03/01/21 01:17PM
ai dungeon 2 is a magnificent tool to create hypnosis story
Hi everyone
I wanted to share with you one of my new favorite thing for hypnosis now, called ai dungeon 2
For those who don't know, it's a story/adventure creator for rpg, with an ai that create a story based on your characters and what they do in real time

So for example you create a paladin, you name him john and if you say that you encounter golbins, the ai will create a fight between you and them, and you can describe precisely what you do or say, and the ai will react based on that

Now that's the basic of it anyway but of course here's it's the hypnosis that interest us :p

Ai dungeon work surprisingly well with hypnosis story, I made a lot of different situations, types of hypnosis and characters and it all work pretty well

You can create full scenario, describing your characters (if you want to give him hypnotic eyes, voice, hypno gun or things like that)
You can create the other characters, no matter the age, the race (well, limited to fantasy race, animals and anthro are a bit tricky) and give them background

For example if you say that a character was brainwashed when she was younger and fall in trance again if she hear a specific word, well in your story if a character say that word she will fall in trance again automatically

You can do any type of kinks, even the most extreme (yeah, I wanted to see how far I could go, I did things you wouldn't believe and the ai was perfectly fine with it

Now some tips for you :

- most important, there are two models of ai in the game, one free and one premium
DO NOT USE THE FREE MODEL, it's really not the best and can do stupid things like characters suddenly dying for no reason
The premium model is free for a week, so give it a try and see if you like it or not :)

To create scenario, go to "my stuff" - "scenario", you can use what is called memory there, which help you to establish the characters, environment and settings or else the ai can mix the name, ages etc of the characters

In setting, you need to disable safe mode for nsfw content in your story

And that's it, tell me what you think about this game guys, and don't hesitate to share some tips if you got some :)

03/01/21 03:07PM
The premium model is like thirty a month, which is just hell no.

You can sort of train the free model if you edit its responses, just keep in mind it'll take some railroading to get to a good point. But I've had great results with it.
03/01/21 03:13PM
Napavalleydays said:
The premium model is like thirty a month, which is just hell no.

You can sort of train the free model if you edit its responses, just keep in mind it'll take some railroading to get to a good point. But I've had great results with it.

Yeah plus on hgg you can find alternative builds/extensions that are specifically for lewds.
03/01/21 03:17PM
Euronet said:
Yeah plus on hgg you can find alternative builds/extensions that are specifically for lewds.

03/01/21 03:21PM
Napavalleydays said:

Hentai games general, usually on a few chans. F95 also does have some builds too if I remember correctly.
03/01/21 03:45PM
Napavalleydays said:
The premium model is like thirty a month, which is just hell no.

Premium model is 10 USD a month. Only the unlimited plan is 30 USD a month, and you'd need to use the site extensively for a long while to actually run out of enregy.
03/01/21 06:04PM
I’mma keep it real with you chief.

Im not subscribing to a fucking premium service for hypnofetish.
03/01/21 06:51PM
skullman2033 said:
I’mma keep it real with you chief.

Im not subscribing to a fucking premium service for hypnofetish.

It's fortunate that no one is forcing you to :)
03/01/21 08:08PM
They made a sequel?
Why make one on a AI generated game lol, especially when the one already works great to have some hypno fun
But yes would 200% recommend using ai dungeon for hypno kink stuff (especially if you want to mix it up with other kinks or just want obscure stuff)

also a lot of people seem to miss the fact you can edit the previous thing the ai said to modify the story, very useful if you want to make the story go the way you want

Cell said:
DO NOT USE THE FREE MODEL, it's really not the best and can do stupid things like characters suddenly dying for no reason

Just don't enable adventure mode or hardcore mode, you can only die if you enable one of them manually
03/01/21 11:17PM
Well, the free version is just kinda awful in general. it gets distracted easily and doesn't quite understand certain concepts. I recall trying to use a mind control spell in one story in it and the result was the person being knocked out, then also being awake and complaining about it then also a new person appearing out of nowhere who apparently has been there the whole time to tell me that the villagers in town are forming an angry mob for no reason.

