04/04/22 10:53AM
anonlv000 said:
Use opening and closing bracket tags like so:

except you remove the backslashes (keep the forward slash).

Yeah, the forum help section only covers a few tags, for things like pool and forum posts shorthand. Know any other shortcuts, or where we can find them?
04/04/22 11:31AM
How do I make few-tag blacklist entry work again?

In former hub it was easy - spaces for extra tags/exceptions, enters for new entry.

Now there is no such option, or not clear enough. Trying, for example, "tag_1 -tag_2" as entry doesn't block instances of tag 1 without tag 2 either. It just invalidates entire entry.
04/04/22 05:07PM
Xlmpth said:
anonlv000 said:
Use opening and closing bracket tags like so:

except you remove the backslashes (keep the forward slash).

Yeah, the forum help section only covers a few tags, for things like pool and forum posts shorthand. Know any other shortcuts, or where we can find them?

The r34 FAQ
has a few more:

bold : [b]text[/b]
italic : [i]text[/i]
spoiler : [spoiler]text[/spoiler]
04/04/22 05:47PM
Did the old view by "popular" category vanish in the move? I used to use popular by week/month after time away to catch up on the cream of the crop.
04/04/22 07:30PM
Nazwa said:
How do I make few-tag blacklist entry work again?

In former hub it was easy - spaces for extra tags/exceptions, enters for new entry.

Now there is no such option, or not clear enough. Trying, for example, "tag_1 -tag_2" as entry doesn't block instances of tag 1 without tag 2 either. It just invalidates entire entry.

Asked that same question multiple times - apparently that's not a feature right now, which is kind of a shame as I want to blacklist malesub, but only if it doesn't also contain femsub.
04/05/22 10:54AM
plsignore said:
Xlmpth said:
anonlv000 said:
Use opening and closing bracket tags like so:

except you remove the backslashes (keep the forward slash).

Yeah, the forum help section only covers a few tags, for things like pool and forum posts shorthand. Know any other shortcuts, or where we can find them?

The r34 FAQ
has a few more:

bold : [b]text[/b]
italic : [i]text[/i]
spoiler : [spoiler]text[/spoiler]

so has anyone figured out how to do hyperlinks in this new format or
04/05/22 01:54PM
Can there be the possibility to upload audio files? Not hypno files of course as it could cause unconsentual triggering for subs but audio in the area of RP and story telling? For example I have an RP audio that I commissioned a while back that involves a POV haigure scenario that I'd love to share here. If the site doesn't support MP3s then they could be uploaded as a video with a piece of art to act as a visual.
04/05/22 06:52PM
Ok, asked once before but saw no reply

How do we temporarily supress blacklisted item? Like, for example, you usually really do not want to see overwatch (usually i had "overwatch -d.va" blacklisted but since composition blacklists no longer work...)

But once in a while you want to see if there is some hidden gem.

On old site, as well as many popular sites (Like e621) you just had to click "blacklists" under search tab, then click your desired exception to suppress it until you click again.

Now I see no such option.
04/05/22 10:14PM
Is roleplay in dms allowed? I know it’s like a whole thing on rule 34 where people like comment showing interest in rp, and then rp in dms can be started there? Idk if y’all do that here, just kinda been wondering for a while
04/06/22 04:01AM
How do you unflag a post you flagged here?
04/06/22 05:08AM
OperationTransport said:
How do you unflag a post you flagged here?

I took care of it for you. In the future, just ask a mod to do it in the poke a mod thread or DMs.
04/06/22 05:21AM
plsignore said:
The r34 FAQ
has a few more:

bold : [b]text[/b]
italic : [i]text[/i]
spoiler : [spoiler]text[/spoiler]

Fun trick:
Italic text inside spoilers aren't spoilered!
04/06/22 05:33AM
You also can't do linebreaks in comments anymore, as far as I can tell.
04/06/22 06:41AM
I can’t find if it was answered here but how do you navigate pools?
04/06/22 07:14AM
jaaysiin said:
You also can't do linebreaks in comments anymore, as far as I can tell.

Indeed, I too have noticed it. Makes commenting less fun.
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