09/28/14 08:03AM
ffvi1994 said:
sirens man, great singing, and kinda fappable.

Oh yeah ! I just have to wait for the french sub version.
09/28/14 08:34AM
There was a new movie?
09/28/14 09:43AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
There was a new movie?

This. And was it any good?
09/28/14 08:44PM
I ask this no out of judgement, but curiosity. Ive seen a few episodes of MLP, and the show isn't bad at all. I do cringe at all the friendship nonsense, but the show is genuine, has cool references (THE LUTECE TWINS), and is well written.

What I need to ask is the fetishism of it all......just how much of the sub culture likes that, and why do you think that is? Why do you feel you have this fetish?

Again, not being judgemental. But I dont know that many bronies, and none of them are willing to talk about this.
09/28/14 09:04PM
hypnoahegao said:
I ask this no out of judgement, but curiosity. Ive seen a few episodes of MLP, and the show isn't bad at all. I do cringe at all the friendship nonsense, but the show is genuine, has cool references (THE LUTECE TWINS), and is well written.

What I need to ask is the fetishism of it all......just how much of the sub culture likes that, and why do you think that is? Why do you feel you have this fetish?

Again, not being judgemental. But I dont know that many bronies, and none of them are willing to talk about this.

How can I explain that...

Many bronies sure care a lot about their community and her image on the internet.
I'm afraid that a lot of bronies became bronies because they just found it cool to be part of some "underground community", at least at the beginning.

Fapping to ponies is just fapping to our favourites characters.
For example, just look at all the comments over here which ask for more Samus, more Lulu, more Frozen, etc... Well, watching pony porn isn't really different.
But for many bronies, it's bad to do that.

I don't really know why. Do they think that it's a real shame for ponies to be in porn pics ? Bronies sure have a special mentality when it comes the show and the characters.

09/28/14 10:00PM
Some folks just don't like furry even if they're into hentai otherwise.
Mister Vi
09/29/14 01:31AM
strangeperson said:
This. And was it any good?

it was better than the first one, by a lot. it came out this yesterday, some theaters are only showing it this weekend.

hypnoahegao said:
What I need to ask is the fetishism of it all......just how much of the sub culture likes that, and why do you think that is? Why do you feel you have this fetish?

I can help with that question :)

it starts with the fact that the characters are supposed to be acted as adult females and their personalities are quite attractive. I imagine it would be far less prominent if that wasn't the case.

I remember for comparison there was a time where equestria after dark had 1/15 of the audience of their porn free older sister equestria daily... there are some who like the humanized characters for porn and refuse the ponies because of the bestiality image of it. there are some who just roll with it despite never being furries (it helps that a lot of it is well drawn... put a good looking cooch on anything and some guys can find it hot regardless of what it is.)
and there are some who were already furries and the ponies were just extra icing on the cake that they were already eating... The fandom is shamed of it because of how dangerously close it is to children, I have faith that one day people will learn how to teach kids to avoid porn on the internet so that it becomes less of a problem.
09/29/14 03:28AM
Roxa said:
How can I explain that...

Many bronies sure care a lot about their community and her image on the internet.
I'm afraid that a lot of bronies became bronies because they just found it cool to be part of some "underground community", at least at the beginning.

Fapping to ponies is just fapping to our favourites characters.
For example, just look at all the comments over here which ask for more Samus, more Lulu, more Frozen, etc... Well, watching pony porn isn't really different.
But for many bronies, it's bad to do that.

I don't really know why. Do they think that it's a real shame for ponies to be in porn pics ? Bronies sure have a special mentality when it comes the show and the characters.

Remember the recent "uproar" about how Hello Kitty wasn't really an actual cat? Horrible misinterpretation by the media aside.....they aren't wrong. Hello Kitty is a character that looks like a cat, but as it is a 2D character, it isn't really a cat is it?

That makes much more sense to me. Sexual feelings for a character wouldn't really correlate with love for a real animal...and that goes for any fetish. Thanks :)
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