09/10/13 01:18AM
Writing requests/ideas
Everyone seems to be contributing and helping things grow so I'd like to help as well. Though I am no artist not a great coder. I am a halfway decent writer though, or so I have been told but I haven't written a story proper in like, a few months now and the itch to create is back, especially with hypnosis stories! But I'm out of ideas for the most part and not sure what to write so that's where I'd like to get some ideas from you guys.

And just to be clear I'm around the level of fanfic writer. I can write in a small plot and whatever but I can't write whole novels (at least not yet. Always learning.) so don't expect things too long. I average around 1000 words on a lower end if I'm feeling into it.

Also, I have no problems writing nearly anything, and I loooove grimdark and slight gore (though those very, very intersect with hypnosis) so I'll take any idea almost. So like, I can't garuntee I'll take every single idea or request but feel free to put an idea out there and I'll probably consider it or write something small for it (I'm currently teaming up with my frown to try and make text manips which I feel like I could be good at if I had the pictures) so I might save ideas for those too.

So yeah, happy hypnoing and please shoot any and all ideas my way! Thanks!

Ps no I won't link to my previous works because I don't need to torture anybody with those...*shudder*

Edit: though I am realizing, I don't really know how one would go about submitting a story without a picture (I know a few pictures have had story-length text but I remember those have scared some people off of reading them, myself included so I dunno if that would be the way to go. Maybe I can link to a pastebin in this tread? Dunno we'll cross that bridge when we come to it)
09/10/13 01:30AM
You could try writing a story about Winx Club ^^
Didn't read one since months :D
09/10/13 06:03PM
I am also a decent writer as well according to me. And not to steal thunder or anything but I to will write stories should anyone want to tell me of an idea they want. I mostly stick with concepts and shy away from fanfics. Also what places do you guys go to find new hypnosis stories?
09/10/13 08:01PM
Fossilbrand said:
I am also a decent writer as well according to me. And not to steal thunder or anything but I to will write stories should anyone want to tell me of an idea they want. I mostly stick with concepts and shy away from fanfics. Also what places do you guys go to find new hypnosis stories?

Oh don't worry about "stealing thunder" or anything I'm always happy to see a fellow writer find some ideas as well. And for me looking for hypnosis stories, I've found a few decent ones on Literotica, and FiMfiction is good if you like MLP (otherwise you're gonna have a bad time) though it can be a small niche compared to how other themes on that site. Also deviantart has a rare gem from time to time. Other than that though the booru and here have given me most of my stories to read.

Anno1404 said:
You could try writing a story about Winx Club ^^
Didn't read one since months :D

I don't know anything about Winx Club besides that I think they have some DnD moments but I'll see if I can find something to work with or maybe use the idea in a manip, thanks.
09/10/13 08:36PM
I don't know how often this has been done, if much at all. But I'd really like to see something where the victims are regressed to a more primitive, tribal, or outright feral child like mindset, maybe via something like cursed place, artefact or jungle spirit. Maybe it's a little niche even for this place, but its my own personal kink.
09/10/13 10:51PM
Mr.H said:
I don't know how often this has been done, if much at all. But I'd really like to see something where the victims are regressed to a more primitive, tribal, or outright feral child like mindset, maybe via something like cursed place, artefact or jungle spirit. Maybe it's a little niche even for this place, but its my own personal kink.

I feel what you're saying for the mostpart, but the word that gets me is "feral child like" (i know that's 3 words, shush) .

Now, do you mean like they are in a very simple, animalistic nature, like say a wolf or bear? Or do you mean they would be regressed down to being like an actual child/baby (not physically just mentally. Unless you wanted to include physically I guess that might be able to work but idk the rules on lolis/shota in writing)
09/10/13 11:21PM
Lord-Enonymous said:
I feel what you're saying for the mostpart, but the word that gets me is "feral child like" (i know that's 3 words, shush) .

