03/30/22 08:16PM
I will not tag any posts ever again until they are fixed.
As someone that heavily relied on the ability to see how many pictures of what tag have the most of a certain tag and who used this to bulld intricate tag webs that allowed an incredible amount of tags and system that allowed the most posts possible to be tagged by a certain one, this change has completely decimated my system irreperably to the point where it is simply untaggable. Horrible mistake of a format change that I simply will not tolerate. Furthermore, until this is fixed in some reasonable capacity, the mystrymyn tagging sprees are at an end. I will not have my role in the website be completely ruined by this insult of a format.
03/30/22 08:28PM
eldomtom2 said:
We're not on Gelbooru for some reason, which likely means no new (or "new") features.

From what I can tell, right now this is an older version of gelbooru, which for some reason only Slayerduck has been given access to for this site and I don't know what kind of deal he has with them, or if this means we can eventually get the latest gelbooru 2.x version.

I would sure hope so, because I'm now realizing that rule34 has all the same functional problems that we got with this change.
03/30/22 08:38PM
i was hoping to get used to the new UI and feel of the site, but honestly it's just awful
And so many important feature gone....
I really hope the site gets updated and this gets fixed, but let's be honest, that won't happen lol, if slayerduck gave an actual crap about the site he could've moved to one of the many good open source engines instead of this crappy one that's somehow even worse than myimouto
03/30/22 08:43PM
I'm sorry but whatever small benefits we got do NOT outweigh what we lost. Go back.
03/30/22 09:14PM
Awful redesign
Ew, when did they ruin the site? Everything's all messed up and visually unappealing now. I can't even search comments for replies anymore! I'm on mobile (don't have a PC) and whether I use mobile or desktop format, it just looks like crap.
03/30/22 09:17PM
Mattlau04 said:
i was hoping to get used to the new UI and feel of the site, but honestly it's just awful
And so many important feature gone....
I really hope the site gets updated and this gets fixed, but let's be honest, that won't happen lol, if slayerduck gave an actual crap about the site he could've moved to one of the many good open source engines instead of this crappy one that's somehow even worse than myimouto

I don't know any of the technical jargon or how this all works, but I agree. They need to put it back the way it was. In trying to fix what wasn't broken, they screwed everything up.
03/30/22 09:21PM
Jeffb said:
Ew, when did they ruin the site? Everything's all messed up and visually unappealing now. I can't even search comments for replies anymore! I'm on mobile (don't have a PC) and whether I use mobile or desktop format, it just looks like crap.

Disregarding the layout changes due to loss of functionality (ie not being shown if an image is a parent/child), the actual UI isn't really that bad on Desktop besides the horrible comment section layout.

The mobile site on the other hand is garbage through and through and makes me force switch to the Desktop layout.
03/30/22 09:23PM
KJay said:
Mattlau04 said:
Is there a deleted:true equivalent on the new engine? i couldn't find any

If the new site is using the Gelbooru search then deleted posts are completely omitted from search results (I think) but I think the new site is using the rule34 method so deleted posts aren't actually removed from search results but there is no way to separate them from regular posts in a search.

The way rule34 does it is kinda dumb tbh but I think the mods do a purge of the deleted posts every few months over there

We allow a week or so for appeals since mistakes happen and then perm delete if no appeal is made, sometimes it can take a bit longer, is that dumb? it can't be omitted from search until it is completely gone, until then it is soft deleted.
03/30/22 09:26PM
Mr_K said:
We allow a week or so for appeals since mistakes happen and then perm delete if no appeal is made, sometimes it can take a bit longer, is that dumb?

In the before-times of last week or so, the data of a deleted post was still technically on the server and a mod could restore it, but the post itself just wouldn't show up in searches.
03/30/22 09:31PM
i know i already asked this but how do one sees their own comments\searches comments?
03/30/22 09:37PM
How to sort by score?
order:score no longer seems to work and I used that a lot on the old site, how does one do it on this one?
03/30/22 09:40PM
Rules and Policies
This is an archived snapshot of hypnohub's old rules page:

This page no longer exists. I would assume most of these rules have been grandfathered in to the new backend, in which case this needs to be documented somewhere. In particular, rules about quality control, manips, and the Do-Not-Post list are sections which are missing from the current site.

A mod should probably update or replace the sticky forum #10358, since this forum is the closest thing to a wiki we have at the moment.
03/30/22 09:41PM
MostlyLurking said:
order:score no longer seems to work and I used that a lot on the old site, how does one do it on this one?

03/30/22 09:53PM
plsignore said:
MostlyLurking said:
order:score no longer seems to work and I used that a lot on the old site, how does one do it on this one?


Thank you kindly!
03/30/22 10:17PM
Couldn't we have stuck with a booru over the r34 format?
This flows considerably less well for the general user than how it used to. Something like danbooru at a cursory glance seems like it would've transitioned better
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