09/18/13 06:39PM
a Question more?........................ Una pregunta más?....
In a mere narcissistic action, I come to you, the connoisseurs, to ask a question:

What is wrong with my art? ...
It's very bland perhaps?
Repetitive? ...
what I can change? ...

Hope I did not miss misuse of this forum ...

of course, as Hypnogoat666


En una mera acción Narcisistica; acudo a ustedes, los conocedores, para realizar una pregunta:

Que hay de mal con mi arte?...
Es muy soso acaso?
qué es lo que puedo cambiar?...

Espero no haber echo de un mal uso de este foro...
09/18/13 10:08PM
Wrong with your art? I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with your art. I'm of the opinion that all art can be improved, that all artists can keep working on their skills. The problem is finding the try balance between knowing your doing better, and acknowledging you need to do better.

I really hope that makes sense to other people as much as it does to me anyway.
09/19/13 12:48AM
I think you misunderstood his intentions in this post, Mr. H. :P
I believe he was asking for critique. I don't think he's trying to sound gloomy. ;)

Then again, maybe I'm the one misunderstanding. o.O
09/19/13 01:31AM
Maybe, it sounded to me like an issue of artist confidence when someone questions as sweeping as "What can I change about my art?". Or maybe I just have no idea how to answer a question like that at all. ^^;
09/19/13 02:39AM
Which arts are your most recent arts?
09/19/13 05:54AM
There isn't anything "wrong" with art, just things that could be better. Sometimes a little bit better, sometimes a lot better, depending on what you wanted your art to look like.

And this is an important point, look for an artist that makes great art, and try to see if you can learn how he does something. For purposes of learning, trace something he/she did (not to post it as your own work though!), as this helps a lot.

Or, if you want to follow a realism path, trace stock photos or 3D models.

Even in anime style, you can download something like MikuMikuDance (free), pose a model, take a screenshot and try to draw that, with whatever changes you feel like.

Tracing is only bad if you rip off another artist by not giving credits, but if you're doing it just to learn, it can be helpful.
09/19/13 06:32AM
Agreed with Stem_Cell
09/20/13 08:44PM
09/20/13 08:52PM
And thanks to Stem_Cell and Mr.H... Is a pleasure read some words of people like yours

Vanndril said:

I believe he was asking for critique. I don't think he's trying to sound gloomy. ;)

Then again, maybe I'm the one misunderstanding. o.O

and Vandril You are a half point
i'm ever gloomy... XP

but course, I want read some critique

09/21/13 02:00AM
Zatara666 said:

this is most recent...

Huumm, the shape of eyes, are a little strange... But I don't know what style you was trying ^^

I liked the anatomy, looks good :) I just think that her nose would be a bit smaller, more feminine, you know?

I don't will judge the style, so, the arms, a rather long... I guess >.<

The pose is very cool, so dynamic, I love it! But I think that you should pay attention for the size of the arms and legs :)

And just keep practicing, isn't nothing wrong with your art~

09/21/13 02:02AM
Wow. I like how those 4 that you posted at all different styles yet you can tell that it has your signature. Hell I may not be the best at explaining things but I can certainly point things out and grunt at it.

While clicking through all of them I thought it was odd that the first one didn't have the hypno eyes that focused on the object and span out but rather it just felt like it was placed there.

The Mew one I felt that the eyes were funny on the Mew. not really bad or good but it was a feature that struck out to me as I saw it.

Although I do like how you are branching out and trying new things. I love the artistry of the second and fourth one. In fact I really like the fourth one probably because of the artistic detail and the way that even if it's nude, it's still tasteful. /critique
09/22/13 04:54AM

Nothing really seems to be that wrong. The first one seems to be a more cartoon style, and you just gotta find the right kind of eyes for those. Also I'd light the hair differently, like the ones in your other arts.

2 and 4 are gorgeous. One thing I'm really nitpicky about, try not to completely line the circle around the areola. In colored arts, I would just leave out the line completely except for the nipple when it's erect. In black and white pictures it usually works if you draw half a line where the shadow on the areola would be, but really you just have to play with it.(heh). Doing that makes it look softer and not so detached from the skin.

You seem to be experimenting a lot. Good, keep doing that. You're doin' really good man, just keep at it, draw everyday and you'll get even better~

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