04/22/22 03:08PM
OperationTransport said:
bugmenot said:
I got annoyed that countless artist tags were no longer artist tags after the migration, so I wrote a script to fix them using data from the old site. All previous artist tags should be artist tags again.

Whew nice work. How did you do that?

Though I did spot some artist tags that aren't artist type still.

I did it by downloading the list of artists in json format from the tag list on the old site, cleaning it up a bit to remove artist names with junk data like newlines and unicode characters, then I used that with a simple Python script that iterates through the list and changes each tag to an artist tag on the server one by one.

It turns out it's taking a bit longer than I thought, I have it running on a different computer and just kind of assumed it would be done by now. I really should have checked it before posting, but I was getting ready for bed and figured that if it wasn't done, it probably would be by the time anyone noticed.

Edit: It's finally done. All previous artist tags should be artist tags again, for real this time.
04/22/22 11:13PM
Just throwing a quick list of things that I see are missing but still useful/seem like errors. Sorry if they've already been said to death. I haven't seen these, but I also haven't memorized the forum. Also, this is solely done in an attempt to help collect some issues so you guys know what to fix, not trying to make demands.
- Edit (E), respond (R), and favoriting (~, 1, 2, 3) keyboard shortcuts.
- + and - search by the tag lists in post view
- No longer an in-post "remove from favorites" option. Have to go to favorites page itself.
- Only indicator that post has been successfully favorited is a tiny message at the top of the page, as opposed to the old site where the button text would change and a little alert would appear at the top of the screen.
- "My Favorites" option missing in post view
04/23/22 10:27AM
Is there a way to list the pools I created? I'd like to fix the personal/private status issue. But on the Pool List page it looks like I can't even search them by name.
04/23/22 10:51AM
bugmenot said:
I got annoyed that countless artist tags were no longer artist tags after the migration, so I wrote a script to fix them using data from the old site. All previous artist tags should be artist tags again.

Oh my god, thank you so much. The prospect of doing those all manually was daunting.

Thf772 said:
Is there a way to list the pools I created? I'd like to fix the personal/private status issue. But on the Pool List page it looks like I can't even search them by name.

I don't know of a way on this site, unfortunately. The best I know of would be using the old.hypnohub.net search under "My Account", then "My Profile", then the number next to "Edits". In the search at the bottom of that screen, add "type:pool" next to the user:[username] tag that's already there. That'll show you all edits made to pools. It's not just created pools, but it's the only way I know of. If anyone knows a better way, please chime in.
04/23/22 05:53PM
Just testing
Testing the new avatar system, sorry

Edit: Seems to work, thanks for reimplementing this!

With the userscript (hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105958), this version is getting a lot more functional.
04/24/22 04:38AM
Agreed! I'm genuinely surprised that the avatars were able to make a comeback, but it's certainly a welcome surprise! The migration may have been premature, but it's really encouraging to know that progress is being made!
04/24/22 05:40PM
Feature request: a checkbox in pool creation so that the name is automatically generated by the system as "Pool ###" with "###" being the id of the pool.

Server side, I imagine it working like that:
-pool is partially created, but not available
-name is generated and added thanks to the pool having received an id
-pool is made available
This is to avoid race conditions (if you're not programmer, don't worry about it)

The objective for users is that more people would use pools when posting related/linked images, no longer having to worry about finding those pools a name (that's why I'm not adding images I see clearly part of a sequence to a pool myself)
04/24/22 11:54PM
How do you add posts to pools?
04/25/22 02:45PM
sonicfan150 said:
How do you add posts to pools?

You can add the tag "pool:[pool id number]" without the quotes or brackets, like pool:1234 to a post's tags. Or, from in the pool page, use the "Import" button. This lets you search for posts using tags, like the normal site search.
If you want to search for a single post, you can search "id:[post id number]" without the quotes or brackets, like id:1234.
04/25/22 03:57PM
hyreader said:
Feature request: a checkbox in pool creation so that the name is automatically generated by the system as "Pool ###" with "###" being the id of the pool.

The objective for users is that more people would use pools when posting related/linked images, no longer having to worry about finding those pools a name (that's why I'm not adding images I see clearly part of a sequence to a pool myself)

But what happens when people don't rename those pools to something more meaningful? The pool list will get polluted with a bunch of "Pool 1234". Searching pools doesn't exist yet, but if it ever did that system would make searching impossible.

We used to have a system for naming pools that went "copyright - title (artist)". It was never strictly adhered to, but is a decent starting point if you need help naming pools. The title can just be a brief description if it doesn't have a title.
04/25/22 04:18PM
Oh, but if we're making feature suggestions, we should totally steal a page from E621's upload page:

-They divide the entry box for tags into several categories (artist, characters, commonly blacklisted tags, etc), which helps remind users about the important things that should always be tagged.

-certain 'universal' tags such as male, female, group, solo get buttons which are clicked to add the tag

-Additionally, they require that an artist and source link be provided (even if artist or source is unknown), or else the upload button is blocked.

Combined, these features help enforce a minimum tagging standard. These are purely frontend things, which might make it more feasible to implement as well.
09/19/22 06:27AM
Question: does anyone know how to edit a forum post's title in the forum post listing?

I'm trying to update the version number for the title of forum #101289 (hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=101289), and while I managed to update the post with a 0.3.0β version number, the title in the forum post listing is still at 0.2.4β.

I know this is definitely possible! Forum #105958 (hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105958), the one with the new hub site userscript, somehow manages to update its version numbers.
09/19/22 02:51PM
anonlv000 said:
Question: does anyone know how to edit a forum post's title in the forum post listing?

I'm trying to update the version number for the title of forum #101289 (hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=101289), and while I managed to update the post with a 0.3.0β version number, the title in the forum post listing is still at 0.2.4β.

I know this is definitely possible! Forum #105958 (hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105958), the one with the new hub site userscript, somehow manages to update its version numbers.

All I'm doing is editing the first post and changing the title field in there
09/19/22 02:57PM
Detour said:
All I'm doing is editing the first post and changing the title field in there

That's all I'm doing too. I used to be able to change it - at least back before the site migrated...

You know what, maybe that's the problem. Your forum post was made after the site migration, while mine was automatically created. It could very well be I don't have permissions to change the forum post title, or something.
09/20/22 03:17PM
I wish you could remove favorite posts from the post itself. say you go to a post and it turns out you already faved it but a new post gets uploaded that is like a sequel to that post , well now you have to look through pages and pages of through your faves tab [which you can't use the search bar in now] to find and unfave it so you can fave it again in an organized way.
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