03/02/22 11:45PM
Looking for a long term DOM OR SWITCH RP Partner (NSFW)
Hello! I am looking for a long-term RPs DOM or Switch (can do both you and your characters in a reply) partner that we can do RPs that are erotic stuff on my female OCs. However, I do not want vore, guro or stuff like pure kidnapping or real stuff I might not like at all.

My kinks are beautification, stepford wife, bimbofication; stuff like that as well as corruption, transformation, mind control/hypnosis, etc. Like when you read a doujin on a heroine corrupted and turned evil or turning someone into a vampire or monster girl or turned bimbo or obedient, sexy wife. Those things.

This helps me get away from my depression and I really like it a lot. Also don't need F-List, like to know one's kinks and stuff straight to the point, one-on-one.


*Characters are 18+, at best 17+

*This person (IRL male or female, don't mind either way) must be dominated and enjoy RPs. Plus must be interested and won't leave me for no reason or explanation please. Hate that so much.

*I only use my OCs but you don't have to but if you do, it would be great.

*You don't need to know the fandom of the character they are based on.

*Each RP must be written at the least 1-2 (even 3) lines with okay Grammar

*Frequent replies (like 10-15 minutes, not 1-3 hours or 1-3 days though if you have stuff to do, understandable but let me know)

*Don't leave me without explaining why (it has happened a lot and one time I foud someone and it suck) *Must have a lot of fun ideas I would enjoy and I have ideas too but you must have RP story ideas please.

*I am a switcher (playing the other character) to speed up the RP a bit so if you are okay with that, you can do the same with my OC please.

*Also enjoy someone that puts details in stuff like transformations or appearance changing please.

*I have NOTHING against romance, it's neat... but I don't want it to be the main focus on RPs. I just want to RP my OC turned villain or sexy bimbo, different monster girl, harem dancer, evil minion/female combatant, sexy wife, ANYTHING that's more unique than just pure romance please.

My FEMALE OCs in my DeviantART gallery (fandoms are not an issue so don't worry): www.deviantart.com/dragonknight-15/gallery

I just really want a friend I can RP without leaving me gone for no good reason. I want someone that won't ditch me or won't bother replying so I can stop doing these posts.

Contact me through Discord ONLY: DragonKnight15#3002

So I want to do a bimbo thing with my OCs. Help please?

Contact me when you can, please. Have a good day.
07/28/22 06:09PM

I could be interested for that and add you on discord.

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