03/30/22 06:23AM
Uh what happened to :random the site worked fine why did you break it
03/30/22 06:28AM
There was a post about this
Eleven said:
Uh what happened to :random the site worked fine why did you break it

Basically as much as the UI sucks ass in terms of changes given what we’ve lost. We kind of HAD to move…I kind of skimmed the post but basically Hypnohub was an experiment and the plug got pulled, so either THIS or the destruction of 10 years worth of history with no Hypnohub at all
03/30/22 06:32AM
I have a problem to my author tag, it was reverted to a normal tag.
03/30/22 06:40AM
The notes for translations are gone on some posts.
Some notes for old translations are gone. Like post #138657 however the notes for them disappeared!!
03/30/22 06:43AM
The lack of a wiki is gonna hurt.

Also what the hell, no tag implications? That's just asking for shittier tagging going forward.
03/30/22 06:57AM
looks like artist tags format are screwed.
i changed my tag manually.

Also, is there a way to add the "edit" feature to the comments?
03/30/22 06:58AM
Video length
Is the video length of 1 minute just something from rule34.xxx or something to keep the servers running at a good speed? There are videos >10 minutes length over at rule34 but they have the same warning during upload so idk if it's an old bit of the HTML from rule 34 or if it's an actual concern, maybe a file size limit or something would work better.
03/30/22 07:03AM
Actually went back to read the post
AnonymousBrainwash said:
Eleven said:
Uh what happened to :random the site worked fine why did you break it

Basically as much as the UI sucks ass in terms of changes given what we’ve lost. We kind of HAD to move…I kind of skimmed the post but basically Hypnohub was an experiment and the plug got pulled, so either THIS or the destruction of 10 years worth of history with no Hypnohub at all

Well…I was sort of right? The original source of the code that was used to set up Hypnohub is GONE, person who made it got rid of it. There exists some backups floating around, no telling how long those will last. Hypnohub lacks a dedicated programmer to actually fix the issues Hypnohub has, something about people just finding ways to exploit the code instead of making it better. Then came the notification of the move and asking people to test out the “new” Hypnohub via a link along with a notification that everything would be moving over in a week.

Complete honesty here, I feel like this is something that should have popped up in our mailboxes, not just a forum.

And Hypnohub knows it lost a lot, just give it some time to adjust? And we can upload videos now! Alternatively you can start picking up some coding knowledge and try to fix up Hypnohub or develop a better UI yourself? (Only being half sarcastic)
03/30/22 07:07AM
So the artist pages listing their URLs and aliases and such still exist. But there's no way to get to these pages from an image post.

On that note, where's the DNP list? It's not part of the TOS, there's no more 'rules' page because the wiki is RIP. How will that be managed going forward?
03/30/22 07:12AM
Should we make a forum post about the problems we are having to see what's happened?
03/30/22 07:26AM
Will avatars come back?
03/30/22 07:31AM
Is there a reason why two videos I posted recently don't appear on the front page unless I check the video section?
03/30/22 07:46AM
SexyHex said:
Is there a reason why two videos I posted recently don't appear on the front page unless I check the video section?

Child posts don't appear in the front page, I think it's a clutter reduction thing because we can't hide posts on the front page anymore but it doesn't work that well.
03/30/22 07:48AM
I also just realised all the pools I'd bookmarked on the old Hub are now broken, is there gonna be any way to sync that or will I just have to go through the pools and find them again?
03/30/22 07:50AM
KJay said:
SexyHex said:
Is there a reason why two videos I posted recently don't appear on the front page unless I check the video section?

Child posts don't appear in the front page, I think it's a clutter reduction thing because we can't hide posts on the front page anymore but it doesn't work that well.

oh, well that's dumb. hopefully we can revert that change.
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