05/03/14 03:22AM
greasyi said:
I'm kind of tempted to say we shouldn't have subforums until such time as there are enough active threads within 7 days to not fit on the first page.

True it's pretty quiet around here but as people have said the story sub-forum would help. Having specific places to put threads would also be a little more inviting that what we have now, if we just have general threads then new people won't want to jump in to a large thread.

I guess Stories, Roleplay, Artwork, and Media (TV, Anime/manga, Games, etc.) should about cover most of it without being too much. Maybe an non-hypno sub-forum if you want to consider socializing or something.

Stories each get their own thread which is great, Roleplay is roleplay threads, Artwork has critique, artist discussion and requests threads, Media has all the hypnosis in media discussion including erotic games, manga and so on. And then the main forum for news posts, general hypnosis discussion and whatever else doesn't fit into the above.
05/03/14 08:05AM
Some of these ideas are pretty good! It would definitely be nice to finally have a news section. And an archived news section for all of the old, no longer relevant news threads.

That said, I feel I should bring this up: I actually want to keep the general discussion or off-topic threads on, you know, the main forum page. Because, be honest: how many threads here ACTUALLY have anything to do with hypnosis or MC, or even porn half the time? The forum would seem dead if we did this. Which leads into my next point...

As we're not an entirely active forum (we have the most active booru forum I've ever seen), so if we split our threads too much, we'll seem dead. Rather than split stuff into topics in order to remove them from the main forum, I'd rather see subforums used to give topics that deserve their own home, specifically topics which having their own home might increase productivity or the usefulness of that topic innately. For example, a Writer's Corner. As mentioned before, the single-thread format for sharing these stories makes all stories but the most recently posted less relevant. Having its own subforum is for more than just to have a nice organizational scheme, but to actually improve how the topic is organized.

In short, there's a fine line between random organization for aesthetics' sake and useful organization. As we're not the most active forum in the world, we should probably avoid the former.

Anyway, the more ideas the merrier. Even if I'll have to be picky and choosy about which ones to implement for the reasons stated above, it's still a good idea to actually give me that chance. So, suggest away. :P
05/03/14 05:55PM
So we are finally getting technology here from 20 years back. Good for us. :)

Any word on when they will improve the blacklisting system? I am getting tired of having only 3-5 Pictures per Page. The blacklist simply "hides" the pictures, but it doesn't fill up to the full capacity. So I still have 400+ Pages of pictures with some of these pages only having a couple of pictures in it.

Basically it works, but is coded in a bad/lazy way. I am not sure if this was done to reduce load or if it would even be recognizable serverwise. I would prefer to at least have the first page always filled up to the full amount of pictures possible.
05/03/14 10:27PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I am getting tired of having only 3-5 Pictures per Page.

Then don't blacklist every little thing that doesn't interest you?

That said, doesn't our blacklist system essentially work the same as every other major booru? I don't have an account on many other boorus, but I think they mainly do the same, except they replace the thumbnails with a default "blacklisted" thumbnail instead of hiding them. I know our old booru software just hid the thumbnails without rearranging them, leaving a blank spot wherever the thumbnail was.
05/03/14 11:04PM
Mindwipe said:
Then don't blacklist every little thing that doesn't interest you?

Not trying to be aggressive here, but I honestly don't know if you think I am stupid or are trying to mock me.

I don't. I only blacklist the stuff I absolutely cannot stand. This just happens to be what get posted a lot these days, e.g. pokemon, my little pony, furry and futanari. Excuse me if I say it, but "Don't blacklist so much then" is the most stupid answer you could have given here. It's like going to the doctor and saying "if I do this, it hurts" and instead of treating he says: "Well, then stop doing it!".

Mindwipe said:
That said, doesn't our blacklist system essentially work the same as every other major booru? I don't have an account on many other boorus, but I think they mainly do the same, except they replace the thumbnails with a default "blacklisted" thumbnail instead of hiding them. I know our old booru software just hid the thumbnails without rearranging them, leaving a blank spot wherever the thumbnail was.

So is this a reason to not improve? I think it's pretty obvious that a full page of pictures is better than an half empty one. If humanity would stick to that kind of reasoning we'd still build pyramids or live in a cave using walls to draw our stuff. Like I said I don't know the server/database impact in comparison. I guess it has to be something like that, because the implementation wouldn't be hard to code. Still wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?
05/03/14 11:39PM
How does getting from pools work? It could be a pretty easy fix, like checking tags against your blacklist while it's looping through the posts rather than after. Or it could be a slightly more complicated fix because posts are stored by page. Still easy fix since you count hidden posts (if that != 0 make a recursive call with the next page as the argument until it gets to the last page or is displaying max_posts_per_page posts.) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give code ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Edit: Oh and for what greasyi said, subforums would still be pretty convenient. Though maybe there could be an area below the subforum links that displays the like 5 most recently active threads.
05/03/14 11:43PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Not trying to be aggressive here, but I honestly don't know if you think I am stupid or are trying to mock me.

