03/30/22 10:36AM
It's a shame that the popular day-by-day feature is gone, I hope that can come back soon
03/30/22 10:41AM
Mindwipe said:
Look, the choice was leaving the site on an extremely unsecure, poorly-coded and abandoned software, with no hope of ever receiving any improvements, but which had a few neat features, or a much more secure and faster software, that is being actively developed and that our host was already using and familiar with, but with a few cool features missing.

Yeah, it sucks we can't do everything we used to be able to do (at least not now), but also we aren't going to have to revert the site every few weeks because some hacker got bored and injected a script that redirects every post to a Rickroll.

False dilemna. Slayerduck had other choices.
03/30/22 10:45AM
So, fun fact. The new site wouldn't let me log in under my old username - and when I tried to make a new one with just a "1" pegged onto the end, it told me my username has to be between 4 and 12 characters long.

I'm guessing that also affected logging in to the old username.
03/30/22 10:50AM
What does this "title" field do in a reply?
It doesn't look like spoilers work on the forum anymore, which is a shame. EDIT: they work but not in the same way.

Quotes work just fine though.

Apparently you can bold and italicize things. It's using [] not <>.
03/30/22 10:52AM
I'm really not liking the new favorites page. I don't like that I can't search my favorites anymore, and the remove button underneath every favorite is really unhelpful. I really prefer removing favorites on the post itself, not through the favorites page. I hope the favorites page is reworked to be closer to the old one, this new one isn't very good in my opinion. I also hope other features get restored as well.
03/30/22 10:56AM
Generally in the same boat as quite a few others here it seems. Don't hate the change, though it'll definitely take some getting used to, and definitely feels like a big step backwards from a user perspective due to the loss of a few QoL features. Hope to see more changes and improvements soon, I'd really love to see this shift make a turn for the better later down the line, and grow surpass the old site in terms of UX. Looks like it's probably gonna take a lot of work on the back-end to get to that point though, can't say I envy y'all. I'll trust your judgement for the time being and see where we're at a little later down the line.

TheMadPrince said:
I want to blacklist "malesub", but only when there's also no "femsub". How do I do it?

I too would like an answer to this. It doesn't APPEAR to be possible based on the current system, since it works off of singular spaced tags rather than working off lines, but if there's syntax that would work for cases like the above, it would be really nice to know. (or if there isn't, it might be something to look into adding later down the line, such as using commas as a break between blacklisted tags instead of spaces to allow for grouped tags, if possible)
03/30/22 11:14AM
I'll take the new layout over no hypnohub at all, just gonna take a while to get used to. But maaan I'm bummed I can't search through my favourites anymore.
03/30/22 11:21AM
themy said:
It doesn't look like spoilers work on the forum anymore, which is a shame. EDIT: they work but not in the same way.

Quotes work just fine though.

Apparently you can bold and italicize things. It's using [] not <>.

I feel like this was how it already worked before. This is all DText stuff, which is what Hypnohub was using.

Okay, not sure how links work though. The old method of <<link|text>> doesn't work.
03/30/22 11:38AM
Possible Bug
When I remove a favorite, it puts me back to page 1 of favorites, no matter what page of favorites I just removed the post from. Not sure if that's a bug, but I'll report it in case.
03/30/22 11:48AM
Translation notes on mobile
To preface, I've been using this site for almost a decade now, and yeah losing some features sucks, but there's gonna be some hiccups as everything gets moved, and we should just keep cataloging the things we really want back or miss.
That said, it seems like there's no way to reliably see translation notes on mobile right now? I checked a couple posts and neither one had the notes appear on the image in the mobile layout; when I swapped to desktop layout, one post was fine and had the notes perform exactly as it had before, but on the other post the notes were giant empty opaque beige boxes over the image. Is there any known reason why this happens?
03/30/22 11:50AM
Are there any plans to make the mobile experience better? Because frankly, it's absolutely awful now. The new mobile beta places everything in the most inconvenient places, and turning it off makes everything incredibly squished. This is true even when using the mobile beta to look at images.
03/30/22 12:25PM
Dammit, the ~ for searching multiple tags no longer works. That's a shame.

edit: Is it just me or are pools also broken?

edit 2: btw is there any way to sort your search randomly? sort:random doesn't work I'm afraid.
03/30/22 12:28PM
Is there a way that you can make it so that the home page fully hides blacklisted content? I really don't want to lose that functionality.
03/30/22 12:32PM
Translation notes broken on some images
Hey, it looks like the update has broken the translation notes on a lot of images. It seems as though the notes are replaced with blank beige boxes, some of which aren't even on the image itself. Examples:

The note history is still there, so the content doesn't appear to have been deleted. The note boxes also appear to still be in the correct place if the image is expanded to full size.
03/30/22 01:16PM
This isn't a case of "change is bad! It's actually good and will get better after you get used to it."

This is bad. Losing blacklists, image resizing, the pool stuff, its all bad.
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