09/07/13 09:30AM
Why Kaa??? ------ Por qué Kaa???
Why Kaa?

I have seen that is a very used and very popular ...

and I wonder, why the popularity? ...
what it is that attracts more him? ...

Like any good voyeur would like to know their opinions and points of view ...




por qué Kaa?

he visto que es un personaje muy usado y muy popular...

y me pregunto, por qué esa popularidad?...
qué es lo que más atrae de él?...

Como buen voyerista desearía saber sus opiniones y puntos de vista...

09/07/13 09:36AM
Nostalgia. Most people first saw him as a child, and for many (myself included) that's where their fetish started.

There are other reasons, of course. For one, Kaa is viewed as rather seductive. He sings to his prey, attempts to befriend them, coils them up (even though there's no real reason for him to do so once they're completely hypnotized). He's also a lot like us in that he seems to enjoy his own hypnotic powers. He could easily devour his prey once he has them under, but he plays with them, seemingly getting off on his control.
09/07/13 09:46AM
I've asked this and been asked this before it's a reasonable question but is easily enough answered. The most common theory as to why he is so popular is that he was one of the first instances of hypnosis many people saw usually as a kid. I don't think that justifies the popularity but it helps explain why he is so well known Even outside the hypnosis community. (Plus he did hypnotize Shante and few years later when I guess some of us were older but idk)

The main reason I think is because he is a snake. Snakes have this strange meta of hypnosis it seems and I don't know of this is a real thing but Kaa's well known status probably contributes to this. When viewing most snake art be it hypnosis or not you'll notice it's like one big, long, cool tentacle that can bend nearly any which way it needs to. This makes it very appealing to fetish artists and it even has an end for hypnosis or eating if you're into either.

But why Kaa specifically. Again this is mainly due to how popular and common he is. But also because he is at least basically established (I say basically because I am guilty of never having seen The Jungle Book myself or anything it was based on like if it was a book). Because he has had his moments he has all the criteria: he has a method, he has his colors (green or brown depending in your flavor of Kaa) and he has his little quirks like his sinning and dinging. This means the artist doesn't have to come up with these traits themselves and worry about conveying the hypnosis because again, everyone knows how he works.

So yeah it's mostly due to how commonly known he is and his easy-to-follow history and quirks. (I thought I would add something at the end here but forgot what maybe I'll remember later.

TL;DR he's well known and easily accessible because snakes are awesome.

Edit: didn't see mindwipes post until now he sums it up pretty well too...sorry I just like writing essays on things I like when i get bored. I need to stretch my writing muscle again maybe i'll open a request/idea thread
09/07/13 09:59AM
magnificent ...

I love the idea of ​​being one of the primary figures of the children, who is originally from fetish ...

and Lord-Enonymous, I love your answer ...

I'd rather dig a little deeper and listen to other answers, ha ... if there are other answers ... of course ...
09/07/13 10:16AM
Lord-Enonymous said:
Snakes have this strange meta of hypnosis it seems and I don't know of this is a real thing but Kaa's well known status probably contributes to this.

Snakes were believed to have hypnotic powers before Kaa (well, definitely before Disney's Kaa, anyway). From what I've read, this belief stemmed from the fact that some small animals become so frightened upon seeing a snake, that they simply freeze up, allowing the snake to grab them.

But why Kaa specifically. Again this is mainly due to how popular and common he is. But also because he is at least basically established (I say basically because I am guilty of never having seen The Jungle Book myself or anything it was based on like if it was a book).

Disney's "The Jungle Book" is very loosely based on a book by Rudyard Kipling. Kaa had hypnotic powers in the book as well, though they worked through dancing (or some kind of movement that could be described as dancing) and were explicitly stated to not work on humans.

That actually brings up another reason of "why Kaa?": those eyes of his in the Disney version are VERY iconic.

he has his little quirks like his sinning and dinging.

I know this is blasphemy to many of my fellow Kaa fans, but I have always HATED the "ping" thing. Mainly because we only hear it in ONE instance, and it was clearly used for humor (there's even a "building-up" noise leading up to it), and yet the fanbase decided that there's ALWAYS a ping. It's the same with "Kaa's victims develop a lisp like Kaa when they're hypnotized", all because the ONE time we hear one of his victims talk while in trance, he seems to draw out an S, which could just as easily be explained by the fact that he WAS SLEEPING WHEN HE SAID IT.


Also, humanity has had a thing for snakes since... well ever.
09/07/13 10:24AM
Mindwipe-sama I am ignorant, but what you mean with the "ping"

and of course i'm no Fan of Kaa...
09/07/13 10:42AM
I can see what you mean I've never quite used the Ping myself (I take it or leave it i could go either way) except for a couple of times and most other fans of the fetish don't care for it either.

Zatara666 said:
Mindwipe-sama I am ignorant, but what you mean with the "ping"

In the Jungle Book movies when Kaa finished hypnotizing Mowgli it made a "Ding" noise which was basically the signal to say "done"

Mindwipe said:
Snakes were believed to have hypnotic powers before Kaa (well, definitely before Disney's Kaa, anyway). From what I've read, this belief stemmed from the fact that some small animals become so frightened upon seeing a snake, that they simply freeze up, allowing the snake to grab them.

Disney's "The Jungle Book" is very loosely based on a book by Rudyard Kipling. Kaa had hypnotic powers in the book as well, though they worked through dancing (or some kind of movement that could be described as dancing) and were explicitly stated to not work on humans.

That actually brings up another reason of "why Kaa?": those eyes of his in the Disney version are VERY iconic.

