03/30/22 10:34PM
I'm currently still neutral on the change (though leaning towards negative), but I definitely think that the transition should've been handled a hell of a lot better than it was.
03/30/22 10:52PM
Adding notes
Yo, I was just thinking about adding uploading a pool I finished translating, but when I tried to add a note, it said "User group does not have permission."

I figured I'd ask here about that >_>
03/30/22 11:05PM
Bug reporting?
Hey slayerduck, do you have a jira or bugzilla or any other kind of public bug tracking software?

It's really hard to keep a forum thread organized. For instance, unless I scrawl through the entire thread, how do I know if I'm reporting a duplicate bug, or one that's already been fixed?
03/30/22 11:16PM
NuRho said:
I definitely think that the transition should've been handled a hell of a lot better than it was.

I agree. I'm not a power user so I'm not missing too much, and I do not doubt slayerduck's intentions of trying to make this site better, but they very much came off as the stereotypical misanthropic site admin and needed someone capable of garnering empathy to help sell this to the users.
03/30/22 11:30PM
Long time viewer, only registered an account now just to say my piece.

I only hope the browse page is coming back. I liked having a simple format like that to just look at the pictures and little else.
03/31/22 12:03AM
I wish I could properly type out everything that makes me hate this change.

03/31/22 12:05AM
Why is Rule 34 no longer among the list of other sites?
03/31/22 12:18AM
I can't randomize my favourites anymore. Which sucks, since it was basically a personal library of the picks I liked and being able to see stuff I added ages ago without needing to scroll through a load of pages kept it feeling fresh.

Is there a way to fix that?
03/31/22 12:32AM
NuRho said:
I'm currently still neutral on the change (though leaning towards negative), but I definitely think that the transition should've been handled a hell of a lot better than it was.

100% agreed. I understand that the old site was collection of spaghetti code and duck tape that was about to fall apart, but this transition has been an utter mess. There are tons of bugs, more mentions of rule34 than Hypnohub (why are we advertising our own site as a "partner"?), and that's before we even get to the missing features.

This has just be sloppily done from beginning to end. The selection of rule34's codebase as a replacement was done without any community input, despite the fact that rule34 lacks many of the features that HH users have had for years. Other codebases that possess these features were rejected out of hand because rule34 is the "fastest booru software out there". Which I suppose has some merit, but it would have been nice to discuss the pros and cons of this *before* we went and spent a whole year's worth of ad revenue hiring someone to convert the database.

Then the only announcement was in a single thread on the forum? At least post a news image, like was always done in the past (example: Very few users had a chance to try out the new site for bugs before the conversion because no one was notified.

Not that it seemed to matter, because many of these issues *were* mentioned beforehand. But after just a week it was decided to just up and run the conversion, with apparently no changes. That's just crazy. A proper conversion usually takes weeks, months even. We could have spent that time adding back in some of the missing features, or at least changing all the references to to HH so we don't come across as a crappy copy of rule34. I mean for the love of god, it calls us on the *front page*.

And I'm sorry to say, but Slayerduck has been argumentative and rude when confronted about these very real problems. I've done a number of conversions myself, they're stressful as all hell at the best of times, but you need to communicate with your users and listen to them, and work with them for the best outcome.

03/31/22 01:15AM
WOPR said:
NuRho said:
I'm currently still neutral on the change (though leaning towards negative), but I definitely think that the transition should've been handled a hell of a lot better than it was.

100% agreed. I understand that the old site was collection of spaghetti code and duck tape that was about to fall apart, but this transition has been an utter mess. There are tons of bugs, more mentions of rule34 than Hypnohub (why are we advertising our own site as a "partner"?), and that's before we even get to the missing features.

This has just be sloppily done from beginning to end. The selection of rule34's codebase as a replacement was done without any community input, despite the fact that rule34 lacks many of the features that HH users have had for years. Other codebases that possess these features were rejected out of hand because rule34 is the "fastest booru software out there". Which I suppose has some merit, but it would have been nice to discuss the pros and cons of this *before* we went and spent a whole year's worth of ad revenue hiring someone to convert the database.

