01/31/21 09:26PM
Advice for writing smut?
So I can't be the only one who has this problem:

I've been working on trying to come up with hypno-smut fics but I don't really feel like writing the fetish and sex stuff when I'm not in the mood. When I'm in the mood, I come up with what in the moment sounds like some really hot ideas, so hot that I just get caught up in them and have to get off. Then when I try to write after getting off, all those ideas I came up with just seem stupid or outright cringey.

Any advice on how to actually go about writing the smut?
01/31/21 09:45PM
teso said:
So I can't be the only one who has this problem:

I've been working on trying to come up with hypno-smut fics but I don't really feel like writing the fetish and sex stuff when I'm not in the mood. When I'm in the mood, I come up with what in the moment sounds like some really hot ideas, so hot that I just get caught up in them and have to get off. Then when I try to write after getting off, all those ideas I came up with just seem stupid or outright cringey.

Any advice on how to actually go about writing the smut?

I feel like getting horny is really the best way to come up with ideas
Also, no matter how hot an idea is, if you're having post-nut clarity, it'll pretty much always sound bad, so don't discard the idea necessarily for that, just write it down and look at it when you're clear headed
01/31/21 10:04PM
You just have to have enough self control to not jack off until you at least start writing.
01/31/21 10:05PM
Try to find a balance between what you wanna write and what your audience wants to read. What you might think is cringey could be really hot to some people, but you never know until you share it. My advice is to never stop practicing and building up your confidence. At least one person is guaranteed to like it.
01/31/21 10:35PM
Here's what works for me.
-Don't force yourself to write if you don't have an idea. When there's something you want to write, you'll usually know, because you'll be thinking about it a lot.
-Drink some coffee before writing if you want to write a lot: the stimulant effects help keep it going as well as making you horny.
-If it's hypnosis fetish porn (or any smut for that matter) un-horny examination of it will make it seem cringe. That's OK. Don't erase your story just because it seems cringey after you finished masturbating.
The main thing with you seems to be that you gotta write before you go and masturbate to the idea. For that, I have no advice except "control yourself" and "put the laptop over your pants so don't have easy access".

The big thing is, no matter what you're writing, there will probably be some people who are into it. And like any skill, when you write more, you get better at it, and reading different authors also makes you better at it.
01/31/21 11:04PM
I've been there (currently am there, I have 3/4 hypno smut stories I've partially written but just can't get past the finish line.) As others have said, the best thing you can do is write what you want to write and then share it, even if you feel like it's no good or "cringey."

It won't always be perfect, it might not even be good, but somebody besides you will probably like it and be willing to give you feedback on it, and that's how you grow. You're always going to your own worst critic, so you have to try to not get hung up on those feelings.
02/04/21 04:06PM
Aah yes, this is pretty complicated for me too, after a while, here are the thing that help me for this kind of project, hope something here helps :

- As pretty much everyone in this thread says, being horny is probably the best motivator and inspiration here, I don't think it's mandatory for the whole project but at least at the start it's pretty important. Of course what's super tough here is to somehow manage to stay horny for a big part of the project.

Everyone is different regarding that so you need to find what works for you. Try things, see how you can get in the right mindset while still being able to work properly, you'll get there don't worry.

- For inspiraion, I think it's important to mix between porn for inspiration and no porn for a while, that plus horny usually get the imagination running, so it's pretty nice for new ideas at the start of project.

- There's an advice that has good and bad side, but it's to try and get ideas (or at least part of them, like setting and character) that you like a lot outside of, uh, the horny zone. This is very helpfull to stay on track and keep working on the project without needing to be horny all the time.
The downside is that it might get you to want to focus on more story-heavy content, which might not be what others are looking for. Or not, depends on the whole thing, but I know that's something I'm currently struggling with.

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