01/25/21 01:26AM
question about card generator game content
hi there, ive been lurking this site for a while but i've only just now signed up for an account
i've semi-recently started making hypnosis content in koikatsu. i've read the rules, and noted that content from card generator games isn't normally allowed on this site unless they have some form of external post processing or editing

some of my content i already know wouldn't meet this standard, but others have more editing put into them - usually adding in animated hypnotic eyes or stuff like that. point is though, i'm not really sure if what i make would be allowed for posting. i've seen other people upload content made in koikatsu to the site, but i want to make sure my work would be permitted too

is it possible i could get in touch with an admin or something to show them my work and get their approval? i don't really want to waste their time by posting something that isn't permitted and have it be removed - i've had similar experiences on other websites and it was kind of embarrassing for me

thanks in advance to anyone who gets in touch
01/25/21 06:46AM
99119991h said:
hi there, ive been lurking this site for a while but i've only just now signed up for an account
i've semi-recently started making hypnosis content in koikatsu. i've read the rules, and noted that content from card generator games isn't normally allowed on this site unless they have some form of external post processing or editing

some of my content i already know wouldn't meet this standard, but others have more editing put into them - usually adding in animated hypnotic eyes or stuff like that. point is though, i'm not really sure if what i make would be allowed for posting. i've seen other people upload content made in koikatsu to the site, but i want to make sure my work would be permitted too

is it possible i could get in touch with an admin or something to show them my work and get their approval? i don't really want to waste their time by posting something that isn't permitted and have it be removed - i've had similar experiences on other websites and it was kind of embarrassing for me

thanks in advance to anyone who gets in touch

Post privately to Imgur and share the link in a PM with a mod. They should be able to tell you if it's up to standard, and notify the other mods should something arise (that is, if it's in a gray area or contentious in some way).
01/25/21 01:29PM
There's plenty of images made in Koikatsu on the hub: {{koikatsu!}}, and some of them have no form of post-editing. If your work is of similar quality to those, it shouldn't be a problem.
01/25/21 10:52PM
bullet said:
Post privately to Imgur and share the link in a PM with a mod. They should be able to tell you if it's up to standard, and notify the other mods should something arise (that is, if it's in a gray area or contentious in some way).

alright, i'll do that. is there anyone specific who would be best to get in contact with or should i just message any mod?

Thf772 said:
There's plenty of images made in Koikatsu on the hub: {{koikatsu!}}, and some of them have no form of post-editing. If your work is of similar quality to those, it shouldn't be a problem.

yeah probably, but as i say i've been turned away from other sites for posting koikatsu content. i just wanna make sure it would be ok to post here

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