04/03/22 12:27AM
Repairing a pool
I had favorited post #139565 on the old site to have access to the post pool.
But the images on the new site, while browsable through Previous and Next, weren't displaying the "This post belongs to one or more pools" message.
So I decided to repair it, and visited old.hypnohub.net to find the old pool name and reuse it.

Surprise 1: when I created the public pool with that name, the images were all in without me having to do anything.
Surprise 2: when I refreshed the first image of the pool from another tab, it now displayed that it was part of a pool, and likewise for other images.

So if you see broken pools, make sure you restore them with their original name, it may save you a lot of time if it self-repair like it did with me ;)
04/03/22 12:40AM
You can no longer send messages to yourself. I was using that to save notes to myself across devices.
04/03/22 01:38AM
Is there an equivalent to the order:score search to sort posts by rating?
04/03/22 01:54AM
TheModrenMan said:
Is there an equivalent to the order:score search to sort posts by rating?

04/03/22 01:57AM
Secondlast said:
Hi there everyone. So far generally digging the migration and some of the new features like video playback.
However, one of my favorite features on the old site was the ability to view popular images on a day-by-day week-by-by month-by-month basis. Any chance of that being carried over, or at the very least an alternative that accomplishes the same thing? Something that can at least sorta replicate what's new and hot? Thanks

Best equivalent we have rn is to use id:>#, where # is the id of the post you want to start from chronologically, then adding sort:score to the search.
04/03/22 03:20AM
Hypnorgasm said:
OperationTransport said:
I don't like that the wiki will be gone. Is it possible to implement it in the new site later on?

Or even have it outside the site, like our Discord chat is? I certainly found all the help/info pages in the wiki to be helpful when I first came to this site and was trying to figure out the rules and expectations. Rule34's help pages are rather sparse. If we get rid of the wiki, we may also need to change some tags to be more self-explanatory.

Same here. Even though it was generally neglected, I found it a very good way to figure out what certain tags meant. It's going to be extremely difficult for newcomers to figure out some of these without it.
04/03/22 05:03AM
So will the TOS be updated or will they be left as a copy/paste of the R34 TOS?
04/03/22 06:06AM
Resized GIFs don't animate. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than the total lack of scaling on the old site, but it is irritating.
04/03/22 06:36AM
hyreader said:
The migration filled your favorites with all your favorites and all things you voted on, and maybe even cases where you withdrew the favorite/vote afterward.
This could explain either pics you voted on and didn't remember, or pics you may have voted on by accident (and if the last thing I said is true, even realizing it and removing the vote would have had no effect on the migration)

Yea I went through and fixed it and it looks like all pics I ever favorited were there.
04/03/22 11:50AM
Siegfried13 said:
So will the TOS be updated or will they be left as a copy/paste of the R34 TOS?

I'm sure it'll be fixed at some point. There's a lot of work to be done from what I can gather, and I'm uncertain if everyone working behind the scenes is able to work on the site full-time, so depending on what they're prioritizing, it might be a good bit. (hence why some sort of general roadmap or outline would be nice, so we could have a better idea of what is being prioritized at the moment. Looks like slayer has a bit of that in his migration progress thread)
04/03/22 09:53PM
Is there a way to make pictures not be so fuckin enormous on mobile? I'm using desktop layout cuz I hate the mobile layout but goddamn are the pictures huge when I click on them. Like i can't even zoom out to see the whole thing, I have to slide the screen. It's ridiculously big
04/03/22 11:41PM
How do spoilers work now? Some of my threads had spoilers but now they don't work anymore. (examples: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105532

and hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=104556
04/04/22 01:57AM
manjumemajeur said:
How do spoilers work now? Some of my threads had spoilers but now they don't work anymore. (examples: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105532

and hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=104556

Use opening and closing bracket tags like so:

\[spoiler\] \[/spoiler\]

except you remove the backslashes (keep the forward slash).
04/04/22 03:02AM
I'm going to hold my reservations so far on the update, the ui definitely is a downgrade at the moment. But I can hope that things improve in time. It just looks so... 90's/early 2000 ish to me.
04/04/22 03:14AM
Why is there a quote opinion in the forums, but not in the comments?

Also, does it really have to automatically hide child posts from the front page?
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