03/31/22 02:33AM
Shayden98 said:
So after reading through this thread,here's my take. I would not be surprised if Slayerduck been argumentative and doubling down is a result of the pressure and pushback of this situation. Pressure and stress can make people dumb when they're not used to do dealing with it.
Obviously, that doesnn't COMPLETELY excuse it, but it does leave more room for a degree of sympathy.

I'm not stressed, I'm just really busy. Show me where in this topic i been rude or argumentative? There was one dude who complained i didn't care about the hub and about open source booru's, i replied that he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. In that reply i told my reasons and how much time and money i'm putting into migrating it. To that was a replied what I'm doing is the "cheapest". There is a complete failure of any logic here and the next person that's going to make baseless claims against me in person is going to be the first person we test the ban feature on. The only thing that makes me dumber is reading these troll comments and i have been on the internet long enough to not give a fuck. I'll list some examples:

Complaints in the past:
In the past people complained loli being removed, even though its not legal in the place of hosting. Even that doesn't matter and complaints go on and on.
There are pages long about the front page logo not being as good as the old one, people actually bawling their eyes out on a logo that can simply be skipped if you don't like it. Yet they would go as far as to write userscripts so the first page on the hub looks to their wishing.

Now in this topic i see stuff like:
The deleted posts being deleted, read this and then take a long deep breath.
TOR exit notes not being able to upload. Did someone say cheese pizza?

And its genially hurting my brain. All data is stored, even if there is not a wiki its not like we trew away the data. Rule34 is being updated so will the hub.

To sum it up in TLDR:
* Rule34 is active development and no data was lost. Thus
* Any personal nags about me and I'll test the ban feature, feel free to keep ragging on about the software though.
* Alternative booru software, there are none that are decent but not ruby. This also explains why the hub was on myimouto, it was to test a non-ruby software package.
* The conversion to gel 0.2 has priority as the site was being actively exploited. See
* All bugs not on rule34 but exist here are being fixed. If you find a bug, report it here:
03/31/22 02:58AM
slayerduck said:
All data is stored, even if there is not a wiki its not like we trew away the data. Rule34 is being updated so will the hub.

* Rule34 is active development and no data was lost.

That's great to hear. Gives me hope that features can be fully restored.
03/31/22 03:08AM
Will the ability to search favorites or see popular 24 h, week, etc. return or are these features gone permanently? Also is there a way to see all posts including child posts when viewing without any tags? I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but the pools seem to have reverted to all posts being shown but child posts aren't which definitely seems backwards to me.
03/31/22 03:10AM
Some of you really need to stop harassing slayerduck and the rest of the site's mods about this. They're running this site for free! Try to be at least a little grateful.
03/31/22 03:15AM
HypnoHydra said:
Will the ability to search favorites or see popular 24 h, week, etc. return or are these features gone permanently? Also is there a way to see all posts including child posts when viewing without any tags?

Fav search and popular 24h are not things we got in rule34.

Fav search: the reason is that our searching is done trough a separate search database called SOLR. The favorites subset of data is not currently being stored there so it can't do the searching that way. Before the hub searched just on a SQL database and was able to make complicate (but heavy on CPU) searches like that.

24h popular: Since we don't store that data, altough sometimes for the memes on rule34 we generate a tag heat map

way to see all posts including child posts when viewing without any tags: I'm not sure actually, the child posts are hidden so you can possibly still do the mangadumps without cluttering the front page. Try searching just *
03/31/22 03:25AM
Still annoyed about VPNs being blocked, if it's not fixed that may be it for me posting on here.
03/31/22 03:38AM
slayerduck said:
24h popular: Since we don't store that data, altough sometimes for the memes on rule34 we generate a tag heat map

I'm confused on this, what exactly is not being stored? Is it not just pulling recent posts, ranking them by vote, and checking once a day if they're older than 24 hours? Same with the weekly and yearly pages. All the information needed is there, there just currently isn't a page displaying them.

Out of all the features lost in the update, I'd say losing the popular tab is the biggest blow. Without it, there's no reliable way of finding good posts besides sifting through literally everything that gets uploaded. It's like if Reddit decided to remove their /hot and /top tabs, forcing everyone to browse by /new.

You've mentioned one of the reasons we've switched is because of "active development" so I really hope we can see these key features being re-implemented soon.
03/31/22 03:43AM
Will hover zoom be coming back?
03/31/22 03:44AM
slayerduck said:
There is a complete failure of any logic here and the next person that's going to make baseless claims against me in person is going to be the first person we test the ban feature on.

I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking you, as a person. I respect the fact that you're putting in the time and effort to improve the hub. Like I said, I do this for a living so I know *exactly* how busy you are right now.

And it should be stated, this needed to be done. I've heard longstanding complaints for years that the old codebase was difficult to use, near impossible to maintain, and that was before the security issues became painfully obvious. The choice of gel 0.2 for the upgrade is certainly defensible, I do take a lot of the complaints here as "You changed something now everything is RUINED FOREVER".

But the lack of communication is a real issue. The whole thing was just sort of sprung on the community with very little notice. A lot of people don't check the forums regularly, and a week isn't a whole lot of time tbh. So people just sort of woke up today to find the hub changed, with many bugs and missing features. It's understandable a lot of them would be upset.

