to be some point behind it. Some reason for that catalyst to be there.
01/23/21 11:17AM
I'm also bored by instant inductions, no matter the method. At least a few seconds or panels of transitioning from fully awake to entranced can make a work so much more believable and satisfying for me.

For others who don't like the hypnotic app trope, there's a tag you can filter out: [[hypnotic_app]]
01/23/21 03:23PM
I'm not entirely sold on pheromones or perfume sprays. You know how people complain about hypnosis apps on phones being too easy? That's me and chemical related stuff in general. There's always exceptions of course, but chemical stuff doesn't do much for me a lot of the time.
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