Now, do you mean like they are in a very simple, animalistic nature, like say a wolf or bear? Or do you mean they would be regressed down to being like an actual child/baby (not physically just mentally. Unless you wanted to include physically I guess that might be able to work but idk the rules on lolis/shota in writing)

Maybe not all the way to an animalistic mind, but just about, still being able talk to some capacity. I actually really like age regression, both physically and mentally, but it bothers me that so some regression art is all the way into a baby. I prefer to more loli shota age range (Recent chapters of Fairy Tail being a great example). But hey, don't feel pressured into doing something you don't want to on my part.
09/11/13 11:09AM
Maybe you could write a story about someone from either the Briefs or Son families who gathered Earth's Dragon Balls after the GT era and, in an effort to rejuvenate the Saiyan bloodlines, wished for humans with a strong sense of justice to turn into Saiyans, and then somebody nearby, upon hearing this, wishes for a voice that cannot be disobeyed by anyone of Saiyan blood.
09/13/13 11:06PM
I really love writing, and I've wanted a thread like this for a long time--a place to post hypnosis stories with a fanfiction bent for critique from people who are actually into hypnosis (and fanfiction? Maybe? Guess it's kind of weird to say that when I write some fanfiction myself but very rarely actually read any.)

That being said, I definitely don't have the confidence or will to fill requests. Maybe there could be a writing critique thread? It could help with manipping too; I'm just not sure how much it would be used...
09/14/13 02:37AM
petal said:
I really love writing, and I've wanted a thread like this for a long time--a place to post hypnosis stories with a fanfiction bent for critique from people who are actually into hypnosis (and fanfiction? Maybe? Guess it's kind of weird to say that when I write some fanfiction myself but very rarely actually read any.)

That being said, I definitely don't have the confidence or will to fill requests. Maybe there could be a writing critique thread? It could help with manipping too; I'm just not sure how much it would be used...

That'd be nice, to get some feedback and maybe share some old touched-up works.

Bluh I need to get around to writing these. Been having some ideas in the regression one, though to be quite honest I've never watched Winx Club and not all that much of dragon ball (especially GT) so I dunno if I would be great at writing about those.
09/14/13 05:01AM
Lord-Enonymous said:
Bluh I need to get around to writing these. Been having some ideas in the regression one, though to be quite honest I've never watched Winx Club and not all that much of dragon ball (especially GT) so I dunno if I would be great at writing about those.

Yeah I have some ideas on the regression one but I too have never really seen Winx Club and I want to stay away from GT. I'm not one for fanfics, especially shows from my childhood. It's just something in me that I don't like about seeing something I liked in my childhood in that light.

But still keep more ideas coming.
09/14/13 06:49AM
Insert Plug for Piper's Domain here...

Seriously though, if your interested in a place to post your stories that have loli/shota content consider submitting them to the domain, We try our best to keep up a base of authors but loli hypno stories are a sub-genre of a sub-genre. We are friendly to more or less everything but torture/guro stuff. And would love to have any or all of you as contributors if that's your bag

Honestly I'm also getting some form of creative brain rot from trying to put out a new and interesting story as fast as I can. I could use the break...:D

for those who don't know the site it www.asstr.org/~Piper/index.html

- Mesmer's Bauble
09/14/13 07:01AM
Mesmersbauble said:
We are friendly to more or less everything but torture/guro stuff.

I just wonder, why not be friendly to ANY content?
Not that I'd sumbit stories, nor I usually read any, but once you're allowing loli, you're already stating fiction != reality (well, questionable morals aside), so I think everybody should be entitled to share whatever, no matter how shitty or repulsive.
09/14/13 08:24AM
Stem_Cell said:
I just wonder, why not be friendly to ANY content?
Not that I'd sumbit stories, nor I usually read any, but once you're allowing loli, you're already stating fiction != reality (well, questionable morals aside), so I think everybody should be entitled to share whatever, no matter how shitty or repulsive.

I agree, I mean it's rare but sometimes I actually do feel in a loli/guro mood. Not really about the combination or anything I just like cute subjects and guro. I've actually WRITTEN what you could consider loli guro before if you count vore.

09/14/13 09:17AM
Stem_Cell said:
I just wonder, why not be friendly to ANY content?
Not that I'd sumbit stories, nor I usually read any, but once you're allowing loli, you're already stating fiction != reality (well, questionable morals aside), so I think everybody should be entitled to share whatever, no matter how shitty or repulsive.

Well, we at the Hub disallow guro, too. Though, that's mainly because it has a tendency to attract trolls. That, and I think Mindwipe would lose his mind if he had to sift through guro images during moderation. He can't even bring himself to watch anime where something bad happens to a character. I tease him about this daily. :P

I won't deny...I think my love of all things MC may even overpower my general and usual dislike for guro, should content such as that ever actually make it my way.
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