Feels like the business model is a bit off. Like "here's a completely broken and unplayable version of the game. If you subscribe though, we promise the paid version works WAY better!"
03/02/21 12:02AM
Changer said:
Well, the free version is just kinda awful in general. it gets distracted easily and doesn't quite understand certain concepts. I recall trying to use a mind control spell in one story in it and the result was the person being knocked out, then also being awake and complaining about it then also a new person appearing out of nowhere who apparently has been there the whole time to tell me that the villagers in town are forming an angry mob for no reason.

Feels like the business model is a bit off. Like "here's a completely broken and unplayable version of the game. If you subscribe though, we promise the paid version works WAY better!"

tbh it goes off track a first, but if you correct the mistakes it makes by rerolling or just manually editing, 10 minutes in you won't have any more problem
03/02/21 03:04AM
Having played around with AID2 for a while myself, here are some of my notes for those who might want to try this thing out:

- Memory and world info are your friends. To put things simply, the AI remembers about 3000 characters worth of text, everything else gets memory holed. The AI will always recall /remember content, but WI entries only when the keys have appeared in the last ~5 text entries. Because of this, you'll want to keep /remember simple and short if possible and use WI to describe characters, that way it'll only use up space when they're relevant to the scene.
As an example, /remember might list your character's name, gender, age and/or physique if important, goal, possessions/powers, location and company, and at most some vital details about other characters or events. For instance, I've used it to try and have the AI keep track of who's in a trance in a given moment, which can be useful if you have multiple characters in a scene and want to focus on one.

- Always use Story for smut. Do and Say are taken by the AI as suggestions, whereas Story is taken as word of God. On top of that, you can edit entries in order to fix any minor issues the AI might have in an overall good entry, like getting a gender wrong. It's smart to fix such things as they appear, as the AI's own replies are all in Story.
There's also the thing that the AI seems to think that hypnosis is somehow tied to psychic powers, I've had to stop it from having "me" reach into people's minds when I'm doing a regular verbal induction on quite a few occasions now.

- Word use. Some words have better results than others for your desired outcomes. generally it's a smart thing to try different word combinations to see how the AI will react, particularly how you describe your purpose or chosen method of MC with /remember. For example, describing the effect you want your character's magic amulet to have, if anyone who sees it is 'instantly enthralled' or simply 'fixated and can't willingly look away' should theoretically make a big difference.
From what I've noticed, if you write a character to be 'hypnotized', they'll likely snap out of it at the drop of a hat, but if you describe it as 'in trance', or possibly as 'a puppet', they'll generally be pretty deep. If you want a character to be more awake but still servile, using 'willing' seems to work quite nicely.
On that note, when writing a character's WI entry, it's best structured so that each individual sentence includes that character's name, i.e. 'Jane (24) is a saleswoman and Joan's sister. Jane is very friendly and warm, but naive and submissive. Jane is interested in music and curling.'

- Rein in the AI. Especially if you want a longer induction or weaker trances, it'll be up to you to keep the AI in check, because it will quite happily let things escalate fast when it deems a character is sufficiently 'tranced'.
03/02/21 04:51AM
Mattlau04 said:
They made a sequel?
Why make one on a AI generated game lol, especially when the one already works great to have some hypno fun

The numbers are more advanced underlying AIs. The "game" is just a frontend on OpenAI's GPT-series AIs. AI Dungeon was an earlier version of GPT-2, AI Dungeon 2 was the full release of GPT-2, the premium version is full GPT-3 and the current free version is a less resource-intensive version of GPT-3. Since the game is incidental to GPT development it makes sense to update its "version" as new AI models are developed.
03/02/21 06:33AM
This seems interesting but Id rather have someone make a good one then play through that. It would not have to be exact just a baseline so I don't have to fiddle with the AI. If that happened I would prob play.
03/02/21 10:46AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
- Always use Story for smut. Do and Say are taken by the AI as suggestions, whereas Story is taken as word of God. On top of that, you can edit entries in order to fix any minor issues the AI might have in an overall good entry, like getting a gender wrong. It's smart to fix such things as they appear, as the AI's own replies are all in Story.

I didn't know the bit about using Story, usually I try to avoid it (since the game seemed designed to favor Do and Say, especially before they added the command buttons), but I'll try using it more in the future.
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