05/04/14 06:37AM
Understandable. Sadly this has only led to my blacklist blocking more of them, with furry being the most prominent of my blacklisted tags in the first few pages. If someone starts a flood of pictures with a tag you have blacklisted, it'll almost always end like that.

Database queries have been a bottleneck for ages. If you ever worked in IT, it is a daily issue there. It's about time we revolutionize that area. There are Billions to make here if someone figures this out.
05/04/14 08:36AM
Not sure if it's been mentioned - but a general discussion forum [for the main] then all the subforums added on. Solely because if someone is looking for a thread that talks about hypno stuff in a pile of random stuff - sometimes that's not the easiest.

Also - introductions.
05/04/14 12:38PM
A forum for the IRL hypnosis stuff so I can more easily ignore it. Also, stories and RP. That is all.
05/04/14 12:54PM
Yeah going overboard with subforums will just dilute the whole Forum. If there's need for one at any time, creating it and reassigning threads to it should be an easy task.

I mean, you could just create a subforum for offtopic/anime&games, but these threads are still quite rare anyway. Most stuff is kept in a single thread because of that - I wonder if this will change with the new subforum system ...
05/04/14 02:16PM
I suppose having separate dedicated boards would give people more reason to actually post more on particular subjects like games/anime etc, rather than stick to singular threads. It feels like the main reason that happens is people not wanting to flood the main board with threads like that. Probably the reason no RP threads have ever really taken off around here too.
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