That's very interesting I didn't know either of those. That's cool actually. I like the dance though that's another fun way.

So yeah thanks for the info i feel more informed now.

Oh and yeah i'm 100% guilty of the hissing speak though. Though it was pointed out as a major criticism a few times back when I wrote Kaa stories. I should work on that...I mean I took it to an extreme and looking back....UGH SO BAD.
09/07/13 11:14AM
Lord-Enonymous said:
In the Jungle Book movies when Kaa finished hypnotizing Mowgli it made a "Ding" noise which was basically the signal to say "done"

Bagheera, actually. It was when Kaa hypnotized Bagheera.
09/07/13 12:03PM
Mindwipe said:
It's the same with "Kaa's victims develop a lisp like Kaa when they're hypnotized", all because the ONE time we hear one of his victims talk while in trance, he seems to draw out an S, which could just as easily be explained by the fact that he WAS SLEEPING WHEN HE SAID IT.

I didn't know this was a thing.
09/07/13 01:19PM
Speaking of the original Kaa, I find it pretty funny that Kipling's Kaa was apparently like a wise mentor figure/guru who was friends with Mowgli and not the clumsy antagonist of the Disney films. I haven't read the book, but I looked at the Wikipedia article, and it's just hella weird that our lovable idiot snake apparently said stuff like this:

“I have seen all the dead seasons,” Kaa said at last, “and the great trees and the old elephants, and the rocks that were bare and sharp-pointed ere the moss grew. Art thou still alive, Manling?”
09/07/13 01:38PM
I do find it rather amusing just how much people have over analysed the Kaa scenes so every little detail of the animation is something among the community.
09/07/13 10:22PM
Mindwipe said:
Also, humanity has had a thing for snakes since... well ever.

True that, every religion seems to have lots of snake references (really, EVERY religion).
Including the Kaa religion lol.

Mr.H said:
I do find it rather amusing just how much people have over analysed the Kaa scenes so every little detail of the animation is something among the community.

Indeed, the guy who wrote the story probably wouldn't imagine this, lol.

Also, I don't know how this jungle book was so popular. I've never read it, never seen the movie, don't know what it's about and it sounds kinda silly to me.

Which is funny, because my mother played some character of it in a theatre performance when I was a kid. I was too young to know what was going on though.
09/07/13 10:47PM
Actually I don't suppose anyone also remembers Jungle Cubs? It was an old cartoon on Disney channel that had most of the animals from Jungle Book as friends before Mowgli. Kaa did hypnotise others sometimes in that, though it was a running gag that it didn't work well. Though I recall and episode where Kaa hypnotised Sere Khan to be a nice guy and then eventually everyone decided it was best to restore him back to himself again. It doesn't seem like that shows clips ever get much attention, probably because its other animals he hypnotises? *shrug*

To be fair, mind control is present in a lot of cartoon shows, there must have been at least one episode featuring some kind of mind control or alteration in every cartoon I grew up on.
09/07/13 10:49PM
AC said:
I didn't know this was a thing.

It is indeed a thing. I've seen plenty of Kaa comics and stories where his victim will reply with "Yesss, Massster..." after they've been hypnotized.

Mr.H said:
I do find it rather amusing just how much people have over analysed the Kaa scenes so every little detail of the animation is something among the community.

Tell me about it. I remember something on dA where someone had analyzed every Kaa scene from the first movie to determine exactly how many rings Kaa's victims see before they become entranced, and even provided his counts along with video evidence. He concluded by saying that his hope was this would lead to people making more detailed and enjoyable Kaa RPs... somehow. Now, I'm no role player (outside of video games), and I've never participated in an RP, but if your idea of making things more interesting is telling your RP partner how many rings they're looking at, then that seems pretty mundane. Not to mention, oh yeah, there's no way in hell anyone involved in the cartoon even put that much thought into it.

Stem_Cell said:
Also, I don't know how this jungle book was so popular. I've never read it, never seen the movie, don't know what it's about and it sounds kinda silly to me.

Well, from what I understand, the book is a classic adventure story, and when I say "classic", I mean classic. It was written in 1894. The movie is... well, Disney, so it would be considered a classic no matter what. Anyway, why not check 'em out? You may still find them silly (I have a feeling the movie won't hold up with no nostalgia attached, but perhaps I'm wrong), but you never know until you try.
09/08/13 02:51AM
Hey I may have never seen any movie adaptations or read the original but I still enjoy "The Bear Nececesities" and "I Wanna Be Like You" so at least the Disney version's music kicked ass IMO.

Mindwipe said:
It is indeed a thing. I've seen plenty of Kaa comics and stories where his victim will reply with "Yesss, Massster..." after they've been hypnotized.

Tell me about it. I remember something on dA where someone had analyzed every Kaa scene from the first movie to determine exactly how many rings Kaa's victims see before they become entranced, and even provided his counts along with video evidence. He concluded by saying that his hope was this would lead to people making more detailed and enjoyable Kaa RPs... somehow. Now, I'm no role player (outside of video games), and I've never participated in an RP, but if your idea of making things more interesting is telling your RP partner how many rings they're looking at, then that seems pretty mundane."

Okay that there is a point I would draw a line. Counting rings just sounds so...boring and against the joy of how they work.

And I've done plenty of role-playing (still do occasionally) and I can attest. That does indeed sound boring beyond reason.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go count how many breaths somebody takes of hypnotic gas before they go under.

(This whole discussion makes me think of another semi-common (more niche though actually) that seems out-of-place but that's a story for another day)
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