03/11/21 07:55PM
Non-english speakers, how is hypnosis in your own language?
Hey everybody,

A lot of times hypnosis in my oen language ("I'm German) feels kinda awkward, mostly because we have no proper "good girl" equivalent that doesn't make me cringe no matter how deep I'm under control. We have a good "good kitty" equivalent, so being hypnotized into a catgirl or being a catgirl that gets hypnotized works fine in my language too, but a lot of other times my language can make erotic interactions kinda cringe.

Do you have similar stories or situations?
03/11/21 08:04PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Hey everybody,

A lot of times hypnosis in my oen language ("I'm German) feels kinda awkward, mostly because we have no proper "good girl" equivalent that doesn't make me cringe no matter how deep I'm under control.

Does "hertzschatzi" work, or is that for a different context?
03/11/21 08:20PM
VerifiedUser said:
Does "hertzschatzi" work, or is that for a different context?

It's for a faaaaaar different context. "Herz" means heart, and "Schatzi" means darling. There's the word "Schatz", which means "treasure", and the -i usually is added as a sign of affection, so it means "darling". Combining the two is not an actual word (it would mean love darling), you'd say something like "Schatzi" on its own, or combined with other words of affections like "Schatzibärchen", a combination of "darling" and an affectionate "my little bear", and "Herz" together with something like "Herzensdame", meaning "Lady of heart", but that's not something you'd call someone directly. But in general those are more things for a couple that's deeply in love and full on affectionate, and less something a mind controller would say to his victim after enslaving her mind and turning her into an obedient pet for him.
03/11/21 08:29PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
It's for a faaaaaar different context. "Herz" means heart, and "Schatzi" means darling. There's the word "Schatz", which means "treasure", and the -i usually is added as a sign of affection, so it means "darling". Combining the two is not an actual word (it would mean love darling), you'd say something like "Schatzi" on its own, or combined with other words of affections like "Schatzibärchen", a combination of "darling" and an affectionate "my little bear", and "Herz" together with something like "Herzensdame", meaning "Lady of heart", but that's not something you'd call someone directly. But in general those are more things for a couple that's deeply in love and full on affectionate, and less something a mind controller would say to his victim after enslaving her mind and turning her into an obedient pet for him.

It's sounds more like something used in a "Daddy"/"Daddy's girl" context, now that you mention it.
03/11/21 09:04PM
VerifiedUser said:
It's sounds more like something used in a "Daddy"/"Daddy's girl" context, now that you mention it.

Yes, you could use it here, although it really meams pure affection, there's no dominant or erotic subtone like with "good girl", but rather it's something two affectionate partners call each other, so both the dominant and the submissive part could call each other that. There's a version with a dominant subtext, "sei ein schatz und" followed by a command, meaning "be a darling and do...", which would be something akin to "make daddy proud and do...", which appeals to subs seeking affection and doms rewarding good subs with that affection, but in such a dynamic the dom would most likely not call the sub "schatz" directly and rather give her a nickname and using "sei ein schatz" to reward her for good behavior if she follows the next command. It still lacks an erotic subtext though, and it's not something you'd say to a mind controlled sub.
03/11/21 09:23PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Hey everybody,

A lot of times hypnosis in my oen language ("I'm German) feels kinda awkward, mostly because we have no proper "good girl" equivalent that doesn't make me cringe no matter how deep I'm under control. We have a good "good kitty" equivalent, so being hypnotized into a catgirl or being a catgirl that gets hypnotized works fine in my language too, but a lot of other times my language can make erotic interactions kinda cringe.

Do you have similar stories or situations?

French is pretty decent for hypnosis, but we don't have a "good boy/good girl" equivalent either :/
03/11/21 09:36PM
Mattlau04 said:
French is pretty decent for hypnosis, but we don't have a "good boy/good girl" equivalent either :/

Yeah, I guess it's a bit cliché but French is usually pretty good for seduction (I mean even "you wanna sleep with me?" sounds pretty seductive in French), so a hypnosis going that way definitely seems pretty decent, but I haven't heard anything regarding a dom/sub-relation in french either.

