03/30/22 05:42AM
Why the site change?
What's the likelihood of profile pictures returning?
Is there a mouse-over preview function here?
How do I search my own favourites?
03/30/22 05:44AM
So I know its probably annoying but how can we upload stuff to a pool on here? Before it had the little option on the image itself and you just had to find what pool you wanted now its like...I don't know confusing.
03/30/22 05:47AM
"Yes now" is not a good ETA for when you were doing this.

Oh my god it's so much worse than I thought it was going to be.
Why's this font like size 8.
03/30/22 05:47AM
Oh there are titles now that's cool
Asides from the titles yeah this feels like mostly a downgrade for the stronger back-end and videos, especially little stuff like being able to click on the stars below posts to instantly load a full size tab of the image instead of having to click original image. Stuff like the waifu2x support and reverse image searching with just a button press is cool and really helpful for finding a source or getting larger images but I feel like this should have had a few more weeks to cook and iron out bugs like the thumbnails.
Also it sucks that favorites are now a separate page and not part of the search functionality.
03/30/22 05:49AM
Where's the automatic huge image resizing? You open up images and get a tiny corner of a huge image.

This was not ready.
03/30/22 05:54AM
Haven't really been around here long and this is my first time popping my head into the forums, but it's unfortunate that it seems like a lot of the old functionality has been stripped away. Losing tiered favourites, profile pictures, recommended tags on upload, the comment section being an absolute mess to try and read, etc makes this switch feel like a MASSIVE downgrade. I'm also not a fan of the UI changes, although it's something I'll probably get used to over time.

Also WHERE'S THE POPULAR TAB? Am I missing it somewhere or is that feature completely gone? Honestly losing that alone is huge.

Things feel more responsive/quicker which is nice, but definitely not worth what was lost from a users perspective.
03/30/22 05:55AM
Is there any way to access the most popular posts of the last 24 hours and week? If not, I’m going to miss that feature greatly
03/30/22 05:58AM
Been a lurker here for years, I really hate this. Losing the ability to search pools AND losing the ability to sort your favorites by tags is absolutely devastating. I'm so sad to see the sight like this
03/30/22 06:00AM
My blacklists got deleted, was that supposed to happen?
03/30/22 06:01AM
Why was rule34.xxx chosen as the new base and not e621? They're open source and have many more features than rule34 has, a lot of which were shared with HypnoHub (including wikis and pool navigation).

I don't know anything about their backend but they're quite a huge site, surely they must not have the same server/database load problems that the previous site had, right?
03/30/22 06:03AM
What happens when I type in a new title, does it create a whole new topic?
I like the new site OK. Just the change in aesthetic alone is cool. Feels retro. I enjoy having more favorites showing per-page.

Also, thank you for migrating over our favorites so we didn't have to binge-save literally everything... necessarily ^o^"
03/30/22 06:08AM
OK, so we lost a bunch of features (searchable favorites, tiered favorites, Misc. Other site features, ability to access raw image from thumbnail, ability to select which blacklist items to exclude, etc.) and in return we gained a new UI with less features, meta tags, and videos... Yeah, this is at best a net loss from where I'm sitting.
03/30/22 06:11AM
Blue_Midnight said:
My blacklists got deleted, was that supposed to happen?

Goddammit blacklists gone too? This is the sort of stuff that we wanted time to backup.
03/30/22 06:16AM
There's an Upload Video section now?
I mean we needed this for awhile. Uploading gifs was just a pain. But is there going to be rules for it? I mean. I know artist MOV/MP4's will be allowed. But what about hypnosis hentai?
03/30/22 06:22AM
A few more things I guess
Bit strange how blacklisted images come up with hypnohub.net/blacklisted.png instead of just not appearing at all but meh
From what I can tell child posts don't appear in the all listing which is kinda strange, I guess it's a way to remove clutter on the front page now that we can't set a post to hidden on the front page and only visible in search but that doesn't appy to pools so doesn't solve the main problem.
The tag map is kinda funny
Also it's very easy to mess with tags, I think there was some verification system before or something but now it just happens which idk if that's of too much concern but it is a way to mess with the site the mods might want to patch up before someone abuses it
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