03/13/21 04:49AM
What was your first IRL hypno experience as subject or hypnotist?
I would say my first was with a friend over the phone in my early 20s. She and I flirted heavily and messed around on the phone. One night I told her my interest in the subject and talked myself up as being really good at it.
It was amazing. I got to do it a few more times with her before I was able to do it live with people later.
03/14/21 07:03AM
I've had a lot of failed file-based ones over the years, back to my teenage years. I'd kind of get some minor effects, but I could never really go full-blown on it. I'm ace (or at least... was?) and I think I was kind of afraid of a sex drive getting in the way of things, but I've also always wanted to enjoy it, so, conflict there that got in the way.

Over the years, especially recently I've kind of gotten some things provided I play along with it, to kind of get a sense of attraction and what not, but it was always very temporary at that. Part of that was making myself more susceptible to hypnosis though, and I was noticing improvement there.

Last night I layered a few files I found with some older ones and it finally just clicked. It was such a nice experience, and then I went straight to bed. But then here I am the next day and in my desktop rotation one of the anime girls had a low top and... I got real spacy and... Here I am again on the site and it's soo different now. This is probably temporary too, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't need to be... I just need to find a balance because this is a bit... Much...

I do kind of want more at the same time though. But with all this I also want to put in a trigger to help me with my boyfriend. I'm pretty legendarily bad at bj's, but I've always really wanted to get into it... Like, *really* get into it...
03/14/21 07:26AM
I've tried a lot of times through audios, and twice through an actual hypnotist at my college (once in a psychology class and once as part of a stage show). It has never worked for me though, more's the pity.
03/14/21 07:28AM
edcellwarrior said:
I've tried a lot of times through audios, and twice through an actual hypnotist at my college (once in a psychology class and once as part of a stage show).

Is it wrong if I just want to hear about the hypnotist show?
03/14/21 08:09AM
VerifiedUser said:
Is it wrong if I just want to hear about the hypnotist show?

It was a first night social event thing where they brought in a stage hypnotist. I volunteered because it was my first time having a shot at something like that, but I never really managed to go under, unfortunately. The show itself was pretty basic, just asking the participants to make animal sounds or think people's armpits smelled good.
03/14/21 08:17AM
edcellwarrior said:
It was a first night social event thing where they brought in a stage hypnotist. I volunteered because it was my first time having a shot at something like that, but I never really managed to go under, unfortunately. The show itself was pretty basic, just asking the participants to make animal sounds or think people's armpits smelled good.

Alright. Thanks for sharing, though :)
03/14/21 08:22AM
VerifiedUser said:
Alright. Thanks for sharing, though :)

No problem. I wish there was more to tell!
03/14/21 08:27AM
I guess my first IRL hypnosis experience would be someone that I covertly met up with, and then hypnotized them in a car (with their current dom's permission). We also got caught by a security guard as she was giving me a handjob.

Fun times...god, I hate that it ended.
03/14/21 10:02PM
VerifiedUser said:
I guess my first IRL hypnosis experience would be someone that I covertly met up with, and then hypnotized them in a car (with their current dom's permission). We also got caught by a security guard as she was giving me a handjob.

Fun times...god, I hate that it ended.

Well come on. This has the making of a great story.
03/14/21 10:57PM
Master42 said:
Well come on. This has the making of a great story.

No it doesn't. Trust me.
03/15/21 01:21AM
JenJen said:
Last night I layered a few files I found with some older ones and it finally just clicked. It was such a nice experience, and then I went straight to bed. But then here I am the next day and in my desktop rotation one of the anime girls had a low top and... I got real spacy and... Here I am again on the site and it's soo different now. This is probably temporary too, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't need to be... I just need to find a balance because this is a bit... Much...

Incidentally, I’ve always been a bit worried something like this would happen if I did ever manage to go under. Does anyone with more experience have any insight to how lasting stuff like that can be?
03/15/21 02:12AM
edcellwarrior said:
Incidentally, I’ve always been a bit worried something like this would happen if I did ever manage to go under. Does anyone with more experience have any insight to how lasting stuff like that can be?

In my previous experience it would last a few weeks. Although it was never particularly strong since I had to try so hard to experience anything in the moment even. I woke up today kind of already in that frame of mind, I must have been dreaming, or something. It seems stronger than yesterday, I think I have a bit of a feedback loop because I keep thinking about it.

I know you asked for someone with more experience, but I'll update on such things if it's wanted. I'm a bit more lucid presently but... I don't think that's going to last too terribly longer and I think I need to end this post here soon, it's been an effort. I do know that from reading on more socially acceptable uses of hypnosis, that triggers can last many years if initially well enforced, even without practicing it in-between, but it seems to vary from person to person.
03/15/21 03:13AM
I'm usually not a fan of going under myself (I'm more the one who loves imagining herself helpless, obedient and enthralled to some guy than to actually be it), but during a continuous string of roleplays with one guy, some of them being themed about the "real me" being enslaved by my roleplay me and a dangerous amout of sleep deprivation I just...

Don't know what happened. I had no memory of a certain time, I just completely spaced out and when I came back to my senses, I was about 2km further on the way home (so apparently I was tranced while walking home, thank god nothing happened) and re-reading my chats, I saw tons of stuff from that time that I don't remember writing, but I was extremely compliant, more than even when playing hypnotized. I even ended up getting some minor triggers out of it.

But honestly, it was not a pleasant experience for me. I actively don't want to go under, and the experience kinda reinforced that. Hypnosis can be scary.
03/15/21 04:19AM
Hypnomaid20 said:
I'm usually not a fan of going under myself (I'm more the one who loves imagining herself helpless, obedient and enthralled to some guy than to actually be it)

This is basically me, dead on. I enjoy both dom and sub fantasies, but I feel like actually going under would just be more scary than fun. The kind of experience you described is something I never want to experience.
03/15/21 10:12AM
edcellwarrior said:
This is basically me, dead on. I enjoy both dom and sub fantasies, but I feel like actually going under would just be more scary than fun. The kind of experience you described is something I never want to experience.

Yes, it definitely was scary and I now try to always be awake to some point. That aside, the really dumb thing was that the trigger I ended up getting was "good girl", for weeks it kept spacing me out a bit hearing that and there was nothing I could really do.
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