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032304I seriously can't believe you took over the student council using hypnosis!Roller2020-10-23 01:46:54Revert
032305Check it out. They're all my puppets!
Go ahead and introduce yourself.
Roller2020-10-23 01:48:06Revert
032306I'm Fujiwara Chika, the student council's secretary. The secretary's job is to... teach others how to fondle breasts...Roller2020-10-23 01:50:39Revert
032307Yeah, that's right. All the guys here came to practice that, so teach us the best way to do so, alright~?Roller2020-10-23 01:51:46Revert
I'll teach you
Roller2020-10-23 01:52:21Revert
I'll show you
Roller2020-10-23 01:57:15Revert