Behind the admittedly pissy reactions, people just want to know basic details like why this needed to happen, when/if various bugs/missing features will be fixed, and just kinda that they're being heard. I would highly, *highly* recommend making a news post ASAP explaining these things and posting it on the hub. Otherwise people are going to keep drifting in without the context of the security issues, why we couldn't just convert to moebooru because ruby is slow as shit, or that staff is in the process of fixing things. And they're going to assume hypnohub is going to be merged with rule34 or something.

Which is dumb, but at the moment we've got a real breakdown in trust here. Also, threatening to ban people is *really* not going to help with that...
03/31/22 04:17AM
Will we have a search by date like the previous site?
03/31/22 05:32AM
Well, the change over invalidated a bunch of my bookmarks and doesn't recognize my saved user/pass anymore so my favorites are lost too.

I get why this had to be done, but I think it sucks.
03/31/22 06:08AM
Ah, this brings me back to the old site migration years ago. At least we seem to have brought all our images with us this time (plus a few uninvited extras!).

Jokes and throwbacks aside, I understand wanting to move away from myimouto. As nice as some of the features were, it had problems, and maintenance was clearly a constant battle. Still, as others have said, this needed more time from inception to implementation. I don't expect every convenient quality-of-life feature to be brought over all at once, but the sheer amount of Rule34 branding that has been left intact is staggering; you'd think that would have been one of the most noticeable problems in testing, and one of the simplest to fix (by and large).

Ultimately, what's done is done, and trying to migrate back would be more trouble than it's worth without a complete rollback. Still, we've seen time and again on this site that policy and site changes hastily pushed before they're ready put a real strain on the site's regular users, and generally create a lot of unnecessary friction. At the risk of drawing mod ire, I'd ask that, in the future, could the powers that be kindly remember that sometimes things need a bit of extra time and feedback? I highly doubt the servers would spontaneously combust if the migration had taken a week or two longer.

Also, as others have said, and as past incidents have proven true, a lack of warning tends to make things 10x worse. I hate to say it, but come on guys, we've been through this before. Change is change, but you have to know people are going to bitch when it's announced a week or less ahead of time in an un-pinned forum post. Granted, at least we got some warning this time.

WOPR said:
Which is dumb, but at the moment we've got a real breakdown in trust here. Also, threatening to ban people is *really* not going to help with that...

This. We get it. Lots of folks are whingeing past the point of reason, but this doesn't exactly get people on your side. Again, look to the mod decisions made in the past several years, and you'll find at least a couple incidents where threatening to play whack-a-mole with the banhammer has just made things exponentially worse.

Anyways, on the bright side, having actual video support is nice, and if I'm not mistaken a lot of the much-loathed restrictions on animated gifs have been eased. Would still rather have the old site over that for the time being, but I'm sure once all the kinks have been ironed out and that site is back up to 100%, it will be hard to look back to the days of heavy compression and no audio.
03/31/22 06:19AM
Is there an easy way to get the pics to fit on my screen? On the old site I could do it just by double-clicking the pic, but that doesn't seem to work now. Even clicking "resize image" on the left doesn't do anything.

Also, is there any chance of getting HoverZoom back?

Sorry if these have been brought up already; it's a long thread
03/31/22 06:22AM
WOPR said:
slayerduck said:
There is a complete failure of any logic here and the next person that's going to make baseless claims against me in person is going to be the first person we test the ban feature on.

I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking you, as a person. I respect the fact that you're putting in the time and effort to improve the hub. Like I said, I do this for a living so I know *exactly* how busy you are right now.

And it should be stated, this needed to be done. I've heard longstanding complaints for years that the old codebase was difficult to use, near impossible to maintain, and that was before the security issues became painfully obvious. The choice of gel 0.2 for the upgrade is certainly defensible, I do take a lot of the complaints here as "You changed something now everything is RUINED FOREVER".

But the lack of communication is a real issue. The whole thing was just sort of sprung on the community with very little notice. A lot of people don't check the forums regularly, and a week isn't a whole lot of time tbh. So people just sort of woke up today to find the hub changed, with many bugs and missing features. It's understandable a lot of them would be upset.

Behind the admittedly pissy reactions, people just want to know basic details like why this needed to happen, when/if various bugs/missing features will be fixed, and just kinda that they're being heard. I would highly, *highly* recommend making a news post ASAP explaining these things and posting it on the hub. Otherwise people are going to keep drifting in without the context of the security issues, why we couldn't just convert to moebooru because ruby is slow as shit, or that staff is in the process of fixing things. And they're going to assume hypnohub is going to be merged with rule34 or something.

Which is dumb, but at the moment we've got a real breakdown in trust here. Also, threatening to ban people is *really* not going to help with that...

03/31/22 06:41AM
Just a heads up that there appears to be no way on this new software for mods to transfer votes/favorites to new images like there was on the old site. For that reason, I unflagged several old animated gif images that have had higher resolution videos uploaded, since I don't want to just wipe them from people's favorites with no warning. From now on, everyone will have to refavorite images if they get replaced down the line (unless a function to transfer votes is implemented.)

Also, because I see several people asking about it, Hover Zoom is unlikely to ever return. It was a script made by a user for the old site software, back when it was still supported. Since we aren't using that software anymore, and the person who made that function has long since vanished, Hover Zoom, at least as it was, is likely gone forever.
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