02/25/21 09:30AM
So about my recent Jorogumo Mistress pic (Possible group picture?)
For reference:

So I've been wanting to draw something a little more substantial than just a few characters and no backgrounds, like I feel like I've been doing too much of lately. So I was thinking of doing some kind of group picture, multiple female subs, turned into servants of the mistress working at her onsen, seducing other patrons.

I post this mostly because I dont have many female OCs, so I'm asking folks here who would be onboard for me to include their OCs. Main aspects being in a kimono, makeup, and hair done up in a tight bun with hairpins.

I don't have a full concept of what I want to do beyond a group picture, but it'll likely be along the lines of the old Resort YCHs I did. Maybe I'll include male OCs as the subs of the corrupted girls if thats of interest.
02/25/21 09:42AM
If you want to include little old me, I'd be happy to volunteer.
02/25/21 09:50AM
I would offer up someone, but I don't have any OCs because lack of true artistic talent ;-;
02/25/21 10:14AM
I'd love to offer my Ember Rouge, and with her brand new ref sheet: neshiraini.pages.heptacle...har_refs/ember_ref_v2.jpg
02/27/21 12:37AM
Ah sorry I kind of posted this and feel like I ran...stuff kind of came up, mostly it kind of got dumped on me that I'll be no longer working from home at all and back to normal working hours. So thats gonna cut into my free time to art. This'll probably take me a while longer to produce given that, but I'll be keeping refs and folks who are interested noted down.

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