03/31/22 06:54AM
I disagree, we had a whole week of testing and debugging where several issues were solved. There was a urgency to it and it would not have changed anything to make an announcement because there is no data loss. If even we waited 2 weeks, a month or even several months the outcome would have been the same.

trainboy2019 said:
Will hover zoom be coming back?

No, maybe imagus plugin might work.

Blue_Midnight said:
Will we have a search by date like the previous site?

No, you can do id:< or id:> with respective numbers

GuileGaze said:
there's no reliable way of finding good posts besides sifting through literally everything that gets uploaded. It's like if Reddit decided to remove their /hot and /top tabs, forcing everyone to browse by /new.

sort:score id:>140000 (or any number above whatever)

Lurkerrr said:
Well, the change over invalidated a bunch of my bookmarks and doesn't recognize my saved user/pass anymore so my favorites are lost too.

I get why this had to be done, but I think it sucks.

Was it already broken on old hub? for loss of functions please read my post here and migrate them manually.
03/31/22 08:01AM
How do you browse pictures that have notes in the new site? The notes section seem to be missing or stupidly hidden.
03/31/22 08:17AM
Blue_Midnight said:
Are deleted posts just gone now?

Isn't that the point of a post being "deleted"?
03/31/22 09:08AM
Well it's a shame to see the favorite search go from the site itself if I remember correctly someone on R34 had figured out their own site for searching favorites so I guess it might be possible if someone here on the hub was passionate enough about it.
slayerduck said:
Try searching just *

This worked! Thanks.
03/31/22 09:17AM
I recall at one point it was possible to get your user API key with Is there a way to get that here? (so I can access/add to favorites if I'm using a mobile app, for example)
03/31/22 10:30AM
Xudmud said:
I recall at one point it was possible to get your user API key with Is there a way to get that here? (so I can access/add to favorites if I'm using a mobile app, for example)

Sadly there is no fav API
03/31/22 11:41AM
How about some info on the ongoing development of this new software? Like say info about things like upcoming features. How about a public bug tracker? A dev blog? A change log?
03/31/22 01:17PM
slayerduck said:
because there is no data loss.

Bullshit. What about the deleted posts? When you actually look through you realise how many were deleted for bullshit reasons.
03/31/22 01:17PM
pokefannafekop said:
I'm sure once all the kinks have been ironed out and that site is back up to 100%, it will be hard to look back to the days of heavy compression and no audio.

Hopefully not ALL of the kinks. ;)

slayerduck said:
I disagree, we had a whole week of testing and debugging where several issues were solved. There was a urgency to it and it would not have changed anything to make an announcement because there is no data loss. If even we waited 2 weeks, a month or even several months the outcome would have been the same.

To be fair, I don't think most end-users are really concerned with data loss as much as you appear to be, and are more concerned with the changes to tag formatting, loss of various QoL features, and overall appearance. It's awesome the data has all been preserved, but that's not really where most concerns are right now. I 100% agree with the decision based on the compromised security issues, but just keep in mind that the average end-user isn't going to be concerned with how stable things are in the back-end, even if it's to their benefit.

slayerduck said:
sort:score id:>140000 (or any number above whatever)

Awesome! This definitely will suffice for the time being. Just out of curiosity though, would there be a way to implement this as a button for ease of access later down the line? I'm sure such would likely be appreciated by other users, especially those that don't frequent the forums, and are likely to miss this one-off post. (an eventual help page detailing tag changes like this would also help with the learning curve an transition)
03/31/22 01:29PM
eldomtom2 said:
slayerduck said:
because there is no data loss.

Bullshit. What about the deleted posts? When you actually look through you realise how many were deleted for bullshit reasons.

Regardless of whether or not you feel the reasons were valid, this...

Mindwipe said:
Blue_Midnight said:
Are deleted posts just gone now?

As they are meant to be, yes.

...makes it pretty clear that it was intended, so it can't really be considered data loss. It's more along the lines of a long overdue purge, from the sounds of it.
03/31/22 01:38PM
There are a few things that are missing from the new site that I kinda hope could get PR'd into Gelbooru at some point. Stuff like hitting enter to autocomplete a search term, holding shift to see bigger previews of posts, double-clicking an image on its page to view it at a scaled size, the like. Also, there are a bunch of references to rule34 and my blacklist got wiped out.
03/31/22 02:28PM
Will we get granular blacklist reveal behavior like before where we could choose to reveal certain tags on the blacklist instead of being all or nothing?
03/31/22 02:40PM
Perhaps it's worth posting a list somewhere prominent that shows:

-Features that have yet to be implemented due to the migration (so stop asking about them)

-Known bugs that are being worked on (so stop asking about them)

-Features from the old site that aren't able to be implemented unless they are added by the software devs (so stop asking about them)

-Possibly separate from the above: new-to-hub features and site navigation techniques
03/31/22 03:27PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Perhaps it's worth posting a list somewhere prominent that shows:

-Features that have yet to be implemented due to the migration (so stop asking about them)

-Known bugs that are being worked on (so stop asking about them)

-Features from the old site that aren't able to be implemented unless they are added by the software devs (so stop asking about them)

-Possibly separate from the above: new-to-hub features and site navigation techniques

forum #105951 has some of this. Mods should really be making stickies or something though.
03/31/22 03:37PM
since no one replied, i'll ask for the third time: how does the new comment section works? can i see my own comments? can i search comments?
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