08/24/13 08:35AM
The markup here
Just wanted to make a quick reference and test what works.


never enough bold and italic

[[help:rules and policies]]

{{kinkyloli}} posts

{{loli ahegao}} posts

search by user: {{user:kinkyloli}}

post #7547

forum #273

comment #344

pool #44

Some spoiler text

h1. An Important Header

h2. A Less Important Header

h6. The Smallest Header

h3. Nesting


* Item 1
* Item 2
** Item 2.a
** Item 2.b
* Item 3

This is the markup used here:
08/24/13 11:10AM
I recommend adding line breaks between each main point in a list. As you can see, if you add a main point after some sub-points in the same list, the main point will be considered its own list and will have an empty line before it (this is a bug, and it has been reported to the developer). Adding a line break after each and every main point will result in a much cleaner list.

* Item 1

* Item 2
** Item 2.a
** Item 2.b

* Item 3

Also note that the sub-points SHOULD be indented. The fact that they are not, I figure, is a bug as well, so I have just reported it to the developer.
08/25/13 06:47AM
Vanndril said:
Also note that the sub-points SHOULD be indented. The fact that they are not, I figure, is a bug as well, so I have just reported it to the developer.

To fix that, add this to whatever custom CSS you can inject in the page.
.body ul > ul { padding: 24px !important; }
08/25/13 08:43AM
If I could edit the CSS without causing it to break the site's layout for some reason, I'd try that. :P Alas, I can't, because it does. I've contacted the developer, who couldn't replicate the issue. I contacted Slayer about setting up an empty install of this software somewhere for me so that I can have free-reign without royally fucking something up, so all I can do is wait. XD
08/25/13 10:17AM
For what is worth, I really, really recommend you to look into installing XAMPP.

You see, if you run this (works on Windows!), you'll be able to fiddle with an environment like a server, but:

* It will not cost a dime
* It will be safe to mess around
* It will be damn fast to develop on since there's no network to go trough

Also, I love portable software, and they have a portable version. This means you can take it from one PC to the other and look into it whenever.
(on that page, look for the zip/7z archive if you want the portable one).
08/25/13 11:04AM
I'll look into that later. Sounds interesting.

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