German at least has a "good boy" equivalent (it's the literal translation), just not really a "good girl".
03/11/21 10:28PM
I just made this account so that I could discuss here because this seems like an interesting topic, well for me I live in an arab country right now, surprisingly one that doesnt enforce internet laws. theres not really a good "good boy" or "good girl" equivalent that I know that ISNT just directly translating it to either:

- "Waled Jayid" or ولد جيد which means "good boy"

- or "Bint Jayida" or بنت جيدة which means "good girl"

but those are literal translations and I only seem them used in a cringey, formal, parent to child speech.
then again maybe because arabic cultures didn't really see hypnotism as popular until recently and even then only in the medical scene, not any sexual or even vaguely romantic scenarios.
03/11/21 10:43PM
anonifahd said:
I just made this account so that I could discuss here because this seems like an interesting topic, well for me I live in an arab country right now, surprisingly one that doesnt enforce internet laws.

Hey, that's cool, nice to know my topic is that interesting.

As for the good girl thing, it's the same here, it's what parents would formerly tell their daughters when they did something good. Saying our word for girl to a woman would be either cringey or really creepy honestly, which is why doing a literal translation doesn't work.
03/12/21 08:07PM
I´m totally with you on that topic. I am german myself and I normaly wouln´t say that our language sounds harsh or anything. But while listening to hypno files in german they tend to be rather akward to listen to. May it be as already mentioned the lack of expressions, that could not be misinterpreted as inappropriate.
03/15/21 08:55AM
Yay, great to know other people around here are german :D
Been a long while since I posted here, but I logged in again
just to reply here also.

And I agree. I can't really listen to german files also etc.
because it just sounds so awkward or not fitting or lacks
the impact some of the english recordings possess.

And there's so little hypnofics in German also.
Or good expressions, like you two noted already.

This reminds me of The Secret Subject who did a video
for the new year (iirc) about ones favourite hypnosis
words and expressions. So much to choose from there
and in English, but German, nope. And not sexy at all, imo.

btw, I like the reply about how things are in Arabic also.
Good to know. I'd be interested if we have some native
Japanese users here also, though and how things are
over there.
03/15/21 10:31AM
We even have a german tag here, it reminded me of how the german word for pet is too long (basically it means domestic animal, so for anybody not speaking it just imagine replacing every "pet" with "domestic animal", as in "good domestic animal" and "who's a good little fuck domestic animal?")
Browsing through the tag, yes German does kinda work for cold hearted robotized woman with no trace of feelings left, not even erotic ones as they just mindlessly obey. Anything else though? No.
There's also lewdsoph, who also thinks German hypnocontent is cringeworthy af, but is the actual reason we have a German tag on here, so she became the very thing she swore to destroy.
03/15/21 03:32PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Browsing through the tag, yes German does kinda work for cold hearted robotized woman with no trace of feelings left, not even erotic ones as they just mindlessly obey. Anything else though? No.

Yes, hypnosis in german is totally fine, but as _Chizuru94_ said it is the exact opposite of sexy regarding pronounciation. That´s why I only see very dominant and kind of "cruel" hypnotists" online that are german. I might be missing many other ones, but that is my quick impression on things.
03/16/21 10:40AM
Well, there're many phrases on english that sound awkward on russian. For example, the same "good boy"/"good girl" on russian languadge is an appeal to a child (mostly). It can be used as appeal to an adult, but mostly in a teasing manner.
The word "mindless" have a few analogues on russian languadge, but all of them have a bit another meaning.
We have the word "бездумный"/"bezdumnyi", that can be translated as "thoughtless", but the word mostly used to describe an action (like someone doing something and not asking questions about it/not thinking in the process/being thoughtless). In general, action can be described as "bezdumnyi", but not the person.
We also have the word "безмозглый"/"bezmozglyi", that can actually be translated as "mindless", but in russian this word describes a person, that is very fool and acurate translation of this word will be "brainless".
There is no equivalent of the words "entransed"/"enthralled" in russian languadge (the translator will translate them as "exited"). The nearest word will be "порабощен"/"poraboshen", that will mean "enslaved".
Thats not all, but it was the first things I remembered.
03/16/21 11:34AM

Oof, but good to know :)
And why not, I guess.


Interesting. Since I might want to learn Russian in the future, but also look into Korean and started learning Japanese years ago.

But weird how the English language has so much variety there.
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