03/31/22 06:54PM
plsignore said:
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Perhaps it's worth posting a list somewhere prominent that shows:

-Features that have yet to be implemented due to the migration (so stop asking about them)

-Known bugs that are being worked on (so stop asking about them)

-Features from the old site that aren't able to be implemented unless they are added by the software devs (so stop asking about them)

-Possibly separate from the above: new-to-hub features and site navigation techniques

forum #105951 has some of this. Mods should really be making stickies or something though.

Just wanted to thank you, because I see you've been tirelessly trying to help with communication as much as possible, and threw in a few ideas that would probably have made this whole ordeal a lot easier (e.g. some sort of exterior place where people could give detailed bug reports, as opposed to the messes that are the current threads).

I'm personally just waiting until the whole shitshow of the first couple weeks of migration passes on, then I'll try to sort through my own issues if I have any.
03/31/22 07:08PM
Do we know if the search feature will be readded to our favorites? I really miss being able to say "I'm in the mood for this" then being able to go through my personal list of what I like from that category.
03/31/22 07:16PM
rules/guideline of what should and shouldn't be uploaded ?
Question: There used to be a pages listing the rules/guideline of what should and shouldn't be uploaded on .
Is there/will be there a replacement somewhere, possibly updated ?
03/31/22 07:24PM
Suggestion: now that the blacklisted posts are no longer removed and occupy a slot saying "blacklisted" instead, I suggest to allow to see the tags when hovering these slots just like for ordinary posts.
That way, if setting a very strict blacklist, if the list of tags is surprisingly tempting, it would be easy to guess the id of the blacklisted post and access it even if it's not clickable.
03/31/22 07:59PM
Okay, just gave a go at uploading a new pool:

* Bulk uploading is easier, because the upload page doesn't redirect upon success. This is nice.
* However, making changes that need to be done after (changing rating, applying a parent, etc) is more awkward. The link to the new post is small and somewhat awkward to spot. This could be improved.

* Pool importing is a really nice feature.
* Adding a single image to a pool from a post is not intuitive. I had to dig in the forum to find instructions. It's clunky and could use improvement.
* Getting posts in the right order was tricky
* Having to parent every post to avoid clogging the index is awkward

* The "This post belongs in a pool" dialogue does not appear consistently.
* Further, navigating a pool is awkward and unintuitive.

* The lack of tag implications REALLY hurts here. In this case I had to CONSTANTLY remember to tag Pokemon in addition to Sabrina
03/31/22 09:09PM
apperently theres no way to navigate favorites via tags
03/31/22 09:12PM
pfetish said:
apperently theres no way to navigate favorites via tags

I would also like there to be a fix for this, I would often look in my favorites by using tags with it.
03/31/22 09:50PM
Will the old browse feature return in anyway? That was one of the things that really elevated hypnohub above competetitors, imo, and im already missing it.
03/31/22 10:06PM
I really wish there was a way to change the forum post times individually. Whatever time zone it's in is confusing the hell outta me.
03/31/22 10:13PM
Also did we lose the recently deleted page in all this?
03/31/22 10:28PM
I do miss the ability to filter my favorites, I used the order by random quite a lot.
03/31/22 10:56PM
Popular feature was nice
SirDuckton said:
Is there any way to access the most popular posts of the last 24 hours and week? If not, I’m going to miss that feature greatly

I will miss it as well/would request that to be rebuilt in the new site if possible
04/01/22 12:04AM

04/01/22 01:01AM
Okay, trying to answer more questions. Let's go.

GrandDad said:
How do you browse pictures that have notes in the new site? The notes section seem to be missing or stupidly hidden.

Sadly, that feature is missing from this software. Maybe it'll be added in the future. We just have to wait and see.

eldomtom2 said:
Bullshit. What about the deleted posts? When you actually look through you realise how many were deleted for bullshit reasons.

Putting aside the fact that people like to call any reason for deletion bullshit, including things that are actually illegal in the site's host country like explicit loli, all deleted posts are now actually deleted. Being able to look at deleted posts was not an intended feature of the old site. It was an oversight by the mod team in combination with shitty coding.

abithig said:
To be fair, I don't think most end-users are really concerned with data loss as much as you appear to be

Oh, believe me, even if people aren't concerned with it right now, they sure would be if, for example, we added wiki functionality, but all our past wiki entries were gone and had to be re-added from scratch. No data loss means everything is still stored somewhere, even if we can't currently use it, but it can all be added back should we regain those functionalities in the future.

plsignore said:
forum #105951 has some of this. Mods should really be making stickies or something though.

Good point. I'll go ahead and sticky the bug report thread.

AceIce said:
since no one replied, i'll ask for the third time: how does the new comment section works? can i see my own comments? can i search comments?

It just works. :todd: If by "see [your] own comments" you mean being able to pull up a list of all your comments, then no, not on the current site. I also don't believe there's currently any way to search comments.

daeva said:
Question: There used to be a pages listing the rules/guideline of what should and shouldn't be uploaded on .
Is there/will be there a replacement somewhere, possibly updated ?

This might be something we can work on. Hold tight and we'll see what we can do.

pfetish said:
apperently theres no way to navigate favorites via tags

Yes, sadly. It's a function I know a lot of people miss, myself included.

Timo4545 said:
Also did we lose the recently deleted page in all this?

Regular users did, yes. It's only viewable by the moderation staff.

teso said:

Slayerduck has said that it's possible.
04/01/22 01:25AM
Unless I'm missing something, is there any way to jump to the newest forum post? It's not a BIG deal, but it's just an extra step to have to go to the original forum post, then scrollllll the way down, then jump to the newest page.

Sidenote, I appreciate you guys are doing your best with this, and I know it can't be easy. This site is still HELL on my eyes (in particular, besides the community aspect, avatars give SUCH a cleaner break to the eyes to help the reading process), and I really think the community could have been consulted about all this a year ago, rather than just rushing ahead with it, then springing it on us when there was no turning back, but I can deal with it if this is how it has to be.

End of the day we're all still here, we all still have each other, and even if some things are a huge pain in the ass now it's not like we're going anywhere. I'm sure this community has and will stick through worse lol.
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