Then the only announcement was in a single thread on the forum? At least post a news image, like was always done in the past (example: Very few users had a chance to try out the new site for bugs before the conversion because no one was notified.

Not that it seemed to matter, because many of these issues *were* mentioned beforehand. But after just a week it was decided to just up and run the conversion, with apparently no changes. That's just crazy. A proper conversion usually takes weeks, months even. We could have spent that time adding back in some of the missing features, or at least changing all the references to to HH so we don't come across as a crappy copy of rule34. I mean for the love of god, it calls us on the *front page*.

And I'm sorry to say, but Slayerduck has been argumentative and rude when confronted about these very real problems. I've done a number of conversions myself, they're stressful as all hell at the best of times, but you need to communicate with your users and listen to them, and work with them for the best outcome.


Building on WORP's post more than replying to it.

Okay. So after reading through this thread,here's my take. I would not be surprised if Slayerduck been argumentative and doubling down is a result of the pressure and pushback of this situation. Pressure and stress can make people dumb when they're not used to do dealing with it.
Obviously, that doesnn't COMPLETELY excuse it, but it does leave more room for a degree of sympathy.

I imagine that this situation is a difficult, stressful one working for folks behind the scenes, so as frustrating as it may be for us, it's probably best to express our frustrations in calm, constructive manners for the most part, lest communication break down entirely.

I've been on the internet a long time now and, maybe this is paranoia, but my gut's telling me that the warning signs of a community collapse are flying up.
People are incredibly unhappy and that means there'll likely be an exodus of some sort, with only the more dedicated folks sticking around and possibly with someone creating a HH competitor purely due to dissatisfaction.

Now, I don't know a lick of web design or coding, so take this with a grane of salt, but the move from the old site definitely sounds justfied, but I agree with WORP there were better ways to do it.

To put it bluntly. This base is shit. Probably the only reason Rule34 gets away with it is because of how old it is.

But, some of the backlash can be quelled if it's made known that it's not intended for HH to stay like this forever. Personally, the two bestways forward are:

1). Build on this base the best you can. Come up with some kind of roadmap to starting working it back up to where the previous version of the site was.

2). Use this as a transitional Hub until you figure out how to move to a better base. Personally, this is what I would go with if at all feasible. I know peoople have e621's base would be a good pick and as a fan of the site, I'm inclined to agree but I don't know what kind of fiddling that would take behind the scenes.

Whatever you decide to do, clear measured communication is going to be key. A single forum thread or Discord alone may not be good enough, and it's usually good to post announcements via several channels to ensure maximum reach.

Right now, communication is especially vital because people are confused and upset and it's important to let them know that this, the site in it's current state which is the source of the discourse, will improve. Something to let people know you have a plan.

Also, if server costs and lack of a programmer are concerns, I would recommend setting up the ability to donate to the site. It's not always the most relable but I know there are plenty of people out there are willing to shell out cash to keep things they like alive and health, and well, Hypnohub serves a niche that isn't well served elsewell right this moment, which could encourage donations even now.

That's the best I can come up with thinking through this situation. My gut's not liking where this is going so far, but I'm willing to stick around and see if it can be course corrected.
03/31/22 01:20AM
My favorite part about the old site was exactly the fact that it was not, with all the infuriating aspects of its search system.

I don't see a way out of this beyond a full rollback, honestly. I came for hypnohub for more reasons than "it has hypno porn in it", if i just wanted hypno porn i would have slapped the "hypnosis" tag in my usual R34 search. I came here because it's got hypnoporn and worked better than in many ways.
I utterly despise this.
03/31/22 01:21AM
Trying to answer questions
Needless to say, the mods are kinda busy with all the changes and stuff, so on their behalf, I'll try to answer as much stuff as I can.

