05/03/24 05:27AM
For sure, debating to that one first cuz its a fifth of the length of Part 4
05/11/24 06:13AM
JustChilling said:
For sure, debating to that one first cuz its a fifth of the length of Part 4

seems like part five is out
05/11/24 09:34PM
3 and 4 are extremely late because I got pretty busy february through april and didn't finish them until 5 coming out reminded me to, but I have translations for 3, 4, and 5:
05/26/24 04:02AM
Part 4 is all hard translated now, just gotta work on 5 and we're all caught up!
06/02/24 05:19AM
Older links, gone.
Hey. I've caught up to the topic at hand here, Karmen MC's works. But unfortunately, I can't find any translations that Fushigiball has done. The links posted don't work, his profile lacks the translations. I'm at a loss. Can anyone help? Perhaps someone has a mega file with all the translations?
06/02/24 05:29AM
Translations separate from the works?
I've also noticed, majority of the translations are found separate from the works they are from. Has nobody tried inserting such translations into the work itself? To convenience the readers instead of having to switch to the translations every time you go to a new panel
06/02/24 05:34AM
Translations together.
May I also ask, how many works of Karmen MC's, has the translations photoshopped into the work itself? And if ever, please provide a link?
06/02/24 07:35AM
what are you talking about?,literally just search for the artist and hard translated
06/02/24 08:06AM
The problem is.
There is no Hard translations from Karmen MC.
Just translations on a separate file that I've seen on this forum.
No hard translations.
I'm asking for works of Karmen MC that had been hard translated.
06/02/24 08:30AM
06/02/24 03:51PM
Thanks for the link.
Appreciated the content I saw because of it.
But,is there a mega file or something, where all of that is available? It's annoying having to download one by one.
06/02/24 04:15PM
Especially for the works done by Salinus. Nearly 170 images.
That's insane.
06/03/24 12:42AM
WealthArch said:
Thanks for the link.
Appreciated the content I saw because of it.
But,is there a mega file or something, where all of that is available? It's annoying having to download one by one.

used to be a download pool option,not anymroe since the site change
06/03/24 08:28AM
WealthArch said:
Hey. I've caught up to the topic at hand here, Karmen MC's works. But unfortunately, I can't find any translations that Fushigiball has done. The links posted don't work, his profile lacks the translations. I'm at a loss. Can anyone help? Perhaps someone has a mega file with all the translations?

Which links are you referring to? I just double checked the links to the google docs for my Hypnotes, New Years, and Shower Story translations and they're all working, and I think everything of KWMC's I did before that has notes directly applied to the uploads here. There's a very real chance those note placements are broken now, though even if they are, they should still be viewable on the post
06/09/24 05:19AM
Part 5 is translated! And with that we have caught up to the story that is out so far and this also means that all of Kamen Writer's works are translated on here!

Well there's technically one from last year that is not on here but it's an abandoned storyline with one chapter that I highly doubt he'll ever get back to (but he did use the blonde glasses girl in some standalone pics)


Also, its gonna take some time, but I'll try to make a MEGA of my hard translations so far of the Shower storyline. Parts 1-4 I merged the pics first before TLing them so now I gotta separate those ones...
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