02/28/24 08:23AM
Could you post these on mcstories as well? I much prefer that layout.
02/28/24 02:52PM
jigiyak said:
Hypnorgasm said:
The increasing duplications as the story went on actually started to get surreal, as if the memory-altering powers of Amy were working on the reader too.

hey it's not a bug it's a feature

"It just works, it just works"
02/29/24 02:01AM
anon859 said:
Could you post these on mcstories as well? I much prefer that layout.

Doesn't that site require approval or whatever? It's why I haven't posted there, as... well... yeah. Don't they need approval and/or sending in to the owner directly to have them upload it?
Plus I ain't got the patience to tag it all. Tagging tends to just... kinda confuse me, tbh. I never know if I'm doing it *right*.
03/20/24 11:49PM

New site to read it on! I'll keep adding parts to that, the wattpad + and the TH lit as well. Because... why tf not?

Anyway, I gotta keep finetuning the layout and shit, but there ya go. You can read it there, too if Wattpad ain't somewhere you like, and if you don't have a TH account.
06/19/24 10:42AM

New update! Been awhile. Sorry y'all
06/20/24 01:25PM
oh looks awesome
06/20/24 10:03PM
Got another writinhg thing done.
because I like writing. Every so often, I get an itch to write. So I do.

Not sure how much more I'll post.
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