09/09/23 05:10AM
averageguy17 said:
it seems that Kamen_writer_mc does have a pixiv, where they've uploaded more of the Hypnotes story.


Yeah, he made it public a week or so back. It gave little descriptions for each segment of the stories, but nothing that wasn't clear from just reading them. It's still really nice as a far more convenient way to see all of his works though

A couple days after that he posted Hypnotes episode 4, which I just finished translating. twitter.com/fushigiball1234/status/1700343336911954234

Once again, if someone is willing to go through the tedium of trying to upload a comic in need of noting onto here, they can feel free to use my translations for it (with credit of course)

Also, @justchilling this is late but a huge thanks for dealing with episode 3, and for giving credit even though I didn't think to mention it in the initial message
09/14/23 01:22PM
has anyone started posting the last chapter of hypnotes stuff yet?
11/13/23 08:32AM
Is there a way to mass upload images without flooding the front page? I can post the latest chapter and add notes but I don't want to drown out the front page with images. I read that making the posts parent/child will hide them from the front page so if there's not a better method I can just do that.
11/13/23 10:26PM
So I've finished uploading and adding notes to all of Hypnotes Chapter 4, crediting Fushigiball for the translation (which I greatly appreciate).
12/05/23 02:58PM
So does anybody have a copy of Moebius Cafe ? Tried downloading it from Kamen Writers twitter link but the file says it's corrupted.

I'm wanna at least use a tranlation machine since it doesn't seem to get transalted anytime soon (if at all) lmao.
12/05/23 07:51PM
Fabrick7w7 said:
So does anybody have a copy of Moebius Cafe ? Tried downloading it from Kamen Writers twitter link but the file says it's corrupted.

I'm wanna at least use a tranlation machine since it doesn't seem to get transalted anytime soon (if at all) lmao.

So there's a self-reply on the twitter thread where you downloaded it from with the fixed version.

I'm working on translating the game right now. I'm about 60-65% of the way done. I've been busy at work the past 3 months and haven't worked on it as much as I'd like but work is easing up a lot so I should get a good majority done between now and new years. I'd also shy away from machine translated as I've gotten pretty poor results from most tools.

Lastly, I did translate Ninja Girl Asuna over the summer but planned on releasing both at the same time.
12/05/23 09:34PM
sandis said:
Fabrick7w7 said:
So does anybody have a copy of Moebius Cafe ? Tried downloading it from Kamen Writers twitter link but the file says it's corrupted.

I'm wanna at least use a tranlation machine since it doesn't seem to get transalted anytime soon (if at all) lmao.

I see, not sure if you posted that anywhere else but so far it seemed like it wasn't going to be translated at all xD

Thanks for working on that one, I'll wait for the translation, even if ti takes more than expected! Good luck with that!

So there's a self-reply on the twitter thread where you downloaded it from with the fixed version.

I'm working on translating the game right now. I'm about 60-65% of the way done. I've been busy at work the past 3 months and haven't worked on it as much as I'd like but work is easing up a lot so I should get a good majority done between now and new years. I'd also shy away from machine translated as I've gotten pretty poor results from most tools.

Lastly, I did translate Ninja Girl Asuna over the summer but planned on releasing both at the same time.
12/21/23 05:30PM
Just finished translating Mobius. I'll need to play test it to make sure the word wrapping and conversation flow is ok. Barring any random issues, I should be able to upload both games sometime before New Years.
12/22/23 08:28AM
sandis said:
Just finished translating Mobius. I'll need to play test it to make sure the word wrapping and conversation flow is ok. Barring any random issues, I should be able to upload both games sometime before New Years.

12/29/23 02:55PM
I created a post for each game here but it still says "Waiting on mod approval", so I'll post both mega links here too.

Disclosures: There are some minor grammatical errors like capitalization but its fairly infrequent and I don't feel like delaying the release any longer. Both games are short, like 30 minutes max. I am not proficient at reading Japanese and while both games are initially translated using deepl and deepai, I also run each line through Jisho.org to ensure accuracy. If that's not enough I typically do additional research on phrases and individual characters. Additionally, I'll ensure the conversation makes sense and adjust things as necessary based on context.

For Mobius - to see everything talk to NPCs at least twice and explore. for Asuna - try disobeying orders when you can. This can cause dialogue changes and events to trigger.
Lastly, please let me know if you find something untranslated.

12/31/23 10:36AM

good work on the translation mate, did played a bit of Moebius, one small comment from me is the part when Maria doing the password talk the translation seems weird, might need a revision there
01/01/24 12:54PM
Thanks, The password scene is actually the part I struggled with the most. I understood what was happening but I couldn't articulate it well enough without deviating from the translation. So what's there isn't great but is closer to a direct translation.
01/01/24 05:20PM
here's Kamen Writer's new year gift for us guys


I fully can't understand their tweet via google translate, would love to have someone translate it. From my end it looks like they're talking about "this year is the last sth sth.."
01/01/24 06:43PM
sandis said:
Thanks, The password scene is actually the part I struggled with the most. I understood what was happening but I couldn't articulate it well enough without deviating from the translation. So what's there isn't great but is closer to a direct translation.

so here's my interpretation on the password section:

From your translated line:
'Shop Manager: "Moebious Circle, what?"' => 'Shop manager: "What's the Moebious Loop?"'
'Nagisa: "Two of the same side"' (Moebious loop is a one-sided object, with the front side of the band connected to its back side)
'Following the store manager's words, Nagisa continued. Yep, what she means by embarrassing are these "passwords".
'Nagisa: (It's not a secret base, Manager. He's so childish despite his age)'
'Manager: "The front side is the back side"'
'Nagisa: "The back side is the front side"'
'No matter how embarrassed you are, you must say the password in order to open the door.'
'Nagisa (yes, This is necessary to open the door)'
'Manager: "The front side stays outside"'
'Nagisa: "The back side stays inside"'
'Nagisa: (Open the door... Password...)'
'Manager: "Put the front(outer) ring(loop) outside"'
'Nagisa: "Bring the back(inner) ring(loop) inside"'
'Nagisa: (Door... my...mind's door...)' (the A-shi here is short for atashi I suspect)
'Manager: "What would you bring to the backside of the door?"'
'Nagisa: "the back(inner) ring(loop)"'
'Manager: "Who's the you that will go to the backside of the door?"'
'Nagisa: "The real me"'
'Manager: "Now, open the door"'
...and so on ...
SO The key part here is his emphasis on the words "back" and "front" which shifted between two side of the door, Nagisa's personality and the Moebius's loop sides. Gotta say, Kamen did nailed the hypno lure here, one of my favorite scene, haha

01/02/24 09:31AM
Translated the new work, including the comment on the first post:
<<<45 6 78>>>

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