03/30/22 01:36PM
OperationTransport said:
Riley said:
I also just realised all the pools I'd bookmarked on the old Hub are now broken, is there gonna be any way to sync that or will I just have to go through the pools and find them again?

There should be a pool id in the url of your bookmark. You can use that pool id to find the pool page here.

Nah doesn't work. New pool on this site had an ID of 3271, one of the old ones I bookmarked had an ID of 3966 which doesn't exist on this new site
03/30/22 01:37PM
Hypnorgasm said:
When I remove a favorite, it puts me back to page 1 of favorites, no matter what page of favorites I just removed the post from. Not sure if that's a bug, but I'll report it in case.

Press back and reload, you'll go to the last page and reloading will mean the old faves will be gone.
03/30/22 02:02PM
Timo4545 said:
This isn't a case of "change is bad! It's actually good and will get better after you get used to it."

This is bad. Losing blacklists, image resizing, the pool stuff, its all bad.

All in favor of undoing this mistake?
03/30/22 02:20PM
Can't say I'm a fan of the new style at all but, well it seems like something I can get used to. Atleast it's not as bad as discourse... ^^

Sadly there is one thing that really hampers the use of HH now, and that is the "new" search function... while the old search found matches CONTAINING the specified string the new one only finds one STARTING with the input string. This makes finding stuff a lot harder, and with the often subpar tagging it was already inconvenient enough.
Is that WIP, and something that can be changed later?

Still thumbs up for the admins for keeping things running!
03/30/22 02:37PM
is there any way to see your own comments? the 'comments' section of my profile page is unclickable and without that or the ability to search comments (which also seemed to be removed) there is no way to know when someone replied to you, thus there can't be conversations
03/30/22 03:12PM
ShiChiYami said:
For an actual question, now that video posts are allowed, assuming same audio capabilities as rule34, what are the stance on adding files that are just induction type audio? Of course meaning ones that are not held by a third party of from a paywall

Piggybacking off of this and probably others, we could probably use new sticky posts outlining what R34 can and can't do.
03/30/22 03:18PM
I've been in the hub a long time. I pretty much solely used a random sort of my favs when I was here, and now it seems like that feature is gone? I don't know how I'll survive...
03/30/22 03:19PM
When I try to visit on mobile I'm redirected to and given a 403.

edit: this seems to be something about the way my phone autocompletes the url. Manually adding https:// made it work.
03/30/22 03:23PM
here comes vids
03/30/22 03:27PM
megahellreaper said:
Dammit, the ~ for searching multiple tags no longer works. That's a shame.

edit: Is it just me or are pools also broken?

edit 2: btw is there any way to sort your search randomly? sort:random doesn't work I'm afraid.

Sorting by multiple tags uses a different method which is the same way rule34.xx does it which honestly is done really weirdly but anyway, for example if you wanted the expressionless and empty_eyes tag you would type
( expressionless ~ empty_eyes )
Brackets and all with the spaces and the search recognises that as both tags

And I think random doesn't work with this search which is kinda a bummer
03/30/22 03:27PM
Roadmap going forward?
I'm assuming right now your focus is on putting out fires, but then what?

Is there any further development planned beyond bugfixing? Gelbooru has features we're missing, like a wiki and tag implications, are those coming, or are they on a later version of the code that hypnohub won't have access to?
03/30/22 03:31PM
And this is a minor request, but can you please set timestamps to use our local time instead of GMT?
03/30/22 03:38PM
plsignore said:
I'm assuming right now your focus is on putting out fires, but then what?

Is there any further development planned beyond bugfixing? Gelbooru has features we're missing, like a wiki and tag implications, are those coming, or are they on a later version of the code that hypnohub won't have access to?

i think in one of the earlier comments theysaid the wiki will most likly not come
03/30/22 03:45PM
How do I filter by > and <? Is there some equivalent to id:>140000 and the like?

Also, is there a complete guide to this new search method?

03/30/22 03:54PM
Are deleted posts just gone now?
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