03/30/22 07:51AM
Riley said:
I also just realised all the pools I'd bookmarked on the old Hub are now broken, is there gonna be any way to sync that or will I just have to go through the pools and find them again?

Same with individual posts I bookmarked. I have to enter the hub either by the main hub link or tag I bookmarked.
03/30/22 08:00AM
Riley said:
I also just realised all the pools I'd bookmarked on the old Hub are now broken, is there gonna be any way to sync that or will I just have to go through the pools and find them again?

There should be a pool id in the url of your bookmark. You can use that pool id to find the pool page here.
03/30/22 08:22AM
slayerduck continues to show that he does not give a shit about hypnohub. He could have moved to an open source platform, instead he moved hurriedly to a closed source platform which means that most of the features we're missing will be gone forever.
03/30/22 08:45AM
eldomtom2 said:
slayerduck continues to show that he does not give a shit about hypnohub. He could have moved to an open source platform, instead he moved hurriedly to a closed source platform which means that most of the features we're missing will be gone forever.

You have absolutely no clue what the actual fuck you're talking about, if i gave no fuck i would have left it on that shithole software where people would exploit it over and over again intead of wasting days of my time and a year of the hub's ad revenue on migrating it by hiring someone to convert the database. Closed source doesn't mean no features will be added at all, its the same software we run for This booru type is by far the fastest booru that exist and its development is supported. We went from 450% cpu average to 50%, there is a reason why it can run on only one server.
03/30/22 08:46AM
Check your artist/manipper tags
They got bungled up by the site change. THANKFULLY you only need to change the tag on one image of an artist/manipper to change the tag on all of the other images with the same tags, but it'll likely still take a bit of work (especially if you posted stuff from many different artists.

Also, while images still remember having child posts, I can't find a way to actually access said child posts.
03/30/22 08:50AM
I'm really liking the new site. Loads much faster and is 100 times easier to use on phone.
03/30/22 09:41AM
slayerduck said:
You have absolutely no clue what the actual fuck you're talking about, if i gave no fuck i would have left it on that shithole software where people would exploit it over and over again intead of wasting days of my time and a year of the hub's ad revenue on migrating it by hiring someone to convert the database. Closed source doesn't mean no features will be added at all, its the same software we run for This booru type is by far the fastest booru that exist and its development is supported. We went from 450% cpu average to 50%, there is a reason why it can run on only one server.

So in other words, you chose the option that would be cheapest for you and not best for the users, especially since you conspicuously avoid claiming any missing festures will return.
03/30/22 09:54AM
eldomtom2 said:
So in other words, you chose the option that would be cheapest for you and not best for the users, especially since you conspicuously avoid claiming any missing festures will return.

Look, the choice was leaving the site on an extremely unsecure, poorly-coded and abandoned software, with no hope of ever receiving any improvements, but which had a few neat features, or a much more secure and faster software, that is being actively developed and that our host was already using and familiar with, but with a few cool features missing.

Yeah, it sucks we can't do everything we used to be able to do (at least not now), but also we aren't going to have to revert the site every few weeks because some hacker got bored and injected a script that redirects every post to a Rickroll.
03/30/22 09:54AM
Dear God my eyes, this new site is hideous. Are we gonna be stuck with this forever?
03/30/22 10:02AM
eldomtom2 said:
So in other words, you chose the option that would be cheapest for you and not best for the users, especially since you conspicuously avoid claiming any missing festures will return.

Did you actually read anything you quoted?
03/30/22 10:08AM
Video posts are cool, and it's neat having a stats page even though I'll never see myself on it. Sure, the UI and overall look is... questionable, but It's also *the first day* and if it's not redesigned at a later point, we'll probably all get used to it anyways. Gonna miss avatars, but if they're at the expense of a fully functioning site then the choice is obvious. Hopefully some of the more QOL improvements that were present on the last site can make their way over here, but time will tell. Overall: I can get used to this.
03/30/22 10:15AM
There are features I am missing already, such as searching pools and being able to navigate a pool from within itself, and I hope they return, the UI is a bit different that is true, but I'm just happy the site is living on!

Slayer, you're doing an amazing job, and I just wanna say thank you for that.
03/30/22 10:24AM
Long time listener, first time caller.
While I don't agree with the general layout, I recognize that that might just be my human nature going "change is scary" and so I'll give it a week. One thing that really bothers me though is that my blacklist got deleted. I had probably hundreds of blacklisted tags. Any way I could get them from the old DB?
03/30/22 10:27AM
Kinda sucks that you can't access the latest post in a thread from the main forum page since the numbers are gone.

Kinda sucks that my blacklist's tags were erased. I specifically copy-pasted them here during the past week, what gives?

Also kinda sucks that my questions about blacklists and the like were never really addressed. I want to blacklist "malesub", but only when there's also no "femsub". How do I do it?

EDIT: Also kinda sucks that the new forum threads seem to have less posts per page, as I've just noticed. I know this probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but I had a bunch of forum threads saved up so I could check out things like MC scenes from movies later on. Now that's gonna make it pretty much impossible to find the correct place where the thread from the old Hub was saved on threads that were more than a couple pages long.
03/30/22 10:33AM
For an actual question, now that video posts are allowed, assuming same audio capabilities as rule34, what are the stance on adding files that are just induction type audio? Of course meaning ones that are not held by a third party of from a paywall
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