03/05/22 06:34PM
[Game] Mind and Magic 0.03
Hello guys! It's been a while since I've been enjoying here so I decided to make a little contribution. I made a hypnosis game that you can try if you have some free time.

The update is finally here! With this one and some of the next ones I'll be fixing all the stuff that I don't like completely from 0.01 and 0.02 while adding more content.

Download links:



If you like the game feel free to check my patreon if you want to support the game.
03/05/22 07:55PM
Tested the demo, and I really enjoyed it, can't wait to see where this goes!
03/05/22 10:23PM
Pretty good demo!
03/05/22 10:33PM
Just played the game.

Specifically, I would call it "promising".

The spelling mistakes are frequent, and the sentences are often too long, giving me the impression of breathless, hurried dialogue. Sequence breaks are also easily found: after leaving a phone call and your house in the intro sequence, you can walk back into the house to get the same phone call again.

These mistakes are simple ones, but they happen often enough that they broke my immersion. Luckily, this can be fixed by tossing the writing into Grammarly or LibreOffice and spending some time editing the script.

(As an aside, I would like to gently remind SleepDeprivedAxolotl that if they have trouble spotting these mistakes, then it sounds like they could use some more sleep. Go become WellRestedAxolotl!)

However, if you look past the errors and really look at the underlying game, I would tell you that what remains is excellent.

The art is good, and the buildup to the inductions is well-paced. Both Alice, the first girl you gain control of, and the player's character display some (realistic) emotion and have believable reactions* to the few situations they are thrust into. I particularly appreciate how Alice's reactions to the mind control changes through the demo.

Overall, I like it. I think most of the right story beats are there. It's good, but there are a few areas where it's obvious it could be better.

I'm looking forward to the next release!

*There is a major exception: the moment the protagonist mind-controls his childhood friend is extremely out-of-character for him. Fortunately, this has an easy fix: add some setup and/or mention that he has a mind-control fetish.
03/05/22 10:53PM
i like how it looks so far, thats for sure.
03/05/22 11:10PM
anonlv000 said:
The spelling mistakes are frequent, and the sentences are often too long, giving me the impression of breathless, hurried dialogue. Sequence breaks are also easily found: after leaving a phone call and your house in the intro sequence, you can walk back into the house to get the same phone call again.

Sorry about the grammar mistakes, english is not my first language, also I'll be dividing the dialog in more calmed senteces (thanks for that!). And about the bug I've already fix that and it'll be fine on the next update.

anonlv000 said:
(As an aside, I would like to gently remind SleepDeprivedAxolotl that if they have trouble spotting these mistakes, then it sounds like they could use some more sleep. Go become WellRestedAxolotl!)

Thanks for the concern! Don't worry, I'll try to keep an eye on these things on future updates.

anonlv000 said:
*There is a major exception: the moment the protagonist mind-controls his childhood friend is extremely out-of-character for him. Fortunately, this has an easy fix: add some setup and/or mention that he has a mind-control fetish.

Yep, that's one of the things I've been told the most after the release. While trying to make the game not so slow I gave the mc more experience with hypnosis than he actually has. I'll fix that so we can see his "corruption" while hypnotizing people.

Anyways thanks for playing the game and giving me your feedback, it really helps me to improve the game!
03/06/22 01:27AM
I would post this on Hypnopics and other sites if you're looking for more feedback. I will say the drawn art was pretty good!
03/07/22 12:32AM
I'm willing if you are to provide grammar corrections. Always willing to help out.
03/07/22 02:28AM
Great demo! You made the in-game hypnosis really appealing (like the main girl repeating any orders, the smiling under trance, etc). Really nice art as well. Looking forward to seeing more, keep up the good work!
03/07/22 03:09AM
Good stuff. Keep it up!
03/07/22 05:28AM
sleeperhit said:
I'm willing if you are to provide grammar corrections. Always willing to help out.

Thanks mate! Right now I'm already getting help with that since my brain decided to miss all the mistakes in the checkups, feel free to send me the error you noticed, double checking is always a good idea.
03/08/22 07:32AM
Wow, this is looking pretty good.
03/09/22 04:52PM
Just tried it out, it was nice!
I really like Alice's look, very cute!
And the hypnosis parts were quite nice as well

I don't have any big complaints, but some small improvements could be made
There are a few typos, and some of the dialogues could use more punctuation, but it's nothing too bad
Also, during the second time the protagonist tries his power on Alice, it felt a bit odd how he's making a hypnosis induction and making her call him master even though he didn't seem to have experience with mind control before. The induction in itself was very nice, it just seemed a bit out of place

Also, a key that you could hold to skip dialogue would be nice (CTRL for exemple), the game crashed at some point and to get back i had to hold space during dialogue, which was quite slow

Anyways, i'm quite eager to see the next update!

EDIT: just read the other posts in the thread and it seems that both of my complaints were already mentioned and addressed, so all the more reasons to be looking forward to the next version
03/09/22 05:39PM
Mattlau04 said:
Also, a key that you could hold to skip dialogue would be nice (CTRL for exemple), the game crashed at some point and to get back i had to hold space during dialogue, which was quite slow

I'll try adding this for this kind of scenarios and replays of the game.
Btw, why did the game crashed? Was it an in-game bug or external problem?
03/09/22 11:38PM
SleepyAxolotl said:
I'll try adding this for this kind of scenarios and replays of the game.
Btw, why did the game crashed? Was it an in-game bug or external problem?

I'm fairly sure the crash was from external causes as a lot of other programs froze at the same time
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