ShiChiYami said:
For an actual question, now that video posts are allowed, assuming same audio capabilities as rule34, what are the stance on adding files that are just induction type audio? Of course meaning ones that are not held by a third party of from a paywall

Absolutely not. For the same reason we didn't allow spiral gifs and such on the old site. We would just get absolutely flooded with "get hypnotized" stuff, not to mention all the complaints from extremely easy subs who would claim that one file or another made them do something they didn't want to do, etc. Just no.

Timo4545 said:
This is bad. Losing blacklists, image resizing, the pool stuff, its all bad.

I realize filling in your blacklist again is kind of annoying, but it's not like the blacklist stopped working. Image resizing is working fine, not sure what you mean. Yeah, losing pool searching sucks. Hopefully it can be implemented later, I guess we'll see.

master226 said:
All in favor of undoing this mistake?

Not to be insensitive, but no matter how many people want it to go back, it's not gonna happen. Slayerduck already spent too much money and resources getting us here, and despite the loss of features, the site is way, WAY more secure and faster than it was before.

Blue_Midnight said:
Are deleted posts just gone now?

As they are meant to be, yes.

IncompetantBuffoon said:
So uh, the author tags have just all vanished
like they all became non author tags
any way to fix that?

I believe this is fixed now, but if you see any artist tags that are still general tags, you can just add "artist:" to the front of the tag and save to change it. You only need to do this once per tag.

Riley said:
Posting through Tor doesn't work either so I have essentially been banned from the Hub for no reason other than for wanting to not expose my IP address.

Mods need to see IP addresses to do things like permaban users, so... yeah, if you're hiding your IP address, it would be really easy to circumvent bans and hinder the moderation team. Makes sense that this wouldn't be allowed.

mystrymyn said:
As someone that heavily relied on the ability to see how many pictures of what tag have the most of a certain tag and who used this to bulld intricate tag webs that allowed an incredible amount of tags and system that allowed the most posts possible to be tagged by a certain one, this change has completely decimated my system irreperably to the point where it is simply untaggable. Horrible mistake of a format change that I simply will not tolerate. Furthermore, until this is fixed in some reasonable capacity, the mystrymyn tagging sprees are at an end. I will not have my role in the website be completely ruined by this insult of a format.

I'm a little confused by what you mean. Can you explain exactly what it was you did on the old site that you can't do here?

master226 said:
I'm sorry but whatever small benefits we got do NOT outweigh what we lost. Go back.

No. Also, I assure you that the added security and having code that we can ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND AND WORK WITH are not "small" benefits.

plsignore said:
In the before-times of last week or so, the data of a deleted post was still technically on the server and a mod could restore it, but the post itself just wouldn't show up in searches.

And, to be honest, this was a mistake on the mod team's part. A mistake I am guilty of as well. We just didn't bother perma-deleting most posts, because it was extra steps that weren't even well-communicated to new team members.
03/31/22 01:48AM
Is there a way to open the full image without leaving the posts page?
Like how in the old website we had the little stars bellow posts we could click on to see the full image. And I don't mean clicking the post then using "view image" I mean without having to got into the post.
03/31/22 01:52AM
Often when site wide changes like this happen, it leads to a lot of negativity at first; once you're used to the UI working on way, suddenly changing it even if it's for the better is often seen as a downgrade because you have to re-learn it all.

I do though hope some of the formatting can be smoothed over. The comments feel a bit clunky right now. The metadata string and the divider line both feel very large and bold, while names and the content of comments feel very small and subtle.
03/31/22 02:01AM
Changer said:
Often when site wide changes like this happen, it leads to a lot of negativity at first; once you're used to the UI working on way, suddenly changing it even if it's for the better is often seen as a downgrade because you have to re-learn it all.

Well the problem with this migration is that a significant amount of features were not just changed, but *removed* outright. The wiki has evaporated, the Good/Great/Favorite system got crunched into just Favorites, Favorites are no longer searchable, pools are no longer searchable, pools can no longer be navigated from within their posts, avatars died, etc etc etc.

I know I'm repeating myself from previous posts but I do want to make it clear that this isn't just a "change is bad" issue. The features that were lost will need to be reinstated somehow, or else this migration will be a direct and significant downgrade to the user experience.
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