I don't. I only blacklist the stuff I absolutely cannot stand. This just happens to be what get posted a lot these days, e.g. pokemon, my little pony, furry and futanari. Excuse me if I say it, but "Don't blacklist so much then" is the most stupid answer you could have given here. It's like going to the doctor and saying "if I do this, it hurts" and instead of treating he says: "Well, then stop doing it!".

I thought you were the one who said your blacklist was growing on a daily basis. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. Of course, I was just being a smartass.

I guess it has to be something like that, because the implementation wouldn't be hard to code.

Never assume that. From what I understand, this software isn't very optimally coded. Things you'd think would be easy may actually be impossible or require some sort of creative solution. But I guess Vann could ask. Can't imagine the dev would be in any hurry to do it, though. Especially if the goal was to make this software like
05/03/14 11:47PM
Mindwipe said:From what I understand, this software isn't very optimally coded. Things you'd think would be easy may actually be impossible or require some sort of creative solution.


Do we not have access to this site's code? I can only think of like 2 or 3 ways in which posts to display are retrieved from the servers and the workaround is pretty easy for all of them.
05/03/14 11:57PM
Mindwipe said:
I thought you were the one who said your blacklist was growing on a daily basis. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. Of course, I was just being a smartass.

Never do that as an admin/mod. It's bad practice. And even if my Blacklist had 200 Tags or more, this would still not justify a response like that.

Mindwipe said:
Never assume that. From what I understand, this software isn't very optimally coded. Things you'd think would be easy may actually be impossible or require some sort of creative solution. But I guess Vann could ask. Can't imagine the dev would be in any hurry to do it, though. Especially if the goal was to make this software like

I don't assume, I know. There was a time, although a while back, when I was working in software and website development. I wasn't very good in either (that's why I changed professions), but it's not an assumption, it's what I know about coding that made me respond like that. Of course, someone with a more recent knowledge and a knowledge of the board software could give you a more precise answer to that - therefor asking won't hurt. Even if the board software is not perfectly coded, this would probably not be very complicated or time consuming to add. It just requires some minor tweakings.

Like you said, it probably wouldn't be on a high priority. It's just something that happens to me on a daily basis, but it depends on the user.
05/04/14 12:30AM
Wait woah I just realized
github (the site the software project is hosted on)

Link the repo?
05/04/14 01:15AM
TakyonH said:
Wait woah I just realized
Link the repo?

Google it nub :3
05/04/14 01:24AM
Dreamshade said:
Google it nub :3

05/04/14 05:19AM
TakyonH said:
Wait woah I just realized
Link the repo?

As far as changing the blacklist system and refilling the search results with updated results, I know this was suggested to him before and his reasons were something about it being inefficient or some such. *goes to try to find the post*

Ah, here it is!

Ignore all of my referencing it with all those other issues I posted, because, you know, it just so happened that some of the errors in other bug reports contained the lines of text that told the github software to reference THIS report. <.<

For those who don't want to read more than a paragraph, this is his argument against it:

Parziphal said:
Another problem is performance. The system would have to filter posts for each user, like each user had a customized default search. It would have to take 16 posts (or the set limit), check one by one against the current user's blacklisted tags, and if (for example) 8 where blacklisted, it would have to make another query to the databse (which is not cheap) and so on till post limit is filled.

If anyone has a better idea on how to do it that won't kill performance, then by all means, do bring it up to him in that little thread. Personally, I'd love to see removed images automatically replaced on a search page.
05/04/14 06:11AM
That's what I thought. Instead of doing a loop and making multiple database queries, you could just raise the initial amount of pictures queried and hide anything about maxcount, but that would not only be an issue for the person with a huge blacklist, it would mean every user has a heavier load on the database, because it then pulls 64 instead of 16 images and just keeps hiding the pictures that are on the blacklist and if the limit (in this example 16) is reached, it will hide all the rest.

Wouldn't guarantee a full page though, it's just more likely that the page is full. But this would quadruple the amount of pictures asked from the database for everyone, while only doing one query. I don't think this is any better than multiple queries. I know for a fact that pages reduce the amount of pictures shown because of heavy server loads.

Well, nothing to do then. I prefer a fast loading page for everyone. It's one of these things that won't be an issue with better backend/database/OS and faster internet/pc speeds in the future.

20 years ago we didn't even have preview mechanisms. In another 20 years we won't have this kind of problem anymore.
05/04/14 06:27AM
Yeah. I was going to suggest this to him, myself, when I first noticed it, but then I saw the thread I linked. When I couldn't find any theoretical way around it, I just filed it under the "it'll do" folder of the back of my head and moved on.

Just to note, we did increase the number of images per page from the default when we created the site to (hopefully) never have an actually empty page, but that's the best we can do for now, and I don't want to risk upping that number further for the sake of those with really crappy